Model Registry Models, Model Versions, and Model Groups - Amazon SageMaker

Model Registry Models, Model Versions, and Model Groups

The SageMaker Model Registry is structured as several Model (Package) Groups with model packages in each group. These Model Groups can optionally be added to one or more Collections. Each model package in a Model Group corresponds to a trained model. The version of each model package is a numerical value that starts at 1 and is incremented with each new model package added to a Model Group. For example, if 5 model packages are added to a Model Group, the model package versions will be 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

There are two types of model packages in SageMaker. One type is used in the AWS Marketplace, and the other is used in the Model Registry. Model packages used in the AWS Marketplace are not versionable entities and are not associated with Model Groups in the Model Registry. For more information about model packages used in the AWS Marketplace, see Sell algorithms and packages in the AWS Marketplace.

The model packages used in the Model Registry are versioned, and must be associated with a Model Group. The ARN of this model package type has the structure: 'arn:aws:sagemaker:region:account:model-package-group/version'

The following topics show you how to create and work with models, model versions, and Model Groups in the Model Registry.