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Use Mechanical Turk notifications - Amazon Mechanical Turk
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Use Mechanical Turk notifications

Amazon Mechanical Turk (Mechanical Turk) has a notifications capability that can be used to trigger actions when your HITs reach various stages. Using notifications, you can process the results of assignments and HITs immediately after they are submitted to evaluate worker submissions or begin downstream processing of data. This allows you to integrate Mechanical Turk more easily into your processes and can support moving from batch processing of data to a real-time approach.

Common use cases include:

  • Immediately add more assignments to a HIT when there is disagreement between workers that have responded.

  • Update a database with the results of the HIT.

  • Evaluate worker submissions as soon as they are submitted so you can take action if workers are consistently making errors.

  • Chain multiple Mechanical Turk steps together by triggering the next step when a HIT is completed.

Notification event types

Notifications are associated with a HIT Type. You can request that Mechanical Turk send a notification when any of the following events occur for HITs using a given HIT Type.

  • AssignmentAccepted: A worker has accepted a HIT and has an assignment.

  • AssignmentAbandoned: An assignment has been abandoned because the assignment duration has elapsed.

  • AssignmentReturned: A worker has chosen to return an assignment rather than complete the task.

  • AssignmentSubmitted: A worker has submitted an assignment.

  • AssignmentRejected: You have rejected an assignment.

  • AssignmentApproved: An assignment has been approved.

  • HITCreated: A HIT has been created using the HIT Type.

  • HITExtended: Assignments have been added to a HIT.

  • HITDisposed: A HIT has been disposed.

  • HITReviewable: A HIT has reached the Reviewable state, either because all of the assignments have been submitted or the HIT has expired.

  • HITExpired: The HIT has expired (the lifetime has elapsed) before all of the available assignments have been submitted.

  • Ping: Is only be sent when using the SendTestEventNotification operation.

The AssignmentSubmitted and HITReviewable events are the most commonly used event notifications because they allow you to setup processes that can be triggered as soon as an assignment or HIT is complete. Using the HITReviewable notification, you can immediately update a database or other system with the values returned by the HIT. The HITExpired event is also useful because it can be treated as a dead letter queue, letting you act on tasks that weren't completed by workers. Using the HITExpired notification, you might sideline tasks to be completed by members of your team, or attempt to repost them at a higher reward amount.

Notification destination

Notifications can be sent to either an Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue or an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic. In both cases, multiple events may be batched into a single message if appropriate.

To set up an Amazon SQS queue for use with Mechanical Turk, follow the setup instructions found in Notification Handling Using Amazon SQS. To set up an Amazon SNS topic, follow the steps in Notification Handling Using Amazon SNS. Note that in both cases, you need to configure permissions properly to allow Mechanical Turk to send messages to your topic or queue.

Enabling Notifications

Notifications can be enabled for a HIT Type using the UpdateNotificationSettings operation. The following is an example of a request to receive a message on an Amazon SNS topic when HITs become reviewable.

     {        'HITTypeId': '3AKE04YHPN13791QQA6EXAMPLE',        'Notification': {          'Destination': 'arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:7429088EXAMPLE:my_mturk_topic',          'Transport': 'SNS',          'Version': '2014-08-15',          'EventTypes': ['HITReviewable']        },        'Active': True       }  

The notification data structure specifies the ARN of the destination you want to receive the messages, specifies that the Transport is either Amazon SNS or Amazon SQS, and includes a list of the event types about which you want to be notified. The only valid value for Version is '2014-08-15'. The Active value indicates if the notification should be enabled.

Because only one notification configuration can be assigned to a HIT Type, calling UpdateNotificationSettings with a new value for notification replaces any existing notifications. You can call UpdateNotificationSettings with just the HITTypeId and a value for Active if you want to enable or disable notifications on the HIT Type.

Handling notifications using AWS Lambda

There are a wide range of approaches for using Mechanical Turk notifications, but the most common one is to use Amazon SNS with AWS Lambda. AWS Lambda provides a straightforward way to set up code that processes the event and attaches a trigger to kick off processing when new Amazon SNS messages are received.

Start by creating an Amazon SNS topic you can use for Mechanical Turk notifications. The instructions in Notification Handling Using Amazon SNS can be used to set it up and configure permissions to allow Mechanical Turk to send messages to the topic. Then, use the following procedure to create a lambda function to process your Amazon SNS messages.

To create a Lambda function to handle your Mechanical Turk events:
  1. Navigate to Lambda in the AWS Console:

  2. Select Create Function.

  3. Select the Author from scratch option.

  4. Under Function name, provide a name for your function.

  5. You can select the language runtime you wish to use; in this example we use a Python 3 runtime.

  6. You can keep the default permission configuration, which creates a new role for this function. If you want to use an existing role, or create a role from AWS policy templates, select the arrow next to Change default execution role to expand that section. Select one of the options. If you select another option, make sure that role you use has required permissions described in AWS Lambda execution role in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.

    Note down the name of your execution role – you will use it in the following procedure.

  7. Select Create function to create the lambda function.

Next, you must add the AmazonMechanicalTurkFullAccess policy to the execution role you created or used in step 6 of the preceding procedure so your Lambda function can retrieve the results of the HIT. The following procedure assumes that you are already in the Lambda console. If you are on the summary page for your new lambda function, you can skip the first step.

To add required permissions to your Lambda execution role:
  1. Select the lambda function you want to use to process Amazon SNS requests. This brings you to the summary page for that function. You should see the function name at the top of the page.

  2. Select the Permissions tab.

  3. Select the Role name. This redirects you to summary page for that role in the IAM console.

  4. Choose Attach Policies.

  5. In the search field, enter AmazonMechanicalTurkFullAccess and select the check box next to that policy.

  6. Select Attach policy.

Now that you have created a lambda function with permission to process Amazon SNS notifications send from Amazon Mechanical Turk, you can create a trigger for your Amazon SNS topic. A trigger is used to configure the conditions under which your function is called.

The following procedure assumes you are in the Lambda console.

To create a lambda trigger for your Amazon SNS topic:
  1. On the lambda function summary page, select the Configuration tab.

  2. Choose Add trigger to add your Amazon SNS topic as a trigger for your Lambda function.

  3. When prompted to select a trigger service, search for and select SNS, then select the topic you created for notifications.

  4. Enter the code that you want to use to process Amazon SNS messages. The following Python code provides a template for getting started.

    import json import boto3 import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET   def lambda_handler(event, context):     for record in event['Records']:         notification = json.loads(record['Sns']['Message'])           for mturk_event in notification['Events']:             mturk = boto3.client('mturk', region_name='us-east-1')               if mturk_event['EventType'] == 'HITReviewable':                 # Retrieve the answers that were provided by Workers                 response = mturk.list_assignments_for_hit(HITId=mturk_event['HITId'])                 assignments = response['Assignments']                 answers = []                 for assignment in assignments:                     answers.append(parse_answers(assignment))                   # Do something with the answers                 # ...   # Function to parse the Answer XML object def parse_answers(assignment):     result = {         'WorkerId': assignment['WorkerId'],         'Answer': []     }       ns = {'mt': ''}     root = ET.fromstring(assignment['Answer'])       for a in root.findall('mt:Answer', ns):         name = a.find('mt:QuestionIdentifier', ns).text         value = a.find('mt:FreeText', ns).text         result['Answer'].append({name: value})     return result  
  5. After you've added the code to your Lambda function and edited it to meet your needs, you can select Deploy and begin using it.

It is recommended that you test your trigger to make sure it works as expected.

To test your Amazon SNS trigger on your Lambda function summary page:
  1. In the Function code section, select the arrow next to Test.

  2. Select Configure test event.

  3. Select the Create new test event radio button.

  4. Enter a name for your event in the text box.

  5. Enter the test event. The following can be used for your test parameters after replacing the HITId with a completed HIT in your account.

    {   "Records": [     {       "Sns": {         "Message": "{\"Events\":[{\"EventType\":\"HITReviewable\",\"HITId\":\"31ANT7FQN71LA48IQEXAMPLE\"}]}"       }     }   ] }

Sending test events

To test the configuration of your Amazon SNS topic or Amazon SQS queue and any handlers you have in place, you can use the SendTestEventNotification operation. Provide the notification configuration you want to use and the event you would like to test.

{        'Notification': {          'Destination': 'arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:7429088EXAMPLE:my_mturk_topic',          'Transport': 'SNS',          'Version': '2014-08-15',          'EventTypes': ['HITReviewable']        },        'TestEventType': 'HITReviewable' }

HIT references using requester annotation

When building processes that leverage Amazon Mechanical Turk (Mechanical Turk), it's often valuable to keep track of identifiers associated with the data in each HIT, particularly when handling HIT responses via notifications. For example, you might want to associate your HITs with a record in a database such as Amazon DynamoDB, and would like your HIT to reference the primary key of the record.

The RequesterAnnotation attribute is a useful option for tracking these references. When you create a HIT using CreateHIT or CreateHITWithHITType, you can provide a RequesterAnnotation field that contains arbitrary data about each HIT. Although it is limited to 255 ASCII characters, this is generally adequate to capture identifiers that denote the origin of your data. The data provided here is only visible to the requester who created the HIT.

When you receive a notification that a HIT has been completed, you can use the GetHIT operation to retrieve the RequesterAnnotation. The identifier captured in the RequesterAnnotation can then be used to make updates in your database or other systems.

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