HealthOmics API Reference
This document provides detailed information about the AWS HealthOmics API actions and their parameters.
For information about the IAM access control permissions you need to use this API, see Using IAM identity policies to manage permissions.
You can use AWS SDKs
Cryptographically sign your service requests
Retry requests
Handle error responses
The Amazon Web Services General Reference lists the HealthOmics service endpoints for each region. See Service quotas and endpoints for HealthOmics. For each region, HealthOmics provides separate API endpoints for storage API operations, analytics API operations, and workflow API operations. The endpoints take the following format:
region analytics-omics.region workflows-omics.region Examples:
To identify the API operations for storage, analytics, and workflows, see API quotas in the HealthOmics User Guide.
The following resources provide additional information about the HealthOmics API.
Amazon Web Services General Reference
AWS Command Line Interface