AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

AWS services or capabilities described in AWS Documentation may vary by region/location. Click Getting Started with Amazon AWS to see specific differences applicable to the China (Beijing) Region.


Class AddTagsToOnPremisesInstancesRequest

Container for the parameters to the AddTagsToOnPremisesInstances operation. Adds tags to on-premises instances.

Class AddTagsToOnPremisesInstancesResponse

This is the response object from the AddTagsToOnPremisesInstances operation.

Class Alarm

Information about an alarm.

Class AlarmConfiguration

Information about alarms associated with a deployment or deployment group.

Class AlarmsLimitExceededException

The maximum number of alarms for a deployment group (10) was exceeded.

Class ApplicationAlreadyExistsException

An application with the specified name with the user or Amazon Web Services account already exists.

Class ApplicationDoesNotExistException

The application does not exist with the user or Amazon Web Services account.

Class ApplicationInfo

Information about an application.

Class ApplicationLimitExceededException

More applications were attempted to be created than are allowed.

Class ApplicationNameRequiredException

The minimum number of required application names was not specified.

Class AppSpecContent

A revision for an Lambda or Amazon ECS deployment that is a YAML-formatted or JSON-formatted string. For Lambda and Amazon ECS deployments, the revision is the same as the AppSpec file. This method replaces the deprecated RawString data type.

Class ArnNotSupportedException

The specified ARN is not supported. For example, it might be an ARN for a resource that is not expected.

Class AutoRollbackConfiguration

Information about a configuration for automatically rolling back to a previous version of an application revision when a deployment is not completed successfully.

Class AutoScalingGroup

Information about an Auto Scaling group.

Class BatchGetApplicationRevisionsRequest

Container for the parameters to the BatchGetApplicationRevisions operation. Gets information about one or more application revisions. The maximum number of application revisions that can be returned is 25.

Class BatchGetApplicationRevisionsResponse

Represents the output of a BatchGetApplicationRevisions operation.

Class BatchGetApplicationsRequest

Container for the parameters to the BatchGetApplications operation. Gets information about one or more applications. The maximum number of applications that can be returned is 100.

Class BatchGetApplicationsResponse

Represents the output of a BatchGetApplications operation.

Class BatchGetDeploymentGroupsRequest

Container for the parameters to the BatchGetDeploymentGroups operation. Gets information about one or more deployment groups.

Class BatchGetDeploymentGroupsResponse

Represents the output of a BatchGetDeploymentGroups operation.

Class BatchGetDeploymentInstancesRequest

Container for the parameters to the BatchGetDeploymentInstances operation.

This method works, but is deprecated. Use BatchGetDeploymentTargets instead.

Returns an array of one or more instances associated with a deployment. This method works with EC2/On-premises and Lambda compute platforms. The newer BatchGetDeploymentTargets works with all compute platforms. The maximum number of instances that can be returned is 25.

Class BatchGetDeploymentInstancesResponse

Represents the output of a BatchGetDeploymentInstances operation.

Class BatchGetDeploymentsRequest

Container for the parameters to the BatchGetDeployments operation. Gets information about one or more deployments. The maximum number of deployments that can be returned is 25.

Class BatchGetDeploymentsResponse

Represents the output of a BatchGetDeployments operation.

Class BatchGetDeploymentTargetsRequest

Container for the parameters to the BatchGetDeploymentTargets operation. Returns an array of one or more targets associated with a deployment. This method works with all compute types and should be used instead of the deprecated BatchGetDeploymentInstances. The maximum number of targets that can be returned is 25.

The type of targets returned depends on the deployment's compute platform or deployment method:

  • EC2/On-premises: Information about Amazon EC2 instance targets.

  • Lambda: Information about Lambda functions targets.

  • Amazon ECS: Information about Amazon ECS service targets.

  • CloudFormation: Information about targets of blue/green deployments initiated by a CloudFormation stack update.

Class BatchGetDeploymentTargetsResponse

This is the response object from the BatchGetDeploymentTargets operation.

Class BatchGetOnPremisesInstancesRequest

Container for the parameters to the BatchGetOnPremisesInstances operation. Gets information about one or more on-premises instances. The maximum number of on-premises instances that can be returned is 25.

Class BatchGetOnPremisesInstancesResponse

Represents the output of a BatchGetOnPremisesInstances operation.

Class BatchLimitExceededException

The maximum number of names or IDs allowed for this request (100) was exceeded.

Class BlueGreenDeploymentConfiguration

Information about blue/green deployment options for a deployment group.

Class BlueInstanceTerminationOption

Information about whether instances in the original environment are terminated when a blue/green deployment is successful. BlueInstanceTerminationOption does not apply to Lambda deployments.

Class BucketNameFilterRequiredException

A bucket name is required, but was not provided.

Class CloudFormationTarget

Information about the target to be updated by an CloudFormation blue/green deployment. This target type is used for all deployments initiated by a CloudFormation stack update.

Class CodeDeployPaginatorFactory

Paginators for the CodeDeploy service

Class ContinueDeploymentRequest

Container for the parameters to the ContinueDeployment operation. For a blue/green deployment, starts the process of rerouting traffic from instances in the original environment to instances in the replacement environment without waiting for a specified wait time to elapse. (Traffic rerouting, which is achieved by registering instances in the replacement environment with the load balancer, can start as soon as all instances have a status of Ready.)

Class ContinueDeploymentResponse

This is the response object from the ContinueDeployment operation.

Class CreateApplicationRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateApplication operation. Creates an application.

Class CreateApplicationResponse

Represents the output of a CreateApplication operation.

Class CreateDeploymentConfigRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateDeploymentConfig operation. Creates a deployment configuration.

Class CreateDeploymentConfigResponse

Represents the output of a CreateDeploymentConfig operation.

Class CreateDeploymentGroupRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateDeploymentGroup operation. Creates a deployment group to which application revisions are deployed.

Class CreateDeploymentGroupResponse

Represents the output of a CreateDeploymentGroup operation.

Class CreateDeploymentRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateDeployment operation. Deploys an application revision through the specified deployment group.

Class CreateDeploymentResponse

Represents the output of a CreateDeployment operation.

Class DeleteApplicationRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteApplication operation. Deletes an application.

Class DeleteApplicationResponse

This is the response object from the DeleteApplication operation.

Class DeleteDeploymentConfigRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteDeploymentConfig operation. Deletes a deployment configuration.

A deployment configuration cannot be deleted if it is currently in use. Predefined configurations cannot be deleted.

Class DeleteDeploymentConfigResponse

This is the response object from the DeleteDeploymentConfig operation.

Class DeleteDeploymentGroupRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteDeploymentGroup operation. Deletes a deployment group.

Class DeleteDeploymentGroupResponse

Represents the output of a DeleteDeploymentGroup operation.

Class DeleteGitHubAccountTokenRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteGitHubAccountToken operation. Deletes a GitHub account connection.

Class DeleteGitHubAccountTokenResponse

Represents the output of a DeleteGitHubAccountToken operation.

Class DeleteResourcesByExternalIdRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteResourcesByExternalId operation. Deletes resources linked to an external ID. This action only applies if you have configured blue/green deployments through CloudFormation.

It is not necessary to call this action directly. CloudFormation calls it on your behalf when it needs to delete stack resources. This action is offered publicly in case you need to delete resources to comply with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements.

Class DeleteResourcesByExternalIdResponse

This is the response object from the DeleteResourcesByExternalId operation.

Class DeploymentAlreadyCompletedException

The deployment is already complete.

Class DeploymentConfigAlreadyExistsException

A deployment configuration with the specified name with the user or Amazon Web Services account already exists.

Class DeploymentConfigDoesNotExistException

The deployment configuration does not exist with the user or Amazon Web Services account.

Class DeploymentConfigInfo

Information about a deployment configuration.

Class DeploymentConfigInUseException

The deployment configuration is still in use.

Class DeploymentConfigLimitExceededException

The deployment configurations limit was exceeded.

Class DeploymentConfigNameRequiredException

The deployment configuration name was not specified.

Class DeploymentDoesNotExistException

The deployment with the user or Amazon Web Services account does not exist.

Class DeploymentGroupAlreadyExistsException

A deployment group with the specified name with the user or Amazon Web Services account already exists.

Class DeploymentGroupDoesNotExistException

The named deployment group with the user or Amazon Web Services account does not exist.

Class DeploymentGroupInfo

Information about a deployment group.

Class DeploymentGroupLimitExceededException

The deployment groups limit was exceeded.

Class DeploymentGroupNameRequiredException

The deployment group name was not specified.

Class DeploymentIdRequiredException

At least one deployment ID must be specified.

Class DeploymentInfo

Information about a deployment.

Class DeploymentIsNotInReadyStateException

The deployment does not have a status of Ready and can't continue yet.

Class DeploymentLimitExceededException

The number of allowed deployments was exceeded.

Class DeploymentNotStartedException

The specified deployment has not started.

Class DeploymentOverview

Information about the deployment status of the instances in the deployment.

Class DeploymentReadyOption

Information about how traffic is rerouted to instances in a replacement environment in a blue/green deployment.

Class DeploymentStyle

Information about the type of deployment, either in-place or blue/green, you want to run and whether to route deployment traffic behind a load balancer.

Class DeploymentTarget

Information about the deployment target.

Class DeploymentTargetDoesNotExistException

The provided target ID does not belong to the attempted deployment.

Class DeploymentTargetIdRequiredException

A deployment target ID was not provided.

Class DeploymentTargetListSizeExceededException

The maximum number of targets that can be associated with an Amazon ECS or Lambda deployment was exceeded. The target list of both types of deployments must have exactly one item. This exception does not apply to EC2/On-premises deployments.

Class DeregisterOnPremisesInstanceRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeregisterOnPremisesInstance operation. Deregisters an on-premises instance.

Class DeregisterOnPremisesInstanceResponse

This is the response object from the DeregisterOnPremisesInstance operation.

Class DescriptionTooLongException

The description is too long.

Class Diagnostics

Diagnostic information about executable scripts that are part of a deployment.

Class EC2TagFilter

Information about an EC2 tag filter.

Class EC2TagSet

Information about groups of Amazon EC2 instance tags.

Class ECSService

Contains the service and cluster names used to identify an Amazon ECS deployment's target.

Class ECSServiceMappingLimitExceededException

The Amazon ECS service is associated with more than one deployment groups. An Amazon ECS service can be associated with only one deployment group.

Class ECSTarget

Information about the target of an Amazon ECS deployment.

Class ECSTaskSet

Information about a set of Amazon ECS tasks in an CodeDeploy deployment. An Amazon ECS task set includes details such as the desired number of tasks, how many tasks are running, and whether the task set serves production traffic. An CodeDeploy application that uses the Amazon ECS compute platform deploys a containerized application in an Amazon ECS service as a task set.

Class ELBInfo

Information about a Classic Load Balancer in Elastic Load Balancing to use in a deployment. Instances are registered directly with a load balancer, and traffic is routed to the load balancer.

Class ErrorInformation

Information about a deployment error.

Class GenericRevisionInfo

Information about an application revision.

Class GetApplicationRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetApplication operation. Gets information about an application.

Class GetApplicationResponse

Represents the output of a GetApplication operation.

Class GetApplicationRevisionRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetApplicationRevision operation. Gets information about an application revision.

Class GetApplicationRevisionResponse

Represents the output of a GetApplicationRevision operation.

Class GetDeploymentConfigRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetDeploymentConfig operation. Gets information about a deployment configuration.

Class GetDeploymentConfigResponse

Represents the output of a GetDeploymentConfig operation.

Class GetDeploymentGroupRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetDeploymentGroup operation. Gets information about a deployment group.

Class GetDeploymentGroupResponse

Represents the output of a GetDeploymentGroup operation.

Class GetDeploymentInstanceRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetDeploymentInstance operation. Gets information about an instance as part of a deployment.

Class GetDeploymentInstanceResponse

Represents the output of a GetDeploymentInstance operation.

Class GetDeploymentRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetDeployment operation. Gets information about a deployment.

The content property of the appSpecContent object in the returned revision is always null. Use GetApplicationRevision and the sha256 property of the returned appSpecContent object to get the content of the deployment’s AppSpec file.

Class GetDeploymentResponse

Represents the output of a GetDeployment operation.

Class GetDeploymentTargetRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetDeploymentTarget operation. Returns information about a deployment target.

Class GetDeploymentTargetResponse

This is the response object from the GetDeploymentTarget operation.

Class GetOnPremisesInstanceRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetOnPremisesInstance operation. Gets information about an on-premises instance.

Class GetOnPremisesInstanceResponse

Represents the output of a GetOnPremisesInstance operation.

Class GitHubAccountTokenDoesNotExistException

No GitHub account connection exists with the named specified in the call.

Class GitHubAccountTokenNameRequiredException

The call is missing a required GitHub account connection name.

Class GitHubLocation

Information about the location of application artifacts stored in GitHub.

Class GreenFleetProvisioningOption

Information about the instances that belong to the replacement environment in a blue/green deployment.

Class IamArnRequiredException

No IAM ARN was included in the request. You must use an IAM session ARN or user ARN in the request.

Class IamSessionArnAlreadyRegisteredException

The request included an IAM session ARN that has already been used to register a different instance.

Class IamUserArnAlreadyRegisteredException

The specified user ARN is already registered with an on-premises instance.

Class IamUserArnRequiredException

An user ARN was not specified.

Class InstanceDoesNotExistException

The specified instance does not exist in the deployment group.

Class InstanceIdRequiredException

The instance ID was not specified.

Class InstanceInfo

Information about an on-premises instance.

Class InstanceLimitExceededException

The maximum number of allowed on-premises instances in a single call was exceeded.

Class InstanceNameAlreadyRegisteredException

The specified on-premises instance name is already registered.

Class InstanceNameRequiredException

An on-premises instance name was not specified.

Class InstanceNotRegisteredException

The specified on-premises instance is not registered.

Class InstanceSummary

Information about an instance in a deployment.

Class InstanceTarget

A target Amazon EC2 or on-premises instance during a deployment that uses the EC2/On-premises compute platform.

Class InvalidAlarmConfigException

The format of the alarm configuration is invalid. Possible causes include:

  • The alarm list is null.

  • The alarm object is null.

  • The alarm name is empty or null or exceeds the limit of 255 characters.

  • Two alarms with the same name have been specified.

  • The alarm configuration is enabled, but the alarm list is empty.

Class InvalidApplicationNameException

The application name was specified in an invalid format.

Class InvalidArnException

The specified ARN is not in a valid format.

Class InvalidAutoRollbackConfigException

The automatic rollback configuration was specified in an invalid format. For example, automatic rollback is enabled, but an invalid triggering event type or no event types were listed.

Class InvalidAutoScalingGroupException

The Auto Scaling group was specified in an invalid format or does not exist.

Class InvalidBlueGreenDeploymentConfigurationException

The configuration for the blue/green deployment group was provided in an invalid format. For information about deployment configuration format, see CreateDeploymentConfig.

Class InvalidBucketNameFilterException

The bucket name either doesn't exist or was specified in an invalid format.

Class InvalidComputePlatformException

The computePlatform is invalid. The computePlatform should be Lambda, Server, or ECS.

Class InvalidDeployedStateFilterException

The deployed state filter was specified in an invalid format.

Class InvalidDeploymentConfigNameException

The deployment configuration name was specified in an invalid format.

Class InvalidDeploymentGroupNameException

The deployment group name was specified in an invalid format.

Class InvalidDeploymentIdException

At least one of the deployment IDs was specified in an invalid format.

Class InvalidDeploymentInstanceTypeException

An instance type was specified for an in-place deployment. Instance types are supported for blue/green deployments only.

Class InvalidDeploymentStatusException

The specified deployment status doesn't exist or cannot be determined.

Class InvalidDeploymentStyleException

An invalid deployment style was specified. Valid deployment types include "IN_PLACE" and "BLUE_GREEN." Valid deployment options include "WITH_TRAFFIC_CONTROL" and "WITHOUT_TRAFFIC_CONTROL."

Class InvalidDeploymentTargetIdException

The target ID provided was not valid.

Class InvalidDeploymentWaitTypeException

The wait type is invalid.

Class InvalidEC2TagCombinationException

A call was submitted that specified both Ec2TagFilters and Ec2TagSet, but only one of these data types can be used in a single call.

Class InvalidEC2TagException

The tag was specified in an invalid format.

Class InvalidECSServiceException

The Amazon ECS service identifier is not valid.

Class InvalidExternalIdException

The external ID was specified in an invalid format.

Class InvalidFileExistsBehaviorException

An invalid fileExistsBehavior option was specified to determine how CodeDeploy handles files or directories that already exist in a deployment target location, but weren't part of the previous successful deployment. Valid values include "DISALLOW," "OVERWRITE," and "RETAIN."

Class InvalidGitHubAccountTokenException

The GitHub token is not valid.

Class InvalidGitHubAccountTokenNameException

The format of the specified GitHub account connection name is invalid.

Class InvalidIamSessionArnException

The IAM session ARN was specified in an invalid format.

Class InvalidIamUserArnException

The user ARN was specified in an invalid format.

Class InvalidIgnoreApplicationStopFailuresValueException

The IgnoreApplicationStopFailures value is invalid. For Lambda deployments, false is expected. For EC2/On-premises deployments, true or false is expected.

Class InvalidInputException

The input was specified in an invalid format.

Class InvalidInstanceNameException

The on-premises instance name was specified in an invalid format.

Class InvalidInstanceStatusException

The specified instance status does not exist.

Class InvalidInstanceTypeException

An invalid instance type was specified for instances in a blue/green deployment. Valid values include "Blue" for an original environment and "Green" for a replacement environment.

Class InvalidKeyPrefixFilterException

The specified key prefix filter was specified in an invalid format.

Class InvalidLifecycleEventHookExecutionIdException

A lifecycle event hook is invalid. Review the hooks section in your AppSpec file to ensure the lifecycle events and hooks functions are valid.

Class InvalidLifecycleEventHookExecutionStatusException

The result of a Lambda validation function that verifies a lifecycle event is invalid. It should return Succeeded or Failed.

Class InvalidLoadBalancerInfoException

An invalid load balancer name, or no load balancer name, was specified.

Class InvalidMinimumHealthyHostValueException

The minimum healthy instance value was specified in an invalid format.

Class InvalidNextTokenException

The next token was specified in an invalid format.

Class InvalidOnPremisesTagCombinationException

A call was submitted that specified both OnPremisesTagFilters and OnPremisesTagSet, but only one of these data types can be used in a single call.

Class InvalidOperationException

An invalid operation was detected.

Class InvalidRegistrationStatusException

The registration status was specified in an invalid format.

Class InvalidRevisionException

The revision was specified in an invalid format.

Class InvalidRoleException

The service role ARN was specified in an invalid format. Or, if an Auto Scaling group was specified, the specified service role does not grant the appropriate permissions to Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling.

Class InvalidSortByException

The column name to sort by is either not present or was specified in an invalid format.

Class InvalidSortOrderException

The sort order was specified in an invalid format.

Class InvalidTagException

The tag was specified in an invalid format.

Class InvalidTagFilterException

The tag filter was specified in an invalid format.

Class InvalidTagsToAddException

The specified tags are not valid.

Class InvalidTargetFilterNameException

The target filter name is invalid.

Class InvalidTargetGroupPairException

A target group pair associated with this deployment is not valid.

Class InvalidTargetInstancesException

The target instance configuration is invalid. Possible causes include:

  • Configuration data for target instances was entered for an in-place deployment.

  • The limit of 10 tags for a tag type was exceeded.

  • The combined length of the tag names exceeded the limit.

  • A specified tag is not currently applied to any instances.

Class InvalidTimeRangeException

The specified time range was specified in an invalid format.

Class InvalidTrafficRoutingConfigurationException

The configuration that specifies how traffic is routed during a deployment is invalid.

Class InvalidTriggerConfigException

The trigger was specified in an invalid format.

Class InvalidUpdateOutdatedInstancesOnlyValueException

The UpdateOutdatedInstancesOnly value is invalid. For Lambda deployments, false is expected. For EC2/On-premises deployments, true or false is expected.

Class InvalidZonalDeploymentConfigurationException

The ZonalConfig object is not valid.

Class LambdaFunctionInfo

Information about a Lambda function specified in a deployment.

Class LambdaTarget

Information about the target Lambda function during an Lambda deployment.

Class LastDeploymentInfo

Information about the most recent attempted or successful deployment to a deployment group.

Class LifecycleEvent

Information about a deployment lifecycle event.

Class LifecycleEventAlreadyCompletedException

An attempt to return the status of an already completed lifecycle event occurred.

Class LifecycleHookLimitExceededException

The limit for lifecycle hooks was exceeded.

Class ListApplicationRevisionsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListApplicationRevisions operation. Lists information about revisions for an application.

Class ListApplicationRevisionsResponse

Represents the output of a ListApplicationRevisions operation.

Class ListApplicationsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListApplications operation. Lists the applications registered with the user or Amazon Web Services account.

Class ListApplicationsResponse

Represents the output of a ListApplications operation.

Class ListDeploymentConfigsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListDeploymentConfigs operation. Lists the deployment configurations with the user or Amazon Web Services account.

Class ListDeploymentConfigsResponse

Represents the output of a ListDeploymentConfigs operation.

Class ListDeploymentGroupsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListDeploymentGroups operation. Lists the deployment groups for an application registered with the Amazon Web Services user or Amazon Web Services account.

Class ListDeploymentGroupsResponse

Represents the output of a ListDeploymentGroups operation.

Class ListDeploymentInstancesRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListDeploymentInstances operation.

The newer BatchGetDeploymentTargets should be used instead because it works with all compute types. ListDeploymentInstances throws an exception if it is used with a compute platform other than EC2/On-premises or Lambda.

Lists the instance for a deployment associated with the user or Amazon Web Services account.

Class ListDeploymentInstancesResponse

Represents the output of a ListDeploymentInstances operation.

Class ListDeploymentsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListDeployments operation. Lists the deployments in a deployment group for an application registered with the user or Amazon Web Services account.

Class ListDeploymentsResponse

Represents the output of a ListDeployments operation.

Class ListDeploymentTargetsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListDeploymentTargets operation. Returns an array of target IDs that are associated a deployment.

Class ListDeploymentTargetsResponse

This is the response object from the ListDeploymentTargets operation.

Class ListGitHubAccountTokenNamesRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListGitHubAccountTokenNames operation. Lists the names of stored connections to GitHub accounts.

Class ListGitHubAccountTokenNamesResponse

Represents the output of a ListGitHubAccountTokenNames operation.

Class ListOnPremisesInstancesRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListOnPremisesInstances operation. Gets a list of names for one or more on-premises instances.

Unless otherwise specified, both registered and deregistered on-premises instance names are listed. To list only registered or deregistered on-premises instance names, use the registration status parameter.

Class ListOnPremisesInstancesResponse

Represents the output of the list on-premises instances operation.

Class ListTagsForResourceRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListTagsForResource operation. Returns a list of tags for the resource identified by a specified Amazon Resource Name (ARN). Tags are used to organize and categorize your CodeDeploy resources.

Class ListTagsForResourceResponse

This is the response object from the ListTagsForResource operation.

Class LoadBalancerInfo

Information about the Elastic Load Balancing load balancer or target group used in a deployment.

You can use load balancers and target groups in combination. For example, if you have two Classic Load Balancers, and five target groups tied to an Application Load Balancer, you can specify the two Classic Load Balancers in elbInfoList, and the five target groups in targetGroupInfoList.

Class MinimumHealthyHosts

Information about the minimum number of healthy instances.

Class MinimumHealthyHostsPerZone

Information about the minimum number of healthy instances per Availability Zone.

Class MultipleIamArnsProvidedException

Both an user ARN and an IAM session ARN were included in the request. Use only one ARN type.

Class OnPremisesTagSet

Information about groups of on-premises instance tags.

Class OperationNotSupportedException

The API used does not support the deployment.

Class PutLifecycleEventHookExecutionStatusRequest

Container for the parameters to the PutLifecycleEventHookExecutionStatus operation. Sets the result of a Lambda validation function. The function validates lifecycle hooks during a deployment that uses the Lambda or Amazon ECS compute platform. For Lambda deployments, the available lifecycle hooks are BeforeAllowTraffic and AfterAllowTraffic. For Amazon ECS deployments, the available lifecycle hooks are BeforeInstall, AfterInstall, AfterAllowTestTraffic, BeforeAllowTraffic, and AfterAllowTraffic. Lambda validation functions return Succeeded or Failed. For more information, see AppSpec 'hooks' Section for an Lambda Deployment and AppSpec 'hooks' Section for an Amazon ECS Deployment.

Class PutLifecycleEventHookExecutionStatusResponse

This is the response object from the PutLifecycleEventHookExecutionStatus operation.

Class RawString

A revision for an Lambda deployment that is a YAML-formatted or JSON-formatted string. For Lambda deployments, the revision is the same as the AppSpec file.

Class RegisterApplicationRevisionRequest

Container for the parameters to the RegisterApplicationRevision operation. Registers with CodeDeploy a revision for the specified application.

Class RegisterApplicationRevisionResponse

This is the response object from the RegisterApplicationRevision operation.

Class RegisterOnPremisesInstanceRequest

Container for the parameters to the RegisterOnPremisesInstance operation. Registers an on-premises instance.

Only one IAM ARN (an IAM session ARN or IAM user ARN) is supported in the request. You cannot use both.

Class RegisterOnPremisesInstanceResponse

This is the response object from the RegisterOnPremisesInstance operation.

Class RelatedDeployments

Information about deployments related to the specified deployment.

Class RemoveTagsFromOnPremisesInstancesRequest

Container for the parameters to the RemoveTagsFromOnPremisesInstances operation. Removes one or more tags from one or more on-premises instances.

Class RemoveTagsFromOnPremisesInstancesResponse

This is the response object from the RemoveTagsFromOnPremisesInstances operation.

Class ResourceArnRequiredException

The ARN of a resource is required, but was not found.

Class ResourceValidationException

The specified resource could not be validated.

Class RevisionDoesNotExistException

The named revision does not exist with the user or Amazon Web Services account.

Class RevisionInfo

Information about an application revision.

Class RevisionLocation

Information about the location of an application revision.

Class RevisionRequiredException

The revision ID was not specified.

Class RoleRequiredException

The role ID was not specified.

Class RollbackInfo

Information about a deployment rollback.

Class S3Location

Information about the location of application artifacts stored in Amazon S3.

Class SkipWaitTimeForInstanceTerminationRequest

Container for the parameters to the SkipWaitTimeForInstanceTermination operation. In a blue/green deployment, overrides any specified wait time and starts terminating instances immediately after the traffic routing is complete.

Class SkipWaitTimeForInstanceTerminationResponse

This is the response object from the SkipWaitTimeForInstanceTermination operation.

Class StopDeploymentRequest

Container for the parameters to the StopDeployment operation. Attempts to stop an ongoing deployment.

Class StopDeploymentResponse

Represents the output of a StopDeployment operation.

Class Tag

Information about a tag.

Class TagFilter

Information about an on-premises instance tag filter.

Class TagLimitExceededException

The maximum allowed number of tags was exceeded.

Class TagRequiredException

A tag was not specified.

Class TagResourceRequest

Container for the parameters to the TagResource operation. Associates the list of tags in the input Tags parameter with the resource identified by the ResourceArn input parameter.

Class TagResourceResponse

This is the response object from the TagResource operation.

Class TagSetListLimitExceededException

The number of tag groups included in the tag set list exceeded the maximum allowed limit of 3.

Class TargetGroupInfo

Information about a target group in Elastic Load Balancing to use in a deployment. Instances are registered as targets in a target group, and traffic is routed to the target group.

Class TargetGroupPairInfo

Information about two target groups and how traffic is routed during an Amazon ECS deployment. An optional test traffic route can be specified.

Class TargetInstances

Information about the instances to be used in the replacement environment in a blue/green deployment.

Class ThrottlingException

An API function was called too frequently.

Class TimeBasedCanary

A configuration that shifts traffic from one version of a Lambda function or Amazon ECS task set to another in two increments. The original and target Lambda function versions or ECS task sets are specified in the deployment's AppSpec file.

Class TimeBasedLinear

A configuration that shifts traffic from one version of a Lambda function or ECS task set to another in equal increments, with an equal number of minutes between each increment. The original and target Lambda function versions or ECS task sets are specified in the deployment's AppSpec file.

Class TimeRange

Information about a time range.

Class TrafficRoute

Information about a listener. The listener contains the path used to route traffic that is received from the load balancer to a target group.

Class TrafficRoutingConfig

The configuration that specifies how traffic is shifted from one version of a Lambda function to another version during an Lambda deployment, or from one Amazon ECS task set to another during an Amazon ECS deployment.

Class TriggerConfig

Information about notification triggers for the deployment group.

Class TriggerTargetsLimitExceededException

The maximum allowed number of triggers was exceeded.

Class UnsupportedActionForDeploymentTypeException

A call was submitted that is not supported for the specified deployment type.

Class UntagResourceRequest

Container for the parameters to the UntagResource operation. Disassociates a resource from a list of tags. The resource is identified by the ResourceArn input parameter. The tags are identified by the list of keys in the TagKeys input parameter.

Class UntagResourceResponse

This is the response object from the UntagResource operation.

Class UpdateApplicationRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateApplication operation. Changes the name of an application.

Class UpdateApplicationResponse

This is the response object from the UpdateApplication operation.

Class UpdateDeploymentGroupRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateDeploymentGroup operation. Changes information about a deployment group.

Class UpdateDeploymentGroupResponse

Represents the output of an UpdateDeploymentGroup operation.

Class ZonalConfig

Configure the ZonalConfig object if you want CodeDeploy to deploy your application to one Availability Zone at a time, within an Amazon Web Services Region. By deploying to one Availability Zone at a time, you can expose your deployment to a progressively larger audience as confidence in the deployment's performance and viability grows. If you don't configure the ZonalConfig object, CodeDeploy deploys your application to a random selection of hosts across a Region.

For more information about the zonal configuration feature, see zonal configuration in the CodeDeploy User Guide.


Interface ICodeDeployPaginatorFactory

Paginators for the CodeDeploy service

Interface IListApplicationRevisionsPaginator

Paginator for the ListApplicationRevisions operation

Interface IListApplicationsPaginator

Paginator for the ListApplications operation

Interface IListDeploymentConfigsPaginator

Paginator for the ListDeploymentConfigs operation

Interface IListDeploymentGroupsPaginator

Paginator for the ListDeploymentGroups operation

Interface IListDeploymentInstancesPaginator

Paginator for the ListDeploymentInstances operation

Interface IListDeploymentsPaginator

Paginator for the ListDeployments operation