AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
Command Reference

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Calls the Amazon QuickSight GetDashboardEmbedUrl API operation.


-DashboardId <String>
-AdditionalDashboardId <String[]>
-AwsAccountId <String>
-IdentityType <EmbeddingIdentityType>
-Namespace <String>
-ResetDisabled <Boolean>
-SessionLifetimeInMinute <Int64>
-StatePersistenceEnabled <Boolean>
-UndoRedoDisabled <Boolean>
-UserArn <String>
-Select <String>
-PassThru <SwitchParameter>
-ClientConfig <AmazonQuickSightConfig>


Generates a temporary session URL and authorization code(bearer token) that you can use to embed an Amazon QuickSight read-only dashboard in your website or application. Before you use this command, make sure that you have configured the dashboards and permissions. Currently, you can use GetDashboardEmbedURL only from the server, not from the user's browser. The following rules apply to the generated URL:
  • They must be used together.
  • They can be used one time only.
  • They are valid for 5 minutes after you run this command.
  • You are charged only when the URL is used or there is interaction with Amazon QuickSight.
  • The resulting user session is valid for 15 minutes (default) up to 10 hours (maximum). You can use the optional SessionLifetimeInMinutes parameter to customize session duration.
For more information, see Embedding Analytics Using GetDashboardEmbedUrl in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide. For more information about the high-level steps for embedding and for an interactive demo of the ways you can customize embedding, visit the Amazon QuickSight Developer Portal.


-AdditionalDashboardId <String[]>
A list of one or more dashboard IDs that you want anonymous users to have tempporary access to. Currently, the IdentityType parameter must be set to ANONYMOUS because other identity types authenticate as Amazon QuickSight or IAM users. For example, if you set "--dashboard-id dash_id1 --dashboard-id dash_id2 dash_id3 identity-type ANONYMOUS", the session can access all three dashboards.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-AwsAccountId <String>
The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the dashboard that you're embedding.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-ClientConfig <AmazonQuickSightConfig>
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-DashboardId <String>
The ID for the dashboard, also added to the Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
-IdentityType <EmbeddingIdentityType>
The authentication method that the user uses to sign in.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-Namespace <String>
The Amazon QuickSight namespace that contains the dashboard IDs in this request. If you're not using a custom namespace, set Namespace = default.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-PassThru <SwitchParameter>
Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the DashboardId parameter. The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^DashboardId' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-ResetDisabled <Boolean>
Remove the reset button on the embedded dashboard. The default is FALSE, which enables the reset button.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-Select <String>
Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'EmbedUrl'. Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.QuickSight.Model.GetDashboardEmbedUrlResponse). Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.QuickSight.Model.GetDashboardEmbedUrlResponse will result in that property being returned. Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-SessionLifetimeInMinute <Int64>
How many minutes the session is valid. The session lifetime must be 15-600 minutes.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-StatePersistenceEnabled <Boolean>
Adds persistence of state for the user session in an embedded dashboard. Persistence applies to the sheet and the parameter settings. These are control settings that the dashboard subscriber (Amazon QuickSight reader) chooses while viewing the dashboard. If this is set to TRUE, the settings are the same when the subscriber reopens the same dashboard URL. The state is stored in Amazon QuickSight, not in a browser cookie. If this is set to FALSE, the state of the user session is not persisted. The default is FALSE.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-UndoRedoDisabled <Boolean>
Remove the undo/redo button on the embedded dashboard. The default is FALSE, which enables the undo/redo button.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-UserArn <String>
The Amazon QuickSight user's Amazon Resource Name (ARN), for use with QUICKSIGHT identity type. You can use this for any Amazon QuickSight users in your account (readers, authors, or admins) authenticated as one of the following:
  • Active Directory (AD) users or group members
  • Invited nonfederated users
  • IAM users and IAM role-based sessions authenticated through Federated Single Sign-On using SAML, OpenID Connect, or IAM federation.
Omit this parameter for users in the third group – IAM users and IAM role-based sessions.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)

Common Credential and Region Parameters

-AccessKey <String>
The AWS access key for the user account. This can be a temporary access key if the corresponding session token is supplied to the -SessionToken parameter.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-Credential <AWSCredentials>
An AWSCredentials object instance containing access and secret key information, and optionally a token for session-based credentials.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
-EndpointUrl <String>
The endpoint to make the call against.Note: This parameter is primarily for internal AWS use and is not required/should not be specified for normal usage. The cmdlets normally determine which endpoint to call based on the region specified to the -Region parameter or set as default in the shell (via Set-DefaultAWSRegion). Only specify this parameter if you must direct the call to a specific custom endpoint.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-NetworkCredential <PSCredential>
Used with SAML-based authentication when ProfileName references a SAML role profile. Contains the network credentials to be supplied during authentication with the configured identity provider's endpoint. This parameter is not required if the user's default network identity can or should be used during authentication.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
-ProfileLocation <String>
Used to specify the name and location of the ini-format credential file (shared with the AWS CLI and other AWS SDKs)If this optional parameter is omitted this cmdlet will search the encrypted credential file used by the AWS SDK for .NET and AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio first. If the profile is not found then the cmdlet will search in the ini-format credential file at the default location: (user's home directory)\.aws\credentials.If this parameter is specified then this cmdlet will only search the ini-format credential file at the location given.As the current folder can vary in a shell or during script execution it is advised that you use specify a fully qualified path instead of a relative path.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
AliasesAWSProfilesLocation, ProfilesLocation
-ProfileName <String>
The user-defined name of an AWS credentials or SAML-based role profile containing credential information. The profile is expected to be found in the secure credential file shared with the AWS SDK for .NET and AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio. You can also specify the name of a profile stored in the .ini-format credential file used with the AWS CLI and other AWS SDKs.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
AliasesStoredCredentials, AWSProfileName
-Region <Object>
The system name of an AWS region or an AWSRegion instance. This governs the endpoint that will be used when calling service operations. Note that the AWS resources referenced in a call are usually region-specific.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-SecretKey <String>
The AWS secret key for the user account. This can be a temporary secret key if the corresponding session token is supplied to the -SessionToken parameter.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
AliasesSK, SecretAccessKey
-SessionToken <String>
The session token if the access and secret keys are temporary session-based credentials.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)


This cmdlet returns a System.String object. The service call response (type Amazon.QuickSight.Model.GetDashboardEmbedUrlResponse) can also be referenced from properties attached to the cmdlet entry in the $AWSHistory stack.

Supported Version

AWS Tools for PowerShell: 2.x.y.z