Projects - Research and Engineering Studio


Projects form a boundary for virtual desktops, teams, and budgets. When you create a project, you define its settings, such as the name, description, and environment configuration. Projects typically include one or more environments, which can be customized to meet the specific requirements of your project, such as the type and size of the compute resources, the software stack, and the networking configuration.

View projects


The Projects dashboard provides a list of projects available to you. From the Projects dashboard, you can:

  1. You can use the search field to find projects.

  2. When a project is selected, you can use the Actions menu to:

    1. Edit a project

    2. Disable or enable a project

    3. Update project tags

  3. You can choose Create Project to create a new project.

Create a project

  1. Choose Create Project.

  2. Enter project details.

    The Project ID is a resource tag that can be used to track cost allocation in AWS Cost Explorer Service. For more information, see Activating user-defined cost allocation tags.


    The project ID cannot be changed after creation.

    For information on Advanced Options, see Add a launch template.

  3. (Optional) Turn on budgets for the project. For more information on budgets, see Cost monitoring and control.

  4. Assign users and/or groups the appropriate role ("Project Member" or "Project Owner"). See Permissions for the actions each role can take.

  5. Choose Submit.

    Create a project

Edit a project

  1. Select a project in the project list.

  2. From the Actions menu, choose Edit Project.

  3. Enter your updates. If you intend to enable budgets, see Cost monitoring and control for more information. For information on Advanced Options, see Add a launch template.

  4. Choose Submit.

    Edit a project

Add or remove tags from a project

Project tags will assign tags to all instances created under that project.

  1. Select a project in the project list.

  2. From the Actions menu, choose Update Tags.

  3. Choose Add Tags and enter a value for Key.

  4. To remove tags, choose Remove next to the tag you want to remove.

View file systems associated with a project

When a project is selected, you can expand the File Systems pane at the bottom of the screen to view file systems associated with the project.

View file systems associated with a project

Add a launch template

When creating or editing a project, you can add launch templates using the Advanced Options within the project configuration. Launch templates provide additional configurations, such as security groups, IAM policies, and launch scripts to all VDI instances within the project.

Add policies

You can add an IAM policy to control VDI access for all instances deployed under your project. To onboard a policy, tag the policy with the following key-value pair:


For more information on IAM roles, see Policies and permissions in IAM.

Add security groups

You can add a security group to control the egress and ingress data for all VDI instances under your project. To onboard a security group, tag the security group with the following key-value pair:


For more information on security groups, see Control traffic to your AWS resources using security groups in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

Add launch scripts

You can add launch scripts that will initiate on all VDI sessions within your project. RES supports script initiation for Linux and Windows. For script initiation, you can choose either:

Run Script When VDI Starts

This option initiates the script at the beginning of a VDI instance before any RES configurations or installations run.

Run Script when VDI is Configured

This option initiates the script after RES configurations complete.

Scripts support the following options:

Script configuration Example
S3 URI s3://bucketname/
Local file file:///user/scripts/

For Arguments, provide any arguments separated by a comma.

Example of a project configuration

Example of a project configuration