Tutorial: Creating and configuring an organization - AWS Organizations

Tutorial: Creating and configuring an organization

In this tutorial, you create your organization and configure it with two AWS member accounts. You create one of the member accounts in your organization, and you invite the other account to join your organization. Next, you use the allow list technique to specify that account administrators can delegate only explicitly listed services and actions. This allows administrators to validate any new service that AWS introduces before they permit its use by anyone else in your company. That way, if AWS introduces a new service, it remains prohibited until an administrator adds the service to the allow list in the appropriate policy. The tutorial also shows you how to use a deny list to ensure that no users in a member account can change the configuration for the auditing logs that AWS CloudTrail creates.

The following illustration shows the main steps of the tutorial.

Four-step process for creating an organization, units, policies, and testing restrictions.

Step 1: Create your organization

In this step, you create an organization with your current AWS account as the management account. You also invite one AWS account to join your organization, and you create a second account as a member account.

Step 2: Create the organizational units

Next, you create two organizational units (OUs) in your new organization and place the member accounts in those OUs.

Step 3: Create the service control policies

You can apply restrictions to what actions can be delegated to users and roles in the member accounts by using service control policies (SCPs). In this step, you create two SCPs and attach them to the OUs in your organization.

Step 4: Testing your organization's policies

You can sign in as users from each of the test accounts and see the effects that the SCPs have on the accounts.

None of the steps in this tutorial incurs costs to your AWS bill. AWS Organizations is a free service.


This tutorial assumes that you have access to two existing AWS accounts (you create a third as part of this tutorial) and that you can sign in to each as an administrator.

The tutorial refers to the accounts as the following:

  • 111111111111 – The account that you use to create the organization. This account becomes the management account. The owner of this account has an email address of OrgAccount111@example.com.

  • 222222222222 – An account that you invite to join the organization as a member account. The owner of this account has an email address of member222@example.com.

  • 333333333333 – An account that you create as a member of the organization. The owner of this account has an email address of member333@example.com.

Substitute the values above with the values that are associated with your test accounts. We recommend that you don't use production accounts for this tutorial.

Step 1: Create your organization

In this step, you sign in to account 111111111111 as an administrator, create an organization with that account as the management account, and invite an existing account, 222222222222, to join as a member account.

AWS Management Console
  1. Sign in to AWS as an administrator of account 111111111111 and open the AWS Organizations console.

  2. On the introduction page, choose Create an organization.

  3. In the confirmation dialog box, choose Create an organization.


    By default, the organization is created with all features enabled. You can also create the organization with only consolidated billing features enabled.

    AWS creates the organization and shows you the AWS accounts page. If you're on a different page then choose AWS accounts in the navigation pane on the left.

    If the account you use has never had its email address verified by AWS, a verification email is automatically sent to the address that is associated with your management account. There might be a delay before you receive the verification email.

  4. Verify your email address within 24 hours. For more information, see Email address verification with AWS Organizations.

You now have an organization with your account as its only member. This is the management account of the organization.

Invite an existing account to join your organization

Now that you have an organization, you can begin to populate it with accounts. In the steps in this section, you invite an existing account to join as a member of your organization.

AWS Management Console
To invite an existing account to join
  1. Navigate to the AWS accounts page, and choose Add an AWS account.

  2. On the Add an AWS account page, choose Invite an existing AWS account.

  3. In the box Email address or account ID of an AWS account to invite box, enter the email address of the owner of the account that you want to invite, similar to the following: member222@example.com. Alternatively, if you know the AWS account ID number, then you can enter it instead.

  4. Type any text that you want into the Message to include in the invitation email message box. This text is included in the email that is sent to the owner of the account.

  5. Choose Send invitation. AWS Organizations sends the invitation to the account owner.


    Expand the error message if indicated. If the error indicates that you exceeded your account limits for the organization or that you can't add an account because your organization is still initializing, wait until one hour after you created the organization and try again. If the error persists, contact AWS Support.

  6. For the purposes of this tutorial, you now need to accept your own invitation. Do one of the following to get to the Invitations page in the console:

    • Open the email that AWS sent from the management account and choose the link to accept the invitation. When prompted to sign in, do so as an administrator in the invited member account.

    • Open the AWS Organizations console and navigate to the Invitations page.

  7. On the AWS accounts page, choose Accept and then choose Confirm.


    The invitation receipt could be delayed and you might need to wait before you can accept the invitation.

  8. Sign out of your member account and sign in again as an administrator in your management account.

Create a member account

In the steps in this section, you create an AWS account that is automatically a member of the organization. We refer to this account in the tutorial as 333333333333.

AWS Management Console
To create a member account
  1. On the AWS Organizations console, on the AWS accounts page, choose Add AWS account.

  2. On the Add an AWS account page, choose Create an AWS account.

  3. For AWS account name, enter a name for the account, such as MainApp Account.

  4. For Email address of the account's root user, enter the email address of the individual who is to receive communications on behalf of the account. This value must be globally unique. No two accounts can have the same email address. For example, you might use something like mainapp@example.com.

  5. For IAM role name, you can leave this blank to automatically use the default role name of OrganizationAccountAccessRole, or you can supply your own name. This role enables you to access the new member account when signed in as an IAM user in the management account. For this tutorial, leave it blank to instruct AWS Organizations to create the role with the default name.

  6. Choose Create AWS account. You might need to wait a short while and refresh the page to see the new account appear on the AWS accounts page.


    If you get an error that indicates that you exceeded your account limits for the organization or that you can't add an account because your organization is still initializing, wait until one hour after you created the organization and try again. If the error persists, contact AWS Support.

Step 2: Create the organizational units

In the steps in this section, you create organizational units (OUs) and place your member accounts in them. When you're done, your hierarchy looks like the following illustration. The management account remains in the root. One member account is moved to the Production OU, and the other member account is moved to the MainApp OU, which is a child of Production.

Organizational hierarchy with Root, Production, and MainApp OUs, and three accounts distributed among them.
AWS Management Console
To create and populate the OUs

In the steps that follow, you interact with objects for which you can choose either the name of the object itself, or the radio button next to the object.

  • If you choose the name of the object, you open a new page that displays the objects details.

  • If you choose the radio button next to the object, you are identifying that object to be acted upon by another action, such as choosing a menu option.

The steps that follow have you choose the radio button so that you can then act on the associated object by making menu choices.

  1. On the AWS Organizations console navigate to the AWS accounts page.

  2. Choose the check box Blue checkmark icon indicating confirmation or completion of a task. next to the Root container.

  3. Choose the Actions dropdown, and then under Organizational unit, choose Create new.

  4. On the Create organizational unit in Root page, for the Organizational unit name, enter Production and then choose Create organizational unit.

  5. Choose the check box Blue checkmark icon indicating confirmation or completion of a task. next to your new Production OU.

  6. Choose Actions, and then under Organizational unit, choose Create new.

  7. On the Create organizational unit in Production page, for the name of the second OU, enter MainApp and then choose Create organizational unit.

    Now you can move your member accounts into these OUs.

  8. Return to the AWS accounts page, and then expand the tree under your Production OU by choosing the triangle Gray cloud icon with an arrow pointing downward, indicating download or cloud storage. next to it. This displays the MainApp OU as a child of Production.

  9. Next to 333333333333, choose the check box Blue checkmark icon indicating confirmation or completion of a task. (not its name), choose Actions, and then under AWS account, choose Move.

  10. On the Move AWS account '333333333333' page, choose the triangle next to Production to expand it. Next to MainApp, choose the radio button Blue circular icon with a white checkmark symbol in the center. (not its name), and then choose Move AWS account.

  11. Next to 222222222222, choose the check box Blue checkmark icon indicating confirmation or completion of a task. (not its name), choose Actions, and then under AWS account, choose Move.

  12. On the Move AWS account '222222222222' page, next to Production, choose the radio button (not its name), and then choose Move AWS account.

Step 3: Create the service control policies

In the steps in this section, you create three service control policies (SCPs) and attach them to the root and to the OUs to restrict what users in the organization's accounts can do. The first SCP prevents anyone in any of the member accounts from creating or modifying any AWS CloudTrail logs that you configure. The management account isn't affected by any SCP, so after you apply the CloudTrail SCP, you must create any logs from the management account.

Enable the service control policy type for the organization

Before you can attach a policy of any type to a root or to any OU within a root, you must enable the policy type for the organization. Policy types aren't enabled by default. The steps in this section show you how to enable the service control policy (SCP) type for your organization.

AWS Management Console
To enable SCPs for your organization
  1. Navigate to the Policies page, and then choose Service control policies.

  2. On the Service control policies page, choose Enable service control policies.

    A green banner appears to inform you that you can now create SCPs in your organization.

Create your SCPs

Now that service control policies are enabled in your organization, you can create the three policies that you need for this tutorial.

AWS Management Console
To create the first SCP that blocks CloudTrail configuration actions
  1. Navigate to the Policies page, and then choose Service control policies.

  2. On the Service control policies page, choose Create policy.

  3. For Policy name, enter Block CloudTrail Configuration Actions.

  4. In the Policy section, in the list of services on the right, select CloudTrail for the service. Then choose the following actions: AddTags, CreateTrail, DeleteTrail, RemoveTags, StartLogging, StopLogging, and UpdateTrail.

  5. Still in the right pane, choose Add resource and specify CloudTrail and All Resources. Then choose Add resource.

    The policy statement on the left should look similar to the following.

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "Stmt1234567890123", "Effect": "Deny", "Action": [ "cloudtrail:AddTags", "cloudtrail:CreateTrail", "cloudtrail:DeleteTrail", "cloudtrail:RemoveTags", "cloudtrail:StartLogging", "cloudtrail:StopLogging", "cloudtrail:UpdateTrail" ], "Resource": [ "*" ] } ] }
  6. Choose Create policy.

The second policy defines an allow list of all the services and actions that you want to enable for users and roles in the Production OU. When you're done, users in the Production OU can access only the listed services and actions.

AWS Management Console
To create the second policy that allows approved services for the production OU
  1. From the Service control policies page, choose Create policy.

  2. For Policy name, enter Allow List for All Approved Services.

  3. Position your cursor in the right pane of the Policy section and paste in a policy like the following.

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "Stmt1111111111111", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "ec2:*", "elasticloadbalancing:*", "codecommit:*", "cloudtrail:*", "codedeploy:*" ], "Resource": [ "*" ] } ] }
  4. Choose Create policy.

The final policy provides a deny list of services that are blocked from use in the MainApp OU. For this tutorial, you block access to Amazon DynamoDB in any accounts that are in the MainApp OU.

AWS Management Console
To create the third policy that denies access to services that can't be used in the MainApp OU
  1. From the Service control policies page, choose Create policy.

  2. For Policy name, enter Deny List for MainApp Prohibited Services.

  3. In the Policy section on the left, select Amazon DynamoDB for the service. For the action, choose All actions.

  4. Still in the left pane, choose Add resource and specify DynamoDB and All Resources. Then choose Add resource.

    The policy statement on the right updates to look similar to the following.

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Deny", "Action": [ "dynamodb:*" ], "Resource": [ "*" ] } ] }
  5. Choose Create policy to save the SCP.

Attach the SCPs to your OUs

Now that the SCPs exist and are enabled for your root, you can attach them to the root and OUs.

AWS Management Console
To attach the policies to the root and the OUs
  1. Navigate to the AWS accounts page.

  2. On the AWS accounts page, choose Root (its name, not the radio button) to navigate to its details page.

  3. On the Root details page, choose the Policies tab, and then under Service Control Policies, choose Attach.

  4. On the Attach a service control policy page, choose the radio button next to the SCP named Block CloudTrail Configuration Actions, and then choose Attach. In this tutorial, you attach it to the root so that it affects all member accounts to prevent anyone from altering the way that you configured CloudTrail.

    The Root details page, Policies tab now shows that two SCPs are attached to the root: the one you just attached and the default FullAWSAccess SCP.

  5. Navigate back to the AWS accounts page, and choose the Production OU (it's name, not the radio button) to navigate to its details page.

  6. On the Production OU's details page, choose the Policies tab.

  7. Under Service Control Policies, choose Attach.

  8. On the Attach a service control policy page, choose the radio button next to Allow List for All Approved Services, and then choose Attach. This enables users or roles in member accounts in the Production OU to access the approved services.

  9. Choose the Policies tab again to see that two SCPs are attached to the OU: the one that you just attached and the default FullAWSAccess SCP. However, because the FullAWSAccess SCP is also an allow list that allows all services and actions, you must now detach this SCP to ensure that only your approved services are allowed.

  10. To remove the default policy from the Production OU, choose the radio button to FullAWSAccess, choose Detach, and then on the confirmation dialog box, choose Detach policy.

    After you remove this default policy, all member accounts under the Production OU immediately lose access to all actions and services that are not on the allow list SCP that you attached in the preceding steps. Any requests to use actions that aren't included in the Allow List for All Approved Services SCP are denied. This is true even if an administrator in an account grants access to another service by attaching an IAM permissions policy to a user in one of the member accounts.

  11. Now you can attach the SCP named Deny List for MainApp Prohibited services to prevent anyone in the accounts in the MainApp OU from using any of the restricted services.

    To do this, navigate to the AWS accounts page, choose the triangle icon to expand the Production OU's branch, and then choose the MainApp OU (it's name, not the radio button) to navigate to its contents.

  12. On the MainApp details page, choose the Policies tab.

  13. Under Service Control Policies, choose Attach, and then in the list of available policies, choose the radio button next to Deny List for MainApp Prohibited Services, and then choose Attach policy.

Step 4: Testing your organization's policies

You now can sign in as a user in any of the member accounts and try to perform various AWS actions:

  • If you sign in as a user in the management account, you can perform any operation that is allowed by your IAM permissions policies. The SCPs don't affect any user or role in the management account, no matter which root or OU the account is located in.

  • If you sign in as a user in account 222222222222, you can perform any actions that are allowed by the allow list. AWS Organizations denies any attempt to perform an action in any service that isn't in the allow list. Also, AWS Organizations denies any attempt to perform one of the CloudTrail configuration actions.

  • If you sign in as a user in account 333333333333, you can perform any actions that are allowed by the allow list and not blocked by the deny list. AWS Organizations denies any attempt to perform an action that isn't in the allow list policy and any action that is in the deny list policy. Also, AWS Organizations denies any attempt to perform one of the CloudTrail configuration actions.