Reviewing and approving or rejecting change requests - AWS Systems Manager

Reviewing and approving or rejecting change requests

If you're specified as a reviewer for a change request in Change Manager, a capability of AWS Systems Manager, you're notified through an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic when a new change request is awaiting your review.


This functionality depends on whether an Amazon SNS was specified in the change template for sending review notifications. For information, see Configuring Amazon SNS topics for Change Manager notifications.

To review the change request, you can follow the link in your notification, or sign in to the AWS Management Console directly and follow the steps in this procedure.


If an Amazon SNS topic is assigned for reviewers in a change template, notifications are sent to the topic's subscribers when the change request changes status.

For more information about approvals for change requests, see About change request approvals.

Reviewing and approving or rejecting change requests (console)

The following procedures describe how to use the Systems Manager console to review and approve or reject change requests.

To review and approve or reject a single change request
  1. Open the link in the email notification you received and sign in to the AWS Management Console, which directs you to the change request for your review.

  2. In the summary page, review the proposed content of the change request.

    To approve the change request, choose Approve. In the dialog box, provide any comments you want to add for this approval, and then choose Approve. The runbook workflow represented by this request starts to run either when scheduled, or as soon as changes aren't blocked by any restrictions.


    To reject the change request, choose Reject. In the dialog box, provide any comments you want to add for this rejection, and then choose Reject.

To review and approve or reject change requests in bulk
  1. Open the AWS Systems Manager console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Change Manager.

  3. Choose the Approvals tab.

  4. (Optional) Review the details of requests pending your approval by choosing the name of each request, and then return to the Approvals tab.

  5. Select the check box of each change request that you want to approve.


    Select the check box of each change request that you want to reject.

  6. In the dialog box, provide any comments you want to add for this approval or rejection.

  7. Depending on whether you're approving or rejecting the selected change requests, choose Approve or Reject.

Reviewing and approving or rejecting a change request (command line)

The following procedure describes how to use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) (on Linux, macOS, or Windows) to review and approve or reject a change request.

To review and approve or reject a change request
  1. Install and configure the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), if you haven't already.

    For information, see Installing or updating the latest version of the AWS CLI.

  2. Create a JSON file on your local machine that specifies the parameters for your AWS CLI call.

    { "OpsItemFilters": [ { "Key": "OpsItemType", "Values": ["/aws/changerequest"], "Operator": "Equal" } ], "MaxResults": number }

    You can filter the results for a specific approver by specifying the approver's Amazon Resource Name (ARN) in the JSON file. Here is an example.

    { "OpsItemFilters": [ { "Key": "OpsItemType", "Values": ["/aws/changerequest"], "Operator": "Equal" }, { "Key": "ChangeRequestByApproverArn", "Values": ["arn:aws:iam::account-id:user/user-name"], "Operator": "Equal" } ], "MaxResults": number }
  3. Run the following command to view the maximum number of change requests you specified in the JSON file.

    Linux & macOS
    aws ssm describe-ops-items \ --cli-input-json file://filename.json
    aws ssm describe-ops-items ^ --cli-input-json file://filename.json
  4. Run the following command to approve or reject a change request.

    Linux & macOS
    aws ssm send-automation-signal \ --automation-execution-id ID \ --signal-type Approve_or_Reject \ --payload Comment="message"
    aws ssm send-automation-signal ^ --automation-execution-id ID ^ --signal-type Approve_or_Reject ^ --payload Comment="message"

    If an Amazon SNS topic has been specified in the change template you chose for the request, notifications are sent when the request is rejected or approved. If you don't receive notifications for the request, you can return to Change Manager to check the status of your request. For information about other options when using this command, see send-automation-signal in the AWS Systems Manager section of the AWS CLI Command Reference.