Example: Isolated VPCs with shared services - Amazon VPC

Example: Isolated VPCs with shared services

You can configure your transit gateway as multiple isolated routers that use a shared service. This is similar to using multiple transit gateways, but provides more flexibility in cases where the routes and attachments might change. In this scenario, each isolated router has a single route table. All attachments associated with an isolated router propagate and associate with its route table. Attachments associated with one isolated router can route packets to each other, but cannot route packets to or receive packets from the attachments for another isolated router. Attachments can route packets to or receive packets from the shared services. You can use this scenario when you have groups that need to be isolated, but use a shared service, for example a production system.


The following diagram shows the key components of the configuration for this scenario. Packets from the subnets in VPC A, VPC B, and VPC C that have the internet as a destination, first route through the transit gateway and then route to the customer gateway for Site-to-Site VPN. Packets from subnets in VPC A, VPC B, or VPC C that have a destination of a subnet in VPC A, VPC B, or VPC C route through the transit gateway, where they are blocked because there is no route for them in the transit gateway route table. Packets from VPC A, VPC B, and VPC C that have VPC D as the destination route through the transit gateway and then to VPC D.

A transit gateway with four VPC attachments and one VPN attachment.


Create the following resources for this scenario:

When the VPN connection is up, the BGP session is established and the VPN CIDR propagates to the transit gateway route table and the VPC CIDRs are added to the customer gateway BGP table.

  • Each isolated VPC is associated with the isolated route table and propagated to the shared route table.

  • Each shared services VPC is associated with the shared route table and propagated to both route tables.


Each VPC has a route table, and the transit gateway has two route tables—one for the VPCs and one for the VPN connection and shared services VPC.

VPC A, VPC B, VPC C, and VPC D route tables

Each VPC has a route table with two entries. The first entry is the default entry for local routing in the VPC; this entry enables the instances in this VPC to communicate with each other. The second entry routes all other IPv4 subnet traffic to the transit gateway.

Destination Target local transit gateway ID

Transit gateway route tables

This scenario uses one route table for the VPCs and one route table for the VPN connection.

The VPC A, B, and C attachments are associated with the following route table, which has a propagated route for the VPN attachment and a propagated route for the attachment for VPC D.

Destination Target Route type Attachment for VPN connection propagated Attachment for VPC D propagated

The VPN attachment and shared services VPC (VPC D) attachments are associated with the following route table, which has entries that point to each of the VPC attachments. This enables communication to the VPCs from the VPN connection and the shared services VPC.

Destination Target Route type Attachment for VPC A propagated Attachment for VPC B propagated Attachment for VPC C propagated

For more information, see Propagate a route to a transit gateway route table.

Customer gateway BGP table

The customer gateway BGP table contains the CIDRs for all four VPCs.