Intrinsic functions - AWS Serverless Application Model

Intrinsic functions

Intrinsic functions are built-in functions that enable you to assign values to properties that are only available at runtime. AWS SAM has limited support for certain intrinsic function properties, so it is unable to resolve some intrinsic functions. Consequently, we recommend adding the AWS::LanguageExtensions transform to resolve this. The AWS::LanguageExtensions is a macro hosted by AWS CloudFormation that lets you use intrinsic functions and other functionalities that are ny default not included in AWS CloudFormation.

Transform: - AWS::LanguageExtensions - AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31

Note: If you use intrinsic functions in CodeUri property, AWS SAM will not be able to correctly parse the values. Consider using AWS::LanguageExtensions transform instead.

For more information, refer to Properties section of AWS::Serverless::Function.

For more information about intrinsic functions, see Intrinsic Function Reference in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.