Encrypt Your SageMaker Canvas Data with AWS KMS - Amazon SageMaker AI

Encrypt Your SageMaker Canvas Data with AWS KMS

You might have data that you want to encrypt while using Amazon SageMaker Canvas, such as your private company information or customer data. SageMaker Canvas uses AWS Key Management Service to protect your data. AWS KMS is a service that you can use to create and manage cryptographic keys for encrypting your data. For more information about AWS KMS, see AWS Key Management Service in the AWS KMS Developer Guide.

Amazon SageMaker Canvas provides you with several options for encrypting your data. SageMaker Canvas provides default encryption within the application for tasks such as building your model and generating insights. You can also choose to encrypt data stored in Amazon S3 to protect your data at rest. SageMaker Canvas supports importing encrypted datasets, so you can establish an encrypted workflow. The following sections describe how you can use AWS KMS encryption to protect your data while building models with SageMaker Canvas.

Encrypt your data in SageMaker Canvas

With SageMaker Canvas, you can use two different AWS KMS encryption keys to encrypt your data in SageMaker Canvas, which you can specify when setting up your domain using the standard domain setup. These keys are specified in the following domain setup steps:

  • Step 3: Configure Applications - (Optional) – When configuring the Canvas storage configuration section, you can specify an Encryption key. This is a KMS key that SageMaker Canvas uses for long-term storage of model objects and datasets, which are stored in the provided Amazon S3 bucket for your domain. If creating a Canvas application with the CreateApp API, use the S3KMSKeyId field to specify this key.

  • Step 6: Configure storage – SageMaker Canvas uses one key for encrypting the Amazon SageMaker Studio private space that is created for your Canvas application, which includes temporary application storage, visualizations, and compute jobs (such as building models). You can use either the default AWS managed key or specify your own. If you specify your AWS KMS key, the data stored in the /home/sagemaker-user directory is encrypted with your key. If you don't specify an AWS KMS key, the data inside /home/sagemaker-user is encrypted with an AWS managed key. Regardless of whether you specify an AWS KMS key, all of the data outside of the working directory is encrypted with an AWS Managed Key. To learn more about the Studio space and your Canvas application storage, see Store SageMaker Canvas application data in your own SageMaker AI space. If creating a Canvas application with the CreateApp API, use the KmsKeyID field to specify this key.

The preceding keys can be the same or different KMS keys.


To use your own KMS key for either of the previously described purposes, you must first grant your user's IAM role permission to use the key. Then, you can specify the KMS key when setting up your domain.

The simplest way to grant your role permission to use the key is to modify the key policy. Use the following procedure to grant your role the necessary permissions.

  1. Open the AWS KMS console.

  2. In the Key Policy section, choose Switch to policy view.

  3. Modify the key's policy to grant permissions for the kms:GenerateDataKey and kms:Decrypt actions to the IAM role. Additionally, if you're modifying the key policy that encrypts your Canvas application storage in the Studio space, grant the kms:CreateGrant action. You can add a statement that's similar to the following:

    { "Sid": "ExampleStmt", "Action": [ "kms:CreateGrant", #this permission is only required for the key that encrypts your SageMaker Canvas application storage "kms:Decrypt", "kms:GenerateDataKey" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "<arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/Jane>" }, "Resource": "*" }
  4. Choose Save changes.

The less preferred method is to modify the user’s IAM role to grant the user permissions to use or manage the KMS key. If you use this method, the KMS key policy must also allow access management through IAM. To learn how to grant permission to a KMS key through the user’s IAM role, see Specifying KMS keys in IAM policy statements in the AWS KMS Developer Guide.

Prerequisites for time series forecasting

To use your AWS KMS key to encrypt time series forecasting models in SageMaker Canvas, you must modify the key policy for the KMS key used to store objects to Amazon S3. Your key policy must grant permissions to the AmazonSageMakerCanvasForecastRole, which SageMaker AI creates when you grant time series forecasting permissions for your users. Amazon Forecast uses the AmazonSageMakerCanvasForecastRole to perform time series forecasting operations in SageMaker Canvas. Your KMS key must grant permissions to this role in order to ensure data is encrypted for time series forecasting.

To modify the permissions of your KMS key policy to allow encrypted time series forecasting, do the following.

  1. Open the AWS KMS console.

  2. In the Key Policy section, choose Switch to policy view.

  3. Modify the key's policy to have the permissions specified in the following example:

    { "Sid": "Enable IAM Permissions for Amazon Forecast KMS access", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "<arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/service-role/AmazonSagemakerCanvasForecastRole-111122223333>" }, "Action": [ "kms:DescribeKey", "kms:CreateGrant", "kms:RetireGrant", "kms:GenerateDataKey", "kms:GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlainText", "kms:Decrypt" ], "Resource": "*" }
  4. Choose Save changes.

You can now use your KMS key to encrypt time series forecasting operations in SageMaker Canvas.


The following permissions are only required if you are using the IAM role setup method to configure time series forecasting. Add the following permissions policy to your user's IAM role. You must also update the key policy with updated policies required for Amazon Forecast. For more information about the permissions required for time series forecasting, see Grant Your Users Permissions to Perform Time Series Forecasting.

{ "Sid": "Enable IAM Permissions for Amazon Forecast KMS access", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "<arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/AmazonSageMaker-111122223333>" }, "Action": [ "kms:Decrypt", "kms:DescribeKey", "kms:CreateGrant", "kms:RetireGrant", "kms:GenerateDataKey" "kms:GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlainText", ], "Resource": "*" }

Encrypt your data in the SageMaker Canvas application

The first KMS key you can use in SageMaker Canvas is used for encrypting application data stored on Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes and in the Amazon Elastic File System that SageMaker AI creates in your domain. SageMaker Canvas encrypts your data with this key in the underlying application and temporary storage systems created when using compute instances for building models and generating insights. SageMaker Canvas passes the key to other AWS services, such as Autopilot, whenever SageMaker Canvas initiates jobs with them to process your data.

You can specify this key by setting the KmsKeyID in the CreateDomain API call or while doing the standard domain setup in the console. If you don’t specify your own KMS key, SageMaker AI uses a default AWS managed KMS key to encrypt your data in the SageMaker Canvas application.

To specify your own KMS key for use in the SageMaker Canvas application through the console, first set up your Amazon SageMaker AI domain using the Standard setup. Use the following procedure to complete the Network and Storage Section for the domain.

  1. Fill out your desired Amazon VPC settings.

  2. For Encryption key, choose Enter a KMS key ARN.

  3. For KMS ARN, enter the ARN for your KMS key, which should have a format similar to the following: arn:aws:kms:example-region-1:123456789098:key/111aa2bb-333c-4d44-5555-a111bb2c33dd

Encrypt your SageMaker Canvas data saved in Amazon S3

The second KMS key you can specify is used for data that SageMaker Canvas stores to Amazon S3. This KMS key is specified in the S3KMSKeyId field in the CreateDomain API call, or while doing the standard domain setup in the SageMaker AI console. SageMaker Canvas saves duplicates of your input datasets, application and model data, and output data to the Region’s default SageMaker AI S3 bucket for your account. The naming pattern for this bucket is s3://sagemaker-{Region}-{your-account-id}, and SageMaker Canvas stores data in the Canvas/ folder.

  1. Turn on Enable notebook resource sharing.

  2. For S3 location for shareable notebook resources, leave the default Amazon S3 path. Note that SageMaker Canvas does not use this Amazon S3 path; this Amazon S3 path is used for Studio Classic notebooks.

  3. For Encryption key, choose Enter a KMS key ARN.

  4. For KMS ARN, enter the ARN for your KMS key, which should have a format similar to the following: arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:111122223333:key/111aa2bb-333c-4d44-5555-a111bb2c33dd

Import encrypted datasets from Amazon S3

Your users might have datasets that have been encrypted with a KMS key. While the preceding section shows you how to encrypt data in SageMaker Canvas and data stored to Amazon S3, you must grant your user's IAM role additional permissions if you want to import data from Amazon S3 that is already encrypted with AWS KMS.

To grant your user permissions to import encrypted datasets from Amazon S3 into SageMaker Canvas, add the following permissions to the IAM execution role that you've used for the user profile.

"kms:Decrypt", "kms:GenerateDataKey"

To learn how to edit the IAM permissions for a role, see Adding and removing IAM identity permissions in the IAM User Guide. For more information about KMS keys, see Key policies in AWS Key Management Service in the AWS KMS Developer Guide.


Refer to the following FAQ items for answers to commonly asked questions about SageMaker Canvas AWS KMS support.

A: No. SageMaker Canvas may temporarily cache your key or pass it on to other AWS services (such as Autopilot), but SageMaker Canvas does not retain your KMS key.

A: Your user’s IAM role may not have permissions to use that KMS key. To grant your user permissions, see the Prerequisites. Another possible error is that you have a bucket policy on your Amazon S3 bucket that requires the use of a specific KMS key that doesn’t match the KMS key you specified in your domain. Make sure that you specify the same KMS key for your Amazon S3 bucket and your domain.

A: The default Amazon S3 bucket follows the naming pattern s3://sagemaker-{Region}-{your-account-id}. The Canvas/ folder in this bucket stores your SageMaker Canvas application data.

A: No, SageMaker AI creates this bucket for you.

A: SageMaker Canvas uses the default SageMaker AI Amazon S3 bucket to store duplicates of your input datasets, model artifacts, and model outputs.

A: With SageMaker Canvas, you can use your own encryption keys with AWS KMS for building regression, binary and multi-class classification, and time series forecasting models, as well as for batch inference with your model.

A: Yes. You must give your KMS key additional permissions in order to perform encrypted time series forecasting. For more information about how to modify your key’s policy in order to grant time series forecasting permissions, see Prerequisites for time series forecasting.