PERF02-BP04 Configure and right-size compute resources - Performance Efficiency Pillar

PERF02-BP04 Configure and right-size compute resources

Configure and right-size compute resources to match your workload’s performance requirements and avoid under- or over-utilized resources.

Common anti-patterns:

  • You ignore your workload performance requirements resulting in over-provisioned or under-provisioned compute resources.

  • You only choose the largest or smallest instance available for all workloads.

  • You only use one instance family for ease of management.

  • You ignore recommendations from AWS Cost Explorer or Compute Optimizer for right-sizing.

  • You do not re-evaluate the workload for suitability of new instance types.

  • You certify only a small number of instance configurations for your organization.

Benefits of establishing this best practice: Right-sizing compute resources ensures optimal operation in the cloud by avoiding over-provisioning and under-provisioning resources. Properly sizing compute resources typically results in better performance and enhanced customer experience, while also lowering cost.

Level of risk exposed if this best practice is not established: Medium

Implementation guidance

Right-sizing allows organizations to operate their cloud infrastructure in an efficient and cost-effective manner while addressing their business needs. Over-provisioning cloud resources can lead to extra costs, while under-provisioning can result in poor performance and a negative customer experience. AWS provides tools such as AWS Compute Optimizer and AWS Trusted Advisor that use historical data to provide recommendations to right-size your compute resources.

Implementation steps


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