Accessing the summary file and evaluation manifest snapshot (SDK) - Rekognition

Accessing the summary file and evaluation manifest snapshot (SDK)

To get training results, you call DescribeProjectVersions. For example code, see Describing a model (SDK).

The location of the metrics is returned in the ProjectVersionDescription response from DescribeProjectVersions.

  • EvaluationResult – The location of the summary file.

  • TestingDataResult – The location of the evaluation manifest snapshot used for testing.

The F1 score and summary file location are returned in EvaluationResult. For example:

"EvaluationResult": { "F1Score": 1.0, "Summary": { "S3Object": { "Bucket": "echo-dot-scans", "Name": "test-output/EvaluationResultSummary-my-echo-dots-project-v2.json" } } }

The evaluation manifest snapshot is stored in the location specified in the --output-config input parameter that you specified in Training a model (SDK).


The amount of time, in seconds, that you are billed for training is returned in BillableTrainingTimeInSeconds.

For information about the metrics that are returned by the Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels, see Accessing Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels evaluation metrics (SDK).