With our updated console experience you are now seeing a registration Name field for your registration. This field is set to "–" as we do not manually backfill any of your service values to prevent interruption to your service and let you maintain your security posture. A registration Name is an optional friendly name field that can be updated using the tags on the registration details page. For more information on how to add a Name tag, see Change a registration's name in AWS End User Messaging SMS.
Before you can request a 10DLC phone number, you must register your company or brand. Brand registrations are managed by an industry organization called the Campaign Registry. You need to register your company per each AWS account and AWS Region that will use the company.
Campaign Registry has implemented a two-factor authentication (2FA) for brand registrations. If your Legal form of organization is PUBLIC_PROFIT you have to provide the email address of a person who works at the brand who can complete the email authentication. Email distribution lists are not allowed and the email domain must match the domain of your business. The email authentication is sent from and we recommend you add the email address to your spam list allow rules.
After you've created your 10DLC brand registration you need to complete the form and submit it for approval.
If your 10DLC brand registration is successful and you want to register for higher throughput capabilities, then you must vet your 10DLC brand registration. For more information on 10 DLC brand vetting, see 10DLC brand vetting form.
For more information on expected registration times, see United States 10DLC registration.
Complete a 10DLC brand registration
Open the AWS End User Messaging SMS console at
. -
In the navigation pane, under Registrations, choose the 10DLC brand registration to complete.
In the Brand Registration Information section, enter the following:
For Legal company name, enter the name that the company is registered under. The name that you enter must be an exact match for the company name that's associated with the tax ID that you provide.
Make sure to use your company's exact legal name. Incorrect or incomplete information might result in your registration being delayed or denied.
For Country of tax registration, enter the two letter ISO country code for the country where your company is registered. For a list of ISO country codes, see Supported countries and regions for SMS messaging with AWS End User Messaging SMS.
For Tax ID or Business Registration Number, enter your company's tax ID. The ID that you enter depends on the country that your company is registered in.
If you're registering a US or non-US entity that has an IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN), enter your nine-digit EIN. The legal company name, EIN, and physical address that you enter must all match the company information that is registered with the IRS.
If you're registering a Canadian entity, enter your federal or provincial Corporation number. Don't enter the Business Number (BN) provided by the CRA. The legal company name, Corporation number, and physical address that you enter must all match the company information that is registered with Corporations Canada.
If you're registering an entity that is based in another country, enter the primary tax ID for your country. In many countries, this is the numeric portion of your VAT ID number.
For Legal form of organization, choose the option that best describes your company.
The US government and Not-for-profit options can only be used to register United States-based organizations. If your organization is based in a country other than the US, you must register as Private for-profit, regardless of the actual legal form of your organization.
For Stock symbol - optional enter your companies stock symbol.
For Stock exchange - optional, choose the stock exchange your company is listed on
If you chose Public for profit in the previous step, the company's stock symbol and the stock exchange fields are required.
For Physical business address – Address/Street, enter the physical street address associated with your company.
For Physical business address – City, enter the city where the physical address is located.
For Physical business address – State or region, enter the state or region where the address is located.
For Physical business address – Zip Code/Postal Code, enter the ZIP or postal code for the address.
For Physical business address – Country, enter the two digit ISO country code.
For Brand verification email, enter the email of a person who works at the brand who can complete the email authentication. Email distribution lists are not allowed and the email domain must match the domain of your business.
Choose Next.
In the Additional company and contact info section, enter the following:
For Doing Business As (DBA) or brand name, enter any other names that your company does business as.
For Vertical, choose the category that best describes the company you're registering.
For Company website, enter the full URL of your company's website. Include "http://" or "https://" at the beginning of the address.
For Support Email, enter the email address of the person who will be your business's point of contact.
For Support Phone Number, enter the phone number of the person who will be your business's point of contact. The phone number must start with a '+' and can't contain any spaces, hyphens, or parentheses. For example,
+1 (206) 555-0142
is not in the correct format, but+12065550142
Choose Next.
On the Review and submit page verify the information you are about to submit is correct. To make updates choose Edit next to the section.
Choose Submit registration.
If your Legal form of organization is PUBLIC_PROFIT then once you submit your brand registration the authentication email is sent to the email address specified in Brand verification email. Your registration can not be approved until you complete brand authentication. The authentication email is valid for 7 days and after that you have to request a new authentication email.
After your registration has been approved you need to either register for the optional US 10DLC Brand vetting or 10DLC campaign registration form. For more information on registering for 10DLC, see United States 10DLC registration.