Create a service - AWS Proton

Create a service

To deploy an application with AWS Proton, as a developer, you create a service and provide the following inputs.

  1. The name of an AWS Proton service template that's published by the platform team.

  2. A name for the service.

  3. The number of service instances that you want to deploy.

  4. A selection of environments that you want to use.

  5. A connection to your code repository if you're using a service template that includes a service pipeline (optional).

What's in a service?

When you create an AWS Proton service, you can choose from two different types of service templates:

  • A service template that includes a service pipeline (default).

  • A service template that doesn't include a service pipeline.

You must create at least one service instance when you create your service.

A service instance and optional pipeline are associated with a service. You can only create or delete a pipeline within the context of service create and delete actions. To learn how to add and remove instances from a service, see Edit a service.


Your environment is configured for either AWS- or self-managed provisioning. AWS Proton provisions services in an environment using the same provisioning method as the environment uses. The developer creating or updating service instances doesn't see the difference and their experience is the same in both case.

For more information about provisioning methods, see How AWS Proton provisions infrastructure.

Service templates

Both major and minor versions of service templates are available. When you use the console, you select the latest Recommended major and minor version of the service template. When you use the AWS CLI and you specify only the major version of the service template, you implicitly specify its latest Recommended minor version.

The following describes the difference between major and minor template versions and their use.

  • New versions of a template become Recommended as soon as they're approved by a member of the platform team. This means that new services are created using that version, and you're prompted to update existing services to the new version.

  • Through AWS Proton, the platform team can automatically update service instances to a new minor version of a service template. Minor versions must be backward compatible.

  • Because major versions require you to provide new inputs as part of the update process, you need to update your service to a major version of its service template. Major versions aren't backward compatible.

Create a service

The following procedures show how to use the AWS Proton console or AWS CLI to create a service with or without a service pipeline.

AWS Management Console
Create a service as shown in the following console steps.
  1. In the AWS Proton console, choose Services.

  2. Choose Create service.

  3. In the Choose a service template page, select a template and choose Configure.

    When you don't want to use an enabled pipeline, choose a template marked with Excludes pipeline for your service.

  4. In the Configure service page, in the Service settings section, enter an Service name.

  5. (Optional) Enter a description for the service.

  6. In the Service repository settings section:
    1. For CodeStar Connection, choose your connection from the list.

    2. For Repository ID, choose the name of your source code repository from the list.

    3. For Branch name, choose the name of your source code repository branch from the list.

  7. (Optional) In the Tags section, choose Add new tag and enter a key and value to create a customer managed tag.

  8. Choose Next.

  9. In the Configure custom settings page, in the Service instances section, in the New instance section. You must enter values for the required parameters. You can enter values for the optional parameters or use the defaults when given.

  10. In the Pipeline inputs section, you must enter values for the required parameters. You can enter values for the optional parameters or use the defaults when given.

  11. Choose Next and review your inputs.

  12. Choose Create.

    View the service details and status, as well as the AWS managed tags and customer managed tags for your service.

  13. In the navigation pane, choose Services.

    A new page displays a list of your services along with the status and other service details.


When you use the AWS CLI, you specify service inputs in a YAML formatted spec file, .aws-proton/service.yaml, located in your source code directory.

You can use the CLI get-service-template-minor-version command to view the schema required and optional parameters that you provide values for in your spec file.

If you want to use a service template that has pipelineProvisioning: "CUSTOMER_MANAGED", don’t include the pipeline: section in your spec and don’t include -repository-connection-arn, -repository-id, and -branch-name parameters in your create-service command.

Create a service with a service pipeline as shown in the following CLI steps.

  1. Set up the service role for the pipeline as shown in the following CLI example command.


    $ aws proton update-account-settings \ --pipeline-service-role-arn "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/AWSProtonServiceRole"
  2. The following listing shows an example spec, based on the service template schema, that includes the service pipeline and instance inputs.


    proton: ServiceSpec pipeline: my_sample_pipeline_required_input: "hello" my_sample_pipeline_optional_input: "bye" instances: - name: "acme-network-dev" environment: "ENV_NAME" spec: my_sample_service_instance_required_input: "hi" my_sample_service_instance_optional_input: "ho"

    Create a service with a pipeline as shown in the following CLI example command and response.


    $ aws proton create-service \ --name "MySimpleService" \ --branch-name "mainline" \ --template-major-version "1" \ --template-name "fargate-service" \ --repository-connection-arn "arn:aws:codestar-connections:region-id:123456789012:connection/a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111" \ --repository-id "myorg/myapp" \ --spec "file://spec.yaml"


    { "service": { "arn": "arn:aws:proton:region-id:123456789012:service/MySimpleService", "createdAt": "2020-11-18T19:50:27.460000+00:00", "lastModifiedAt": "2020-11-18T19:50:27.460000+00:00", "name": "MySimpleService", "repositoryConnectionArn": "arn:aws:codestar-connections:region-id:123456789012:connection/a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111", "repositoryId": "myorg/myapp", "status": "CREATE_IN_PROGRESS", "templateName": "fargate-service" } }

Create a service without a service pipeline as shown in the following CLI example command and response.

The following shows an example spec that doesn't include service pipeline inputs.


proton: ServiceSpec instances: - name: "acme-network-dev" environment: "ENV_NAME" spec: my_sample_service_instance_required_input: "hi" my_sample_service_instance_optional_input: "ho"

To create a service without a provisioned service pipeline, you provide the path to a spec.yaml and you don't include repository parameters as shown in the following CLI example command and response.


$ aws proton create-service \ --name "MySimpleServiceNoPipeline" \ --template-major-version "1" \ --template-name "fargate-service" \ --spec "file://spec-no-pipeline.yaml"


{ "service": { "arn": "arn:aws:proton:region-id:123456789012:service/MySimpleServiceNoPipeline", "createdAt": "2020-11-18T19:50:27.460000+00:00", "lastModifiedAt": "2020-11-18T19:50:27.460000+00:00", "name": "MySimpleServiceNoPipeline", "status": "CREATE_IN_PROGRESS", "templateName": "fargate-service-no-pipeline" } }