When an error occurs, a JSON object is returned in the BODY
of the
response. The message
object contains a description of the error.
Error Categories
Error 400
– Syntax errors return an HTTP400
bad request error. The message describes the error.Error 500
– A valid request that cannot be processed returns an HTTP500
internal server error. The message describes the error.
The following are possible error messages from the loader with a description of the error.
Loader Error Messages
Couldn't find the AWS credential for iam_role_arn
(HTTP 400)The credentials were not found. Verify the supplied credentials against the IAM console or AWS CLI output. Make sure that you have added the IAM role specified in
to the cluster. -
S3 bucket not found for source
(HTTP 400)The S3 bucket does not exist. Check the name of the bucket.
The source
(HTTP 400)source-uri
does not exist/not reachableNo matching files were found in the S3 bucket.
Unable to connect to S3 endpoint. Provided source =
(HTTP 500)source-uri
and region =aws-region
Unable to connect to Amazon S3. Region must match the cluster Region. Ensure that you have a VPC endpoint. For information about creating a VPC endpoint, see Creating an Amazon S3 VPC Endpoint.
Bucket is not in provided Region (
(HTTP 400)aws-region
)The bucket must be in the same AWS Region as your Neptune DB instance.
Unable to perform S3 list operation
(HTTP 400)The IAM user or role provided does not have
permissions on the bucket or the folder. Check the policy or the access control list (ACL) on the bucket. -
Start new load operation not permitted on a read replica instance
(HTTP 405)Loading is a write operation. Retry load on the read/write cluster endpoint.
Failed to start load because of unknown error from S3
(HTTP 500)Amazon S3 returned an unknown error. Contact AWS Support
. -
Invalid S3 access key
(HTTP 400)Access key is invalid. Check the provided credentials.
Invalid S3 secret key
(HTTP 400)Secret key is invalid. Check the provided credentials.
Max concurrent load limit breached
(HTTP 400)If a load request is submitted without
"queueRequest" : "TRUE"
, and a load job is currently running, the request will fail with this error. -
Failed to start new load for the source "
(HTTP 400)source name
". Max load task queue size limit breached. Limit is 64Neptune supports queuing up as many as 64 loader jobs at a time. If an additional load request is submitted to the queue when it already contains 64 jobs, the request fails with this message.