Transforming multi-label SageMaker AI Ground Truth manifest files - Rekognition

Transforming multi-label SageMaker AI Ground Truth manifest files

This topic shows you how to transform a multi-label Amazon SageMaker AI Ground Truth manifest file to an Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels format manifest file.

SageMaker AI Ground Truth manifest files for multi-label jobs are formatted differently than Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels format manifest files. Multi-label classification is when an image is classified into a set of classes, but might belong to multiple classes at once. In this case, the image can potentially have multiple labels (multi-label), such as football and ball.

For information about multi-label SageMaker AI Ground Truth jobs, see Image Classification (Multi-label). For information about multi-label format Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels manifest files, see Adding multiple image-level labels to an image.

Getting the manifest file for a SageMaker AI Ground Truth job

The following procedure shows you how to get the output manifest file (output.manifest) for an Amazon SageMaker AI Ground Truth job. You use output.manifest as input to the next procedure.

To download a SageMaker AI Ground Truth job manifest file
  1. Open the

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Ground Truth and then choose Labeling Jobs.

  3. Choose the labeling job that contains the manifest file that you want to use.

  4. On the details page, choose the link under Output dataset location. The Amazon S3 console is opened at the dataset location.

  5. Choose Manifests, output and then output.manifest.

  6. Choose Object Actions and then choose Download to download the manifest file.

Transforming a multi-label SageMaker AI manifest file

The following procedure creates a multi-label format Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels manifest file from an existing multi-label format SageMaker AI GroundTruth manifest file.


To run the code, you need Python version 3, or higher.

To transform a multi-label SageMaker AI manifest file
  1. Run the following python code. Supply the name of the manifest file that you created in Getting the manifest file for a SageMaker AI Ground Truth job as a command line argument.

    # Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to create and Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels format manifest file from an Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth Image Classification (Multi-label) format manifest file. """ import json import logging import argparse import os.path logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def create_manifest_file(ground_truth_manifest_file): """ Creates an Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels format manifest file from an Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth Image Classification (Multi-label) format manifest file. :param: ground_truth_manifest_file: The name of the Ground Truth manifest file, including the relative path. :return: The name of the new Custom Labels manifest file. """'Creating manifest file from %s', ground_truth_manifest_file) new_manifest_file = f'custom_labels_{os.path.basename(ground_truth_manifest_file)}' # Read the SageMaker Ground Truth manifest file into memory. with open(ground_truth_manifest_file) as gt_file: lines = gt_file.readlines() #Iterate through the lines one at a time to generate the #new lines for the Custom Labels manifest file. with open(new_manifest_file, 'w') as the_new_file: for line in lines: #job_name - The of the Amazon Sagemaker Ground Truth job. job_name = '' # Load in the old json item from the Ground Truth manifest file old_json = json.loads(line) # Get the job name keys = old_json.keys() for key in keys: if 'source-ref' not in key and '-metadata' not in key: job_name = key new_json = {} # Set the location of the image new_json['source-ref'] = old_json['source-ref'] # Temporarily store the list of labels labels = old_json[job_name] # Iterate through the labels and reformat to Custom Labels format for index, label in enumerate(labels): new_json[f'{job_name}{index}'] = index metadata = {} metadata['class-name'] = old_json[f'{job_name}-metadata']['class-map'][str(label)] metadata['confidence'] = old_json[f'{job_name}-metadata']['confidence-map'][str(label)] metadata['type'] = 'groundtruth/image-classification' metadata['job-name'] = old_json[f'{job_name}-metadata']['job-name'] metadata['human-annotated'] = old_json[f'{job_name}-metadata']['human-annotated'] metadata['creation-date'] = old_json[f'{job_name}-metadata']['creation-date'] # Add the metadata to new json line new_json[f'{job_name}{index}-metadata'] = metadata # Write the current line to the json file the_new_file.write(json.dumps(new_json)) the_new_file.write('\n')'Created %s', new_manifest_file) return new_manifest_file def add_arguments(parser): """ Adds command line arguments to the parser. :param parser: The command line parser. """ parser.add_argument( "manifest_file", help="The Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth manifest file" "that you want to use." ) def main(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s") try: # get command line arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=argparse.SUPPRESS) add_arguments(parser) args = parser.parse_args() # Create the manifest file manifest_file = create_manifest_file(args.manifest_file) print(f'Manifest file created: {manifest_file}') except FileNotFoundError as err: logger.exception('File not found: %s', err) print(f'File not found: {err}. Check your manifest file.') if __name__ == "__main__": main()
  2. Note the name of the new manifest file that the script displays. You use it in the next step.

  3. Upload your manifest files to the Amazon S3 bucket that you want to use for storing the manifest file.


    Make sure Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels has access to the Amazon S3 bucket referenced in the source-ref field of the manifest file JSON lines. For more information, see Accessing external Amazon S3 Buckets. If your Ground Truth job stores images in the Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels Console Bucket, you don't need to add permissions.

  4. Follow the instructions at Creating a dataset with a SageMaker AI Ground Truth manifest file (Console) to create a dataset with the uploaded manifest file. For step 8, in .manifest file location, enter the Amazon S3 URL for the location of the manifest file. If you are using the AWS SDK, do Creating a dataset with a SageMaker AI Ground Truth manifest file (SDK).