Problem: Couldn’t find or create service linked role
We updated this solution to make service linked role creation idempotent. When you create a new resource, the solution checks for existing service linked role. If no service linked role exists, the solution creates one. During cleanup, the AWS::IAM::ServiceLinkedRole
resource might have been removed successfully, which can cause issues.
Example event from CodeBuild:
AWSAccelerator-OrganizationsStack-<account>-<region> | … | DELETE_IN_PROGRESS | AWS::IAM::ServiceLinkedRole | FirewallManagerServiceLinkedRole
AWSAccelerator-OrganizationsStack-<account>-<region> | … | DELETE_COMPLETE | AWS::IAM::ServiceLinkedRole | FirewallManagerServiceLinkedRole
Manually release the pipeline again. The service linked role will run on every pipeline. If no service linked role exists, the solution creates a new one in the account.