Troubleshooting campaigns - Amazon Pinpoint

Troubleshooting campaigns

Verify that logging is turned on to assist in identifying the cause of failure. For more information, see Monitoring and logging.

Some endpoints were not processed or targeted successfully by the campaign

Endpoints targeted: The total number of endpoints for the chosen channel that will be sent a message when the campaign runs. This total excludes duplicate or inactive endpoints from the segment.

Endpoints processed: The total number of successfully targeted endpoints that were sent a message in the campaign run.

Issues and solutions
  • It's possible that the number of endpoints that were successfully processed is lower than the number of total endpoints in the segment. This difference can happen when the segment contains inactive endpoints or endpoints that are of channel types that are not used by the campaign. You can view Metrics for individual campaigns under a specific channel associated with your campaign.

  • When using a dynamic segment, you might not get an accurate count of the number of endpoints per channel contained in the target segment by exporting the segment. The endpoint data in such segments are subject to change over time based on the criteria defined in the dynamic segment.

Message throttling

Issues and solutions
  • Throttling due to downstream message delivery and carrier services.

    • Review the Amazon CloudWatch metric CampaignSendMessageThrottled during the time frame that the campaign ran to confirm whether this is the issue. For more information, see View Amazon Pinpoint metrics in CloudWatch.

    • Throttling occurs when the endpoint delivery rate capability is exceeded. For more information, see Amazon Pinpoint quotas.

Recipients timezone

Issues and solutions
  • Schedule the campaign to use recipient's local time by setting isLocalTime to true.

    • When a campaign is scheduled to use a recipient's local time for the campaign, all endpoints must have a Demographic.Timezone attribute value that is formatted correctly in the endpoint definition. Otherwise, the endpoint won't be targeted successfully. The isLocalTime option bases the delivery time on each recipient's local time zone.

Processing time

Issues and solutions
  • The campaign doesn't have sufficient time to process all endpoints.

    • When a campaign doesn't have sufficient time to process all targeted endpoints, the endpoints aren't processed and logs show a campaign_send_status of EXPIRED.

    • Based on the number of endpoints being targeted by your campaign, verify that the Maximum amount of time for a campaign run and Maximum number of messages per second is configured based on your use case and delivery channel. For more information, see Editing a project's default settings.

Delivery, render or permanent failure

  • Downstream delivery issues, including rendering issues.

    • Delivery issues can occur when reaching the different endpoint types. Verify that logging is enabled to assist in identifying the cause of the failure. To troubleshoot downstream delivery issues further, see the delivery issues associated with the corresponding endpoint type .

    • Rendering issues occur for the following reasons: when a message template is used and template data is missing, template data is incorrectly formatted, or there's a mismatch between the template parameters and endpoint data. For more information, see the email section under delivery issues. .

  • Permanent failure.

    • Permanent failures occur when the endpoint address might not be reached by Amazon Pinpoint. The reason for the permanent error is displayed in the logs. Permanent failures are not retried. Examples of permanent failures can include invalid address, such as an email address or a phone number, as well as permission issues, account in a sandbox, or insufficient quota.