Creating tag-based IAM policies in Step Functions - AWS Step Functions

Creating tag-based IAM policies in Step Functions

Step Functions supports policies based on tags. For example, you could restrict access to all Step Functions resources that include a tag with the key environment and the value production.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Deny", "Action": [ "states:TagResource", "states:UntagResource", "states:DeleteActivity", "states:DeleteStateMachine", "states:StopExecution" ], "Resource": "*", "Condition": { "StringEquals": {"aws:ResourceTag/environment": "production"} } } ] }

This policy will Deny the ability to delete state machines or activities, stop executions, and add or delete new tags for all resources that have been tagged as environment/production.

For tag-based authorization, state machine execution resources as shown in the following example inherit the tags associated with a state machine.


When you call DescribeExecution or other APIs in which you specify the execution resource ARN, Step Functions uses tags associated with the state machine to accept or deny the request while performing tag-based authorization. This helps you allow or deny access to state machine executions at the state machine level.

For more information about tagging, see the following: