Gremlin noReordering query hint - Amazon Neptune

Gremlin noReordering query hint

When you submit a Gremlin traversal, the Neptune query engine investigates the structure of the traversal and reorders parts of the query, trying to minimize the amount of work required for evaluation and query response time. For example, a traversal with multiple constraints, such as multiple has() steps, is typically not evaluated in the given order. Instead it is reordered after the query is checked with static analysis.

The Neptune query engine tries to identify which constraint is more selective and runs that one first. This often results in better performance, but the order in which Neptune chooses to evaluate the query might not always be optimal.

If you know the exact characteristics of the data and want to manually dictate the order of the query execution, you can use the Neptune noReordering query hint to specify that the traversal be evaluated in the order given.


The noReordering query hint is specified by adding a withSideEffect step to the query.

g.withSideEffect('Neptune#noReordering', true or false).gremlin-traversal

All Gremlin query hints side effects are prefixed with Neptune#.

Available Values
  • true

  • false