Working with the capabilities - Establishing Your Cloud Foundation on AWS

Working with the capabilities

Each organization’s cloud adoption journey is unique. To successfully build your cloud environment, you need to understand your organization’s current state, the target state, and the transition required to achieve the target state. As you work on your plan to establish your environment, these capabilities can help you drive the conversation and decisions across relevant stakeholders (identified by the functional areas for each capability).

There are functional areas within each capability to help identify owners and stakeholders. Each capability has one primary functional area, which indicates the owner accountable for the capability. However, most capabilities are also relevant to other functional areas, which indicate the stakeholders responsible for providing input, and help make decisions for that capability.

A chart showing the six categories across the different stakeholders.

Primary stakeholders across six categories diagram

The following graph shows a path that you can follow when planning your environment. It's based on dependencies between capabilities, and can be used to create a project plan for the implementation of capabilities in your environment. In addition to the dependencies shown (via the arrows), some capabilities apply to the overall environment (for example, Governance and Audit and Assessment).

A chart showing a capability dependency guided path.

Capability dependency guided path

The following foundational capabilities based on AWS best practices and guidance, can help you get started with building your environment.
