Transfer Family tutorials
The AWS Transfer Family user guide provides detailed walkthroughs for several use cases.
Getting started with AWS Transfer Family server endpoints: this tutorial walks you through creating an SFTP Transfer Family server and service-managed user, then shows how to transfer a file using a client.
Setting up and using SFTP connectors: this tutorial illustrates how to set up an SFTP connector, and then transfer files between Amazon S3 storage and an SFTP server.
Setting up an Amazon API Gateway method as a custom identity provider : this tutorial illustrates how to set up an Amazon API Gateway method and use it as a custom identity provider to upload files to an AWS Transfer Family server.
Setting up a managed workflow for decrypting a file: this tutorial illustrates how to set up a managed workflow that contains a decrypt step, and how to upload an encrypted file to an Amazon S3 bucket and then view the decrypted file.
Setting up an AS2 configuration: this tutorial walks through the steps needed to configure an AS2 Transfer Family server. There are instructions for importing certificates, creating profiles and agreements, optionally creating an AS2 connector, and then testing the configuration.