Step 3: Set up your environment to run the script - AWS OpsWorks

Step 3: Set up your environment to run the script

Set up your environment to the run the script by using the following command.

pipenv install -r requirements.txt pipenv shell

Currently, the script can only provision single-layer applications in Application Manager. For example, if you run the script twice for two layers in the same stack, the script creates two different applications in Application Manager.

After setting up your environment, review the script parameters. You can view the available options for the migration script by running the python3 --help command.

Parameter Description Required Type Default value
--layer-id Exports a CloudFormation template for this OpsWorks layer ID. Yes string
--region The AWS Region for the OpsWorks stack. If your OpsWorks stack Region and API endpoint Region are different, use the stack Region. This is the same Region as the other resources part of your OpsWorks stack (for example, EC2 instances and subnets). No string us-east-1
--provision-application By default, the script provisions the application exported by the CloudFormation template. Pass this parameter into the script with a value of FALSE to skip provisioning of the CloudFormation template. No Boolean TRUE

This parameter defines whether to use an existing launch template, or create a new launch template. You can create a new launch template that uses the recommended instance properties, or that uses instance properties that match an online instance.

Valid values include:

  • RECOMMENDED - Uses instance characteristics from the latest AMI for the OpsWorks stack's OS and a c5.large instance size.

  • MATCH_LAST_INSTANCE - Uses latest available online instance characteristics.

  • LaunchTemplateID/[LaunchTemplateVersion] - Uses an existing launch template. Optionally, you can provide a template version. If you do not provide a template version, the script uses the default version.


Defines whether to perform kernel and package updates when the instance boots.

Valid values include:

  • ALL_UPDATES - Performs system updates for the kernel and packages when the instance boots.

  • NO_UPDATES - Does not perform system updates when the instance boots.

  • MATCH_LAYER_SETTINGS - Uses the OpsWorks layer's or instance's InstallUpdatesOnBoot property to determine whether to install system updates.

--http-username The name of the Systems Manager SecureString parameter which stores the user name used to authenticate to the HTTP archive that contains the custom cookbooks. No string
--http-password The name of the Systems Manager SecureString parameter which stores the password used to authenticate to the HTTP archive that contains the custom cookbooks. No string
--repo-private-key The name of the Systems Manager SecureString parameter which stores the SSH key used to authenticate to the repository that contains the custom cookbooks. If the repository is on GitHub, you must generate a new Ed25519 SSH key. If you do not generate a new Ed25519 SSH key, the connection to the GitHub repository fails. No string

The type of load balancer, if any, to create when migrating your existing load balancer.

Valid values include:

  • ALB (Application Load Balancer)

  • Classis (Classic Load Balancer)

  • None (if you do not want to create a load balancer)

No string ALB
--lb-access-logs-path The path to an existing S3 bucket and prefix for storing the load balancer access logs. The S3 bucket and load balancer must be in the same Region. If you do not provide a value and the --lb-type parameter value is set to None, the script creates a new S3 bucket and prefix. Be sure there is an appropriate bucket policy for this prefix. No string
--enable-instance-protection If set to TRUE , the script creates a custom termination policy (Lambda function) for your Auto Scaling group. EC2 instances with a protected_instance tag are protected from scale-in events. Add a protected_instance tag to each EC2 instance that you want to protect from scale-in events. No Boolean FALSE
--command-logs-bucket The name of an existing S3 bucket to store the AWSApplyChefRecipe and MountEBSVolumes logs. If you do not provide a value, the script creates a new S3 bucket. No string aws-opsworks-application-manager-logs-account-id
--custom-json-bucket The name of an existing S3 bucket to store custom JSON. If you do not provide a value, the script creates a new S3 bucket. No string aws-apply-chef-application-manager-transition-data-account-id


  • If you use a private GitHub repository, you must create a new Ed25519 host key for SSH. This is because GitHub changed which keys are supported in SSH and removed the unencrypted Git protocol. For more information about the Ed25519 host key, see the GitHub blog post Improving Git protocol security on GitHub. After you generate a new Ed25519 host key, create a Systems Manager SecureString parameter for the SSH key and use the SecureString parameter name as the value for the --repo-private-key parameter. For more information about how to create a Systems Manager SecureString parameter, see Create a SecureString parameter (AWS CLI) or Create a Systems Manager parameter (console) in the AWS Systems Manager User Guide.

  • The --http-username, --http-password and --repo-private-key parameters refer to the name of a Systems Manager SecureString parameter. The migration script uses these parameters when you run the AWS-ApplyChefRecipes document.

  • The --http-username parameter requires that you also specify a value for the --http-password parameter.

  • The --http-password parameter requires that you also specify a value for the --http-username parameter.

  • Do not set values for both --http-password and --repo-private-key. Provide either a Systems Manager SecureString parameter name of an SSH key (--repo-private-key), or a repository user name (--http-username) and password (--http-password).