AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
Command Reference

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Name Description
Add-QSResourceTag Calls the Amazon QuickSight TagResource API operation.
Find-QSGroup Calls the Amazon QuickSight SearchGroups API operation.
Get-QSAccountCustomization Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeAccountCustomization API operation.
Get-QSAccountSetting Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeAccountSettings API operation.
Get-QSAccountSubscription Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeAccountSubscription API operation.
Get-QSAnalysis Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeAnalysis API operation.
Get-QSAnalysisDefinition Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeAnalysisDefinition API operation.
Get-QSAnalysisList Calls the Amazon QuickSight ListAnalyses API operation.
Get-QSAnalysisPermission Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeAnalysisPermissions API operation.
Get-QSAssetBundleExportJob Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeAssetBundleExportJob API operation.
Get-QSAssetBundleExportJobList Calls the Amazon QuickSight ListAssetBundleExportJobs API operation.
Get-QSAssetBundleImportJob Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeAssetBundleImportJob API operation.
Get-QSAssetBundleImportJobList Calls the Amazon QuickSight ListAssetBundleImportJobs API operation.
Get-QSDashboard Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeDashboard API operation.
Get-QSDashboardDefinition Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeDashboardDefinition API operation.
Get-QSDashboardEmbedUrl Calls the Amazon QuickSight GetDashboardEmbedUrl API operation.
Get-QSDashboardList Calls the Amazon QuickSight ListDashboards API operation.
Get-QSDashboardPermission Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeDashboardPermissions API operation.
Get-QSDashboardSnapshotJob Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeDashboardSnapshotJob API operation.
Get-QSDashboardSnapshotJobResult Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeDashboardSnapshotJobResult API operation.
Get-QSDashboardVersionList Calls the Amazon QuickSight ListDashboardVersions API operation.
Get-QSDataSet Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeDataSet API operation.
Get-QSDataSetList Calls the Amazon QuickSight ListDataSets API operation.
Get-QSDataSetPermission Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeDataSetPermissions API operation.
Get-QSDataSetRefreshProperty Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeDataSetRefreshProperties API operation.
Get-QSDataSource Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeDataSource API operation.
Get-QSDataSourceList Calls the Amazon QuickSight ListDataSources API operation.
Get-QSDataSourcePermission Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeDataSourcePermissions API operation.
Get-QSFolder Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeFolder API operation.
Get-QSFolderList Calls the Amazon QuickSight ListFolders API operation.
Get-QSFolderMemberList Calls the Amazon QuickSight ListFolderMembers API operation.
Get-QSFolderPermission Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeFolderPermissions API operation.
Get-QSFolderResolvedPermission Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeFolderResolvedPermissions API operation.
Get-QSGroup Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeGroup API operation.
Get-QSGroupList Calls the Amazon QuickSight ListGroups API operation.
Get-QSGroupMembership Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeGroupMembership API operation.
Get-QSGroupMembershipList Calls the Amazon QuickSight ListGroupMemberships API operation.
Get-QSIAMPolicyAssignment Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeIAMPolicyAssignment API operation.
Get-QSIAMPolicyAssignmentList Calls the Amazon QuickSight ListIAMPolicyAssignments API operation.
Get-QSIAMPolicyAssignmentsForUserList Calls the Amazon QuickSight ListIAMPolicyAssignmentsForUser API operation.
Get-QSIdentityPropagationConfigList Calls the Amazon QuickSight ListIdentityPropagationConfigs API operation.
Get-QSIngestion Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeIngestion API operation.
Get-QSIngestionList Calls the Amazon QuickSight ListIngestions API operation.
Get-QSIpRestriction Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeIpRestriction API operation.
Get-QSKeyRegistration Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeKeyRegistration API operation.
Get-QSNamespace Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeNamespace API operation.
Get-QSNamespaceList Calls the Amazon QuickSight ListNamespaces API operation.
Get-QSRefreshSchedule Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeRefreshSchedule API operation.
Get-QSRefreshScheduleList Calls the Amazon QuickSight ListRefreshSchedules API operation.
Get-QSResourceTag Calls the Amazon QuickSight ListTagsForResource API operation.
Get-QSRoleCustomPermission Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeRoleCustomPermission API operation.
Get-QSRoleMembershipList Calls the Amazon QuickSight ListRoleMemberships API operation.
Get-QSSessionEmbedUrl Calls the Amazon QuickSight GetSessionEmbedUrl API operation.
Get-QSTemplate Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeTemplate API operation.
Get-QSTemplateAlias Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeTemplateAlias API operation.
Get-QSTemplateAliasList Calls the Amazon QuickSight ListTemplateAliases API operation.
Get-QSTemplateDefinition Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeTemplateDefinition API operation.
Get-QSTemplateList Calls the Amazon QuickSight ListTemplates API operation.
Get-QSTemplatePermission Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeTemplatePermissions API operation.
Get-QSTemplateVersionList Calls the Amazon QuickSight ListTemplateVersions API operation.
Get-QSTheme Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeTheme API operation.
Get-QSThemeAlias Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeThemeAlias API operation.
Get-QSThemeAliasList Calls the Amazon QuickSight ListThemeAliases API operation.
Get-QSThemeList Calls the Amazon QuickSight ListThemes API operation.
Get-QSThemePermission Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeThemePermissions API operation.
Get-QSThemeVersionList Calls the Amazon QuickSight ListThemeVersions API operation.
Get-QSTopic Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeTopic API operation.
Get-QSTopicList Calls the Amazon QuickSight ListTopics API operation.
Get-QSTopicPermission Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeTopicPermissions API operation.
Get-QSTopicRefresh Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeTopicRefresh API operation.
Get-QSTopicRefreshSchedule Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeTopicRefreshSchedule API operation.
Get-QSTopicRefreshScheduleList Calls the Amazon QuickSight ListTopicRefreshSchedules API operation.
Get-QSTopicReviewedAnswerList Calls the Amazon QuickSight ListTopicReviewedAnswers API operation.
Get-QSUser Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeUser API operation.
Get-QSUserGroupList Calls the Amazon QuickSight ListUserGroups API operation.
Get-QSUserList Calls the Amazon QuickSight ListUsers API operation.
Get-QSVPCConnection Calls the Amazon QuickSight DescribeVPCConnection API operation.
Get-QSVPCConnectionList Calls the Amazon QuickSight ListVPCConnections API operation.
New-QSAccountCustomization Calls the Amazon QuickSight CreateAccountCustomization API operation.
New-QSAccountSubscription Calls the Amazon QuickSight CreateAccountSubscription API operation.
New-QSAnalysis Calls the Amazon QuickSight CreateAnalysis API operation.
New-QSDashboard Calls the Amazon QuickSight CreateDashboard API operation.
New-QSDataSet Calls the Amazon QuickSight CreateDataSet API operation.
New-QSDataSource Calls the Amazon QuickSight CreateDataSource API operation.
New-QSEmbedUrlForAnonymousUser Calls the Amazon QuickSight GenerateEmbedUrlForAnonymousUser API operation.
New-QSEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser Calls the Amazon QuickSight GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser API operation.
New-QSFolder Calls the Amazon QuickSight CreateFolder API operation.
New-QSFolderMembership Calls the Amazon QuickSight CreateFolderMembership API operation.
New-QSGroup Calls the Amazon QuickSight CreateGroup API operation.
New-QSGroupMembership Calls the Amazon QuickSight CreateGroupMembership API operation.
New-QSIAMPolicyAssignment Calls the Amazon QuickSight CreateIAMPolicyAssignment API operation.
New-QSIngestion Calls the Amazon QuickSight CreateIngestion API operation.
New-QSNamespace Calls the Amazon QuickSight CreateNamespace API operation.
New-QSRefreshSchedule Calls the Amazon QuickSight CreateRefreshSchedule API operation.
New-QSRoleMembership Calls the Amazon QuickSight CreateRoleMembership API operation.
New-QSTemplate Calls the Amazon QuickSight CreateTemplate API operation.
New-QSTemplateAlias Calls the Amazon QuickSight CreateTemplateAlias API operation.
New-QSTheme Calls the Amazon QuickSight CreateTheme API operation.
New-QSThemeAlias Calls the Amazon QuickSight CreateThemeAlias API operation.
New-QSTopic Calls the Amazon QuickSight CreateTopic API operation.
New-QSTopicRefreshSchedule Calls the Amazon QuickSight CreateTopicRefreshSchedule API operation.
New-QSVPCConnection Calls the Amazon QuickSight CreateVPCConnection API operation.
Register-QSUser Calls the Amazon QuickSight RegisterUser API operation.
Remove-QSAccountCustomization Calls the Amazon QuickSight DeleteAccountCustomization API operation.
Remove-QSAccountSubscription Calls the Amazon QuickSight DeleteAccountSubscription API operation.
Remove-QSAnalysis Calls the Amazon QuickSight DeleteAnalysis API operation.
Remove-QSDashboard Calls the Amazon QuickSight DeleteDashboard API operation.
Remove-QSDataSet Calls the Amazon QuickSight DeleteDataSet API operation.
Remove-QSDataSetRefreshProperty Calls the Amazon QuickSight DeleteDataSetRefreshProperties API operation.
Remove-QSDataSource Calls the Amazon QuickSight DeleteDataSource API operation.
Remove-QSFolder Calls the Amazon QuickSight DeleteFolder API operation.
Remove-QSFolderMembership Calls the Amazon QuickSight DeleteFolderMembership API operation.
Remove-QSGroup Calls the Amazon QuickSight DeleteGroup API operation.
Remove-QSGroupMembership Calls the Amazon QuickSight DeleteGroupMembership API operation.
Remove-QSIAMPolicyAssignment Calls the Amazon QuickSight DeleteIAMPolicyAssignment API operation.
Remove-QSIdentityPropagationConfig Calls the Amazon QuickSight DeleteIdentityPropagationConfig API operation.
Remove-QSNamespace Calls the Amazon QuickSight DeleteNamespace API operation.
Remove-QSRefreshSchedule Calls the Amazon QuickSight DeleteRefreshSchedule API operation.
Remove-QSResourceTag Calls the Amazon QuickSight UntagResource API operation.
Remove-QSRoleCustomPermission Calls the Amazon QuickSight DeleteRoleCustomPermission API operation.
Remove-QSRoleMembership Calls the Amazon QuickSight DeleteRoleMembership API operation.
Remove-QSTemplate Calls the Amazon QuickSight DeleteTemplate API operation.
Remove-QSTemplateAlias Calls the Amazon QuickSight DeleteTemplateAlias API operation.
Remove-QSTheme Calls the Amazon QuickSight DeleteTheme API operation.
Remove-QSThemeAlias Calls the Amazon QuickSight DeleteThemeAlias API operation.
Remove-QSTopic Calls the Amazon QuickSight DeleteTopic API operation.
Remove-QSTopicRefreshSchedule Calls the Amazon QuickSight DeleteTopicRefreshSchedule API operation.
Remove-QSUser Calls the Amazon QuickSight DeleteUser API operation.
Remove-QSUserByPrincipalId Calls the Amazon QuickSight DeleteUserByPrincipalId API operation.
Remove-QSVPCConnection Calls the Amazon QuickSight DeleteVPCConnection API operation.
Restore-QSAnalysis Calls the Amazon QuickSight RestoreAnalysis API operation.
Search-QSAnalysis Calls the Amazon QuickSight SearchAnalyses API operation.
Search-QSDashboard Calls the Amazon QuickSight SearchDashboards API operation.
Search-QSDataSet Calls the Amazon QuickSight SearchDataSets API operation.
Search-QSDataSource Calls the Amazon QuickSight SearchDataSources API operation.
Search-QSFolder Calls the Amazon QuickSight SearchFolders API operation.
Set-QSBatchCreateTopicReviewedAnswer Calls the Amazon QuickSight BatchCreateTopicReviewedAnswer API operation.
Set-QSBatchDeleteTopicReviewedAnswer Calls the Amazon QuickSight BatchDeleteTopicReviewedAnswer API operation.
Start-QSAssetBundleExportJob Calls the Amazon QuickSight StartAssetBundleExportJob API operation.
Start-QSAssetBundleImportJob Calls the Amazon QuickSight StartAssetBundleImportJob API operation.
Start-QSDashboardSnapshotJob Calls the Amazon QuickSight StartDashboardSnapshotJob API operation.
Stop-QSIngestion Calls the Amazon QuickSight CancelIngestion API operation.
Update-QSAccountCustomization Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdateAccountCustomization API operation.
Update-QSAccountSetting Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdateAccountSettings API operation.
Update-QSAnalysis Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdateAnalysis API operation.
Update-QSAnalysisPermission Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdateAnalysisPermissions API operation.
Update-QSDashboard Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdateDashboard API operation.
Update-QSDashboardLink Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdateDashboardLinks API operation.
Update-QSDashboardPermission Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdateDashboardPermissions API operation.
Update-QSDashboardPublishedVersion Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdateDashboardPublishedVersion API operation.
Update-QSDataSet Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdateDataSet API operation.
Update-QSDataSetPermission Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdateDataSetPermissions API operation.
Update-QSDataSource Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdateDataSource API operation.
Update-QSDataSourcePermission Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdateDataSourcePermissions API operation.
Update-QSFolder Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdateFolder API operation.
Update-QSFolderPermission Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdateFolderPermissions API operation.
Update-QSGroup Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdateGroup API operation.
Update-QSIAMPolicyAssignment Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdateIAMPolicyAssignment API operation.
Update-QSIdentityPropagationConfig Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdateIdentityPropagationConfig API operation.
Update-QSIpRestriction Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdateIpRestriction API operation.
Update-QSKeyRegistration Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdateKeyRegistration API operation.
Update-QSPublicSharingSetting Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdatePublicSharingSettings API operation.
Update-QSRefreshSchedule Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdateRefreshSchedule API operation.
Update-QSRoleCustomPermission Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdateRoleCustomPermission API operation.
Update-QSSPICECapacityConfiguration Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdateSPICECapacityConfiguration API operation.
Update-QSTemplate Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdateTemplate API operation.
Update-QSTemplateAlias Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdateTemplateAlias API operation.
Update-QSTemplatePermission Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdateTemplatePermissions API operation.
Update-QSTheme Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdateTheme API operation.
Update-QSThemeAlias Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdateThemeAlias API operation.
Update-QSThemePermission Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdateThemePermissions API operation.
Update-QSTopic Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdateTopic API operation.
Update-QSTopicPermission Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdateTopicPermissions API operation.
Update-QSTopicRefreshSchedule Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdateTopicRefreshSchedule API operation.
Update-QSUser Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdateUser API operation.
Update-QSVPCConnection Calls the Amazon QuickSight UpdateVPCConnection API operation.
Write-QSDataSetRefreshProperty Calls the Amazon QuickSight PutDataSetRefreshProperties API operation.