HTTP targets in VPC Lattice - Amazon VPC Lattice

HTTP targets in VPC Lattice

HTTP requests and HTTP responses use header fields to send information about the HTTP messages. HTTP headers are added automatically. Header fields are colon-separated name-value pairs that are separated by a carriage return (CR) and a line feed (LF). A standard set of HTTP header fields is defined in RFC 2616, Message Headers. There are also non-standard HTTP headers available that are automatically added and widely used by the applications. For example, there are non-standard HTTP headers with the x-forwarded prefix.

x-forwarded headers

Amazon VPC Lattice adds the following x-forwarded headers:


The source IP address.


The destination port.


The connection protocol (http | https).

Caller identity headers

Amazon VPC Lattice adds the following caller identity headers:


The identity information. The following fields are present if AWS authentication is successful.

  • Principal – The authenticated principal.

  • PrincipalOrgID – The ID of the organization for the authenticated principal.

  • SessionName – The name of the authenticated session.

The following fields are present if Roles Anywhere credentials are used and authentication is successful.

  • X509Issuer/OU – The issuer (OU).

  • X509SAN/DNS – The subject alternative name (DNS).

  • X509SAN/NameCN – The issuer alternative name (Name/CN).

  • X509SAN/URI – The subject alternative name (URI).

  • X509Subject/CN – The subject name (CN).


The VPC. The format is as follows.


The target. The format is as follows.


For information about the resource ARNs for VPC Lattice, see Resource types defined by Amazon VPC Lattice.