How AWS Glue DataBrew uses AWS Secrets Manager - AWS Secrets Manager

How AWS Glue DataBrew uses AWS Secrets Manager

AWS Glue DataBrew is a visual data preparation tool that you can use to clean and normalize data without writing any code. In DataBrew, a set of data transformation steps is called a recipe. AWS Glue DataBrew provides the DETERMINISTIC_DECRYPT, DETERMINISTIC_ENCRYPT, and CRYPTOGRAPHIC_HASH recipe steps to perform transformations on personally identifiable information (PII) in a dataset, which use an encryption key stored in a Secrets Manager secret. If you use the DataBrew default secret to store the encryption key, DataBrew creates a managed secret with the prefix databrew. The cost of storing the secret is included with the charge for using DataBrew. If you create a new secret to store the encryption key, DataBrew creates a secret with the prefix AwsGlueDataBrew. You are charged for that secret.