[AG.ACG.6] Implement auto-remediation for non-compliant findings - DevOps Guidance

[AG.ACG.6] Implement auto-remediation for non-compliant findings


Manual identification and remediation of non-compliance issues can be time-consuming and prone to errors. Automated systems can rapidly respond to non-compliant resources, misconfigurations, and insecure defaults as soon as they are detected.

In the event of a non-compliance issue, an auto-remediation process should be triggered, which not only resolves the immediate issue but also initiates an alert to the developers. This is important because, while the auto-remediation resolves the problem at the system level, the developers need to be made aware of the problem so that they can correct the source of the error and prevent its recurrence. This dual approach of auto-remediation and developer notification promotes a learning environment and reduces the likelihood of recurring non-compliance issues. It allows developers to address the root cause of the configuration drift or non-compliance to prevent the continual reintroduction of the same error.

While recommended for its efficiency and rapid response, auto-remediation is not universally applicable to all compliance issues. Certain issues might require manual intervention or a more nuanced approach. Use preventative guardrails and implementing detective and preventative controls directly within the development lifecycle where possible, with auto-remediation being a third best option. These measures, when used together, yield a more compliant environment.

The goal of auto-remediation should not just be the swift resolution of issues, but also the continued education of developers while reducing the overall incidence of non-compliance.

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