Develop enhanced fan-out consumers with the Kinesis Data Streams API - Amazon Kinesis Data Streams

Develop enhanced fan-out consumers with the Kinesis Data Streams API

Enhanced fan-out is an Amazon Kinesis Data Streams feature that enables consumers to receive records from a data stream with dedicated throughput of up to 2 MB of data per second per shard. A consumer that uses enhanced fan-out doesn't have to contend with other consumers that are receiving data from the stream. For more information, see Develop custom consumers with dedicated throughput (enhanced fan-out).

You can use API operations to build a consumer that uses enhanced fan-out in Kinesis Data Streams.

To register a consumer with enhanced fan-out using the Kinesis Data Streams API
  1. Call RegisterStreamConsumer to register your application as a consumer that uses enhanced fan-out. Kinesis Data Streams generates an Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the consumer and returns it in the response.

  2. To start listening to a specific shard, pass the consumer ARN in a call to SubscribeToShard. Kinesis Data Streams then starts pushing the records from that shard to you, in the form of events of type SubscribeToShardEvent over an HTTP/2 connection. The connection remains open for up to 5 minutes. Call SubscribeToShard again if you want to continue receiving records from the shard after the future that is returned by the call to SubscribeToShard completes normally or exceptionally.


    SubscribeToShard API also returns the list of the child shards of the current shard when the end of the current shard is reached.

  3. To deregister a consumer that is using enhanced fan-out, call DeregisterStreamConsumer.

The following code is an example of how you can subscribe your consumer to a shard, renew the subscription periodically, and handle the events.

import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; /** * See * for complete code and more examples. */ public class SubscribeToShardSimpleImpl { private static final String CONSUMER_ARN = "arn:aws:kinesis:us-east-1:123456789123:stream/foobar/consumer/test-consumer:1525898737"; private static final String SHARD_ID = "shardId-000000000000"; public static void main(String[] args) { KinesisAsyncClient client = KinesisAsyncClient.create(); SubscribeToShardRequest request = SubscribeToShardRequest.builder() .consumerARN(CONSUMER_ARN) .shardId(SHARD_ID) .startingPosition(s -> s.type(ShardIteratorType.LATEST)).build(); // Call SubscribeToShard iteratively to renew the subscription periodically. while(true) { // Wait for the CompletableFuture to complete normally or exceptionally. callSubscribeToShardWithVisitor(client, request).join(); } // Close the connection before exiting. // client.close(); } /** * Subscribes to the stream of events by implementing the SubscribeToShardResponseHandler.Visitor interface. */ private static CompletableFuture<Void> callSubscribeToShardWithVisitor(KinesisAsyncClient client, SubscribeToShardRequest request) { SubscribeToShardResponseHandler.Visitor visitor = new SubscribeToShardResponseHandler.Visitor() { @Override public void visit(SubscribeToShardEvent event) { System.out.println("Received subscribe to shard event " + event); } }; SubscribeToShardResponseHandler responseHandler = SubscribeToShardResponseHandler .builder() .onError(t -> System.err.println("Error during stream - " + t.getMessage())) .subscriber(visitor) .build(); return client.subscribeToShard(request, responseHandler); } }

If event.ContinuationSequenceNumber returns null, it indicates that a shard split or merge has occurred that involved this shard. This shard is now in a CLOSED state, and you have read all available data records from this shard. In this scenario, per example above, you can use event.childShards to learn about the new child shards of the shard that is being processed that were created by the split or merge. For more information, see ChildShard.