Toll-free number registration process - Amazon Pinpoint SMS

Toll-free number registration process


It can take up to 15 business days for your registration to be processed after it is submitted.

If you use Amazon Pinpoint SMS to send messages to recipients in the United States or the US territories of Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Guam and American Samoa, you can use toll-free phone numbers (TFN) to deliver those messages. After you request a TFN you can register your company using the TFN. Each TFN requires a specific use case. For example, if you register a TFN to use for one-time passwords, it can only be used for sending one-time passwords. If a TFN is used for anything other than the specified use case, it can be revoked.

Register a toll-free number
  1. You first need to request the toll-free number. When you request the toll-free number in the Registration Required window enter a friendly name for the registration.

  2. You can begin the registration process by choosing Begin registration or choose Register later to come back and complete the form.

Toll-free number forbidden use cases

Please be aware that AWS is limited in our ability to send any messages or register TFNs for some use cases. Certain use cases are blocked entirely (for example, use cases related to controlled substance, or phishing) and other might be subject to high levels of filtering (for example, high risk financial messages). You might be unable to register TFNs associated with restricted content use cases defined in Prohibited message content.

Toll-free number registration rejection reasons

If your Toll-free number registration was rejected, use the following table to determine why it was rejected and what you can do to fix your Toll-free number registration. After you determine why the registration was rejected, you can modify the existing registration to address that issue and resubmit. For more information, see Edit your registration.

Reason for rejection
Amazon Pinpoint SMS rejection short description Amazon Pinpoint SMS rejection long description

Compliant Opt In Missing

The opt-in process or screenshot is missing. A compliant opt-in process or screenshot will clearly specify how your recipient is able to provide their explicit consent to receive SMS messages. Some common rejection reasons: missing explicit language around SMS opt-in consent, mismatch between provided company name and opt-in screenshots, receiving a text message cannot be required to sign up for service, or SMS opt-in consent cannot be included in the Terms of Service. For more information, see Obtain permission.

Invalid Business Connection

The contact information and company/application information does not have a clear connection. SMS Messages can't be sent on behalf of a 3rd party. In order to be verified please resubmit explaining the connection between your contact and company/application information.

Invalid Company Info

The company information you provided is unable to be verified. In order to be verified please confirm your company website is valid and aligns with your company name and address.

Invalid Multi Numbers

A single Toll Free number can only be associated with a single business. Please either resubmit a new registration request for each company with its own phone number or explain the connections between the multiple businesses called out.

Invalid Overall

The information provided has been considered invalid. Please confirm your company website, use case, opt-in, and message samples are all valid inputs and align with other inputs in your registration.

Invalid URL

The company URL you provided is unable to be accessed. In order to be verified please confirm your provided company website is valid and active.

Non Compliant Opt In

The opt-in process or screenshot you have provided is either insufficient or non compliant. A compliant opt-in process or screenshot will clearly specify how your recipient is able to provide their explicit consent to receive SMS messages. Some common rejection reasons: missing explicit language around SMS opt-in consent, mismatch between provided company name and opt-in screenshots, receiving a text message cannot be required to sign up for service, or SMS opt-in consent cannot be included in the Terms of Service. For more information, see Obtain permission.

Non Compliant Opt In Consent

The opt-in process or screenshot you have provided does not show explicit consent. Explicit consent is the deliberate action of a user having the option to request a specific message. A compliant opt-in process or screenshot will clearly specify how your recipient is able to provide their explicit consent to receive SMS messages. Some common rejection reasons: missing explicit language around SMS opt-in consent, mismatch between provided company name and opt-in screenshots, receiving a text message cannot be required to sign up for service, or SMS opt-in consent cannot be included in the Terms of Service. For more information, see Obtain permission.

Non Compliant Opt In Third Party

The opt-in process or screenshot you have provided is either insufficient or non compliant due to opt-in information being shared with 3rd parties. A compliant opt-in process or screenshot will clearly specify how your recipient is able to provide their explicit consent to receive SMS messages and is not shared with 3rd parties. Please resubmit after you remove any language around opt-in information sharing or include language specifically stating opt-in information is not shared with 3rd parties. For more information, see Obtain permission.

Non Compliant Use Case

The use case and/or message samples provided are considered restricted content under US Telecom regulations. Please refer to the documentation below for a full list of items considered restricted content. If you believe your content is falsely considered restricted you can attempt to update your sample messages and use case and re-submit the registration. For more information, see Obtain permission.

Toll-free number frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions about the toll-free number registration process.

To check if you own a toll-free number
  1. Open the Amazon Pinpoint SMS console at

  2. In the navigation pane, under SMS and voice, choose Phone numbers.

  3. Toll-free numbers have their type listed as toll free.

Yes. If you currently own a toll-free number, you must register to use it.

Follow the directions at Request a phone number to purchase a toll-free number.

If you already procured your TFN and created a registration form then follow the directions at US toll-free number registration form to complete the form. If you need to create a registration then follow the directions at Create a new registration to register a toll-free number.

Follow the directions at Check your registration status to check your registration and status.

You will need to provide your companies address, a business contact, and a use case. You can find the required information at US toll-free number registration form.

If your registration is rejected, its status will be changed to Requires Updates and you can make updates by following the directions in Edit your registration.

The IAM permissions that you use to visit the Amazon Pinpoint SMS console must be enabled with the “sms-voice:*” permission.