Find secrets in AWS Secrets Manager - AWS Secrets Manager

Find secrets in AWS Secrets Manager

When you search for secrets without a filter, Secrets Manager matches keywords in the secret name, description, tag key, and tag value. Searching without filters is not case-sensitive and ignores special characters, such as space, /, _, =, #, and only uses numbers and letters. When you search without a filter, Secrets Manager analyzes the search string to convert it to separate words. The words are separated by any change from uppercase to lowercase, from letter to number, or from number/letter to punctuation. For example, entering the search term credsDatabase#892 searches for creds, Database, and 892 in name, description, and tag key and value.

Secrets Manager generates a CloudTrail log entry when you list secrets. For more information, see Log AWS Secrets Manager events with AWS CloudTrail.

You can apply the following filters to your search:


Matches the beginning of secret names; case-sensitive. For example, Name: Data returns a secret named DatabaseSecret, but not databaseSecret or MyData.


Matches the words in secret descriptions, not case-sensitive. For example, Description: My Description matches secrets with the following descriptions:

  • My Description

  • my description

  • My basic description

  • Description of my secret

Owning service

Matches the beginning of the managing service ID prefix, not case-sensitive. For example, my-ser matches secrets managed by services with the prefix my-serv and my-service. For more information, see Managed secrets.

Replicated secrets

You can filter for primary secrets, replica secrets, or secrets that aren't replicated.

Tag keys

Matches the beginning of tag keys; case-sensitive. For example, Tag key: Prod returns secrets with the tag Production and Prod1, but not secrets with the tag prod or 1 Prod.

Tag values

Matches the beginning of tag values; case-sensitive. For example, Tag value: Prod returns secrets with the tag Production and Prod1, but not secrets with the tag value prod or 1 Prod.

Secrets Manager is a regional service and only secrets within the selected region are returned.


Example List the secrets in your account

The following list-secrets example gets a list of the secrets in your account.

aws secretsmanager list-secrets
Example Filter the list of secrets in your account

The following list-secrets example gets a list of the secrets in your account that have Test in the name. Filtering by name is case sensitive.

aws secretsmanager list-secrets \ --filter Key="name",Values="Test"
Example Find secrets that are managed by other AWS services

The following list-secrets example gets a list of secrets managed by a service. You specify the service by ID. For more information, see Managed secrets.

aws secretsmanager list-secrets --filter Key="owning-service",Values="<service ID prefix>"


To find secrets by using one of the AWS SDKs, use ListSecrets. For more information, see AWS SDKs.