Step 2: Verify your instances and edge devices can be managed by Systems Manager - AWS Systems Manager

Step 2: Verify your instances and edge devices can be managed by Systems Manager

For Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances; AWS IoT Greengrass core devices; and on-premises servers, edge devices, and virtual machines (VMs) to be monitored and managed using Fleet Manager, a capability of AWS Systems Manager, they must be Systems Manager managed nodes. This means your nodes must meet certain prerequisites and be configured with the AWS Systems Manager Agent (SSM Agent). For more information, see Setting up AWS Systems Manager.

You can use Quick Setup, a capability of AWS Systems Manager, to help you quickly configure your Amazon EC2 instances as managed instances in an individual account. If your business or organization uses AWS Organizations, you can also configure instances across multiple organizational units (OUs) and AWS Regions. For more information about using Quick Setup to configure managed instances, see Set up Amazon EC2 host management.


For non-EC2 machines that aren't running on AWS, use a hybrid activation to configure the machine for use with Systems Manager in a hybrid and multicloud. For information about hybrid activations, see AWS Systems Manager Hybrid Activations.