Get started with Generative BI - Amazon QuickSight

Get started with Generative BI

To get started with Amazon Q in QuickSight Generative BI capabilities, upgrade your account's users to Admin Pro, Author Pro, or Reader Pro roles. Pro roles grant users access to all Generative BI capabilities that are relevant to the role that's assigned to the user. To understand which Generative BI capabilities are available to the different user roles in QuickSight, see the table below. For more information about QuickSight Pro roles, see Amazon QuickSight Pricing.

Feature name Feature description Reader Author Admin Reader Pro Author Pro Admin Pro

Build data stories

Build data stories that explain your data with visuals, insights, and ideas to help improve your business.

View data stories

View narrative data stories that are shared with you.




Create and share Generative Q&A topics

Create and refine topics that utilize Generative Q&A for dashboards.

Ask questions about data with Generative Q&A

Ask questions about data to accelerate data driven decisions with multi-visual answers.




Executive summaries

Get an executive summary of key insights from a dashboard.

Build an analysis with natural language

Create an analysis to build visuals, calculations, and refine existing visuals with natural language.

*Non-Pro Authors and Readers can still access Generative Q&A topics if an Author Pro or Admin Pro user shares the topic with them. Non-Pro Authors and Readers can also access data stories if a Reader Pro, Author Pro, or Admin Pro shares one with them.

Any QuickSight administrator can upgrade a user to a Pro role with the following procedure.

To upgrade a user to a Pro role
  1. Open the QuickSight console.

  2. Choose the user icon at the top right, and then choose Manage QuickSight.

  3. Choose Manage users to open the Manage Users page.

  4. To change the role of an existing user, locate that user on the Manage Users table and choose the role that you want to grant them from the Role dropdown. The image below shows the Manage users table with the Role dropdown opened.

    The Manage users table with the Role dropdown open.

For more information about managing QuickSight users, see Managing user access inside Amazon QuickSight.