Auditing and logging Distributor activity - AWS Systems Manager

Auditing and logging Distributor activity

You can use AWS CloudTrail to audit activity related to Distributor, a capability of AWS Systems Manager. For more information about auditing and logging options for Systems Manager, see Monitoring AWS Systems Manager.

Audit Distributor activity using CloudTrail

CloudTrail captures API calls made in the AWS Systems Manager console, the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), and the Systems Manager SDK. The information can be viewed in the CloudTrail console or stored in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. One bucket is used for all CloudTrail logs for your account.

Logs of Run Command and State Manager actions show document creation, package installation, and package uninstallation activity. Run Command and State Manager are capabilities of AWS Systems Manager. For more information about viewing and using CloudTrail logs of Systems Manager activity, see Logging AWS Systems Manager API calls with AWS CloudTrail.