Configure and manage your sync scope - AWS IAM Identity Center

Configure and manage your sync scope

You can configure your sync scope in either of the following ways:

  • Guided setup: If you are synchronizing your users and groups from Active Directory into IAM Identity Center for the first time, follow the steps in Guided setup to configure your sync scope. After you complete the guided setup, you can modify your sync scope at any time by following the other procedures in this section.

  • If you already have users and groups that are synchronized into IAM Identity Center or you don't want to follow the guided setup, choose Manage sync. Skip the guided setup procedure and follow the other procedures in this section as required to configure and manage your sync scope.

Guided setup

  1. Open the IAM Identity Center console.


    Make sure that the IAM Identity Center console is using one of the AWS Regions where your AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory is located before you move to the next step.

  2. Choose Settings.

  3. At the top of the page, in the notification message, choose Start guided setup.

  4. In Step 1 – optional: Configure attribute mappings, review the default user and group attribute mappings. If no changes are required, choose Next. If changes are required, make the changes, and then choose Save changes.

  5. In Step 2 – optional: Configure sync scope, choose the Users tab. Then, enter the exact username of the user that you want to add to your sync scope and choose Add. Next, choose the Groups tab. Enter the exact group name of the group that you want to add to your sync scope and choose Add. Then, choose Next. If you want to add users and groups to your sync scope later, make no changes and choose Next.

  6. In Step 3: Review and save configuration, confirm your Attribute mappings in Step 1: Attribute mappings and your Users and groups in Step 2: Sync scope. Choose Save configuration. This takes you to the Manage Sync page.

Add users and groups to your sync scope

To add users
  1. Open the IAM Identity Center console.

  2. Choose Settings.

  3. On the Settings page, choose the Identity source tab, choose Actions, and then choose Manage Sync.

  4. On the Manage Sync page, choose the Users tab, and then choose Add users and groups.

  5. On the Users tab, under User, enter the exact user name and choose Add.

  6. Under Added Users and Groups, review the user that you want to add.

  7. Choose Submit.

  8. In the navigation pane, choose Users.

  9. On the Users page, it might take some time for the user that you specified to appear in the list. Choose the refresh icon to update the list of users.

To add groups
  1. Open the IAM Identity Center console.

  2. Choose Settings.

  3. On the Settings page, choose the Identity source tab, choose Actions, and then choose Manage Sync.

  4. On the Manage Sync page, choose the Groups tab, and then choose Add users and groups.

  5. Choose the Groups tab. Under Group, enter the exact group name and choose Add.

  6. Under Added Users and Groups, review the group that you want to add.

  7. Choose Submit.

  8. In the navigation pane, choose Groups.

  9. On the Groups page, it might take some time for the group that you specified to appear in the list. Choose the refresh icon to update the list of groups.

Remove users and groups from your sync scope

For more information about what happens when you remove users and groups from your sync scope, see How configurable AD sync works.

To remove users
  1. Open the IAM Identity Center console.

  2. Choose Settings.

  3. On the Settings page, choose the Identity source tab, choose Actions, and then choose Manage Sync.

  4. Choose the Users tab.

  5. Under Users in sync scope, select the check box beside the user that you want to delete. To delete all users, select the check box beside Username.

  6. Choose Remove.

To remove groups
  1. Open the IAM Identity Center console.

  2. Choose Settings.

  3. On the Settings page, choose the Identity source tab, choose Actions, and then choose Manage Sync.

  4. Choose the Groups tab.

  5. Under Groups in sync scope, select the check box beside the user that you want to delete. To delete all groups, select the check box beside Group name.

  6. Choose Remove.

Pause and resume your sync

Pausing your sync pauses all future sync cycles and prevents any changes that you make to users and groups in Active Directory from being reflected in IAM Identity Center. After you resume the sync, the sync cycle picks up these changes from the next scheduled sync.

To pause your sync
  1. Open the IAM Identity Center console.

  2. Choose Settings.

  3. On the Settings page, choose the Identity source tab, choose Actions, and then choose Manage Sync.

  4. Under Manage Sync, choose Pause sync.

To resume your sync
  1. Open the IAM Identity Center console.

  2. Choose Settings.

  3. On the Settings page, choose the Identity source tab, choose Actions, and then choose Manage Sync.

  4. Under Manage Sync, choose Resume sync.


    If you see Pause sync instead of Resume sync, the sync from Active Directory to IAM Identity Center has already resumed.

Configure attribute mappings for your sync

For more information about available attributes, see Attribute mappings for AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory.

To configure attribute mappings in IAM Identity Center to your directory
  1. Open the IAM Identity Center console.

  2. Choose Settings.

  3. On the Settings page, choose the Identity source tab, choose Actions, and then choose Manage Sync.

  4. Under Manage Sync, choose View attribute mapping.

  5. Under Active Directory user attributes, configure IAM Identity Center identity store attributes and Active Directory user attributes. For example, you might want to map the IAM Identity Center identity store attribute email to the Active Directory user directory attribute ${objectguid}.


    Under Group attributes, IAM Identity Center identity store attributes and Active Directory group attributes can't be changed.

  6. Choose Save changes. This returns you to the Manage Sync page.

Automate your sync configuration for configurable AD sync

To ensure that your automated workflow works as expected with configurable AD sync, we recommend that you perform the following steps to automate your sync configuration.

To automate your sync configuration for configurable AD sync
  1. In Active Directory, create a parent sync group to contain all users and groups that you want to sync into IAM Identity Center. For example, you can name the group IAMIdentityCenterAllUsersAndGroups.

  2. In IAM Identity Center, add the parent sync group to your configurable sync list. IAM Identity Center will synchronize all users, groups, sub-groups, and members of all groups contained within the parent sync group.

  3. Use the Active Directory user and group management API actions provided by Microsoft to add or remove users and groups from the parent sync group.