Implementing and enforcing tagging - Best Practices for Tagging AWS Resources

Implementing and enforcing tagging

In this section, we’ll introduce you to the tools available for the following resource management strategies: manual, infrastructure as code (IaC), and continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD). The key dimension for these approaches is an increasingly frequent rate of deployment.

Manually managed resources

These are typically workloads that fall into the foundation or migration stages of adoption. Often, these are simple largely static workloads that have been built using traditional written procedures or those migrated as is using tools such as CloudEndure from an on-premises environment. Migration tools, such as Migration Hub and CloudEndure, can apply tags as part of the migration process. However, if tags were not applied during the original migration or the tagging schema has changed since then, the Tag Editor (a feature of the AWS Management Console) allows you to search for resources using a variety of search criteria and add, modify, or delete tags in bulk. Search criteria can include resources with or without the presence of a particular tag or value. The AWS Resource Tagging API allows you to perform these functions programmatically.

As these workloads are modernized, resource types such as Auto Scaling groups are introduced. These resource types allow for greater elasticity and improved resilience. The auto scaling group manages Amazon EC2 instances on your behalf, however, you might still want the EC2 instances to be tagged consistently with the manually created resources. An Amazon EC2 launch template provides the means to specify the tags that the Auto Scaling should apply to instances that it creates.

When the resources of a workload are being managed manually, it can be helpful to automate the tagging of resources. There are various solutions available. One approach is to use AWS Config Rules, which can check for required_tags and then start a Lambda function to apply them. AWS Config Rules is described in more detail later in this whitepaper.

Infrastructure as code (IaC) managed resources

AWS CloudFormation provides a common language for provisioning all the infrastructure resources in your AWS environment. CloudFormation templates are JSON or YAML files that create AWS resources in an automated manner. When you create AWS resources using CloudFormation templates, you can use the CloudFormation Resource Tags property to apply tags to supported resource types upon creation. Managing the tags as well as the resources with IaC helps ensure consistency.

When resources are created by AWS CloudFormation, the service automatically applies a set of AWS defined tags to the resources created by the AWS CloudFormation template. These are:

aws:cloudformation:stack-name aws:cloudformation:stack-id aws:cloudformation:logical-id

You can easily define a resource group based on the AWS CloudFormation stack. These AWS defined tags are inherited by the resources created by the stack. However, for Amazon EC2 instances within an Auto Scaling group, the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup TagProperty needs to be set in the definition of the Auto Scaling group in your AWS CloudFormation template. Alternatively, if you are using an EC2 Launch Template with the Auto Scaling group then you can define the tags in its definition. Using EC2 Launch Templates with Auto Scaling groups or with an AWS container service is recommended. These services can help ensure consistent tagging of your Amazon EC2 instances and also support Auto Scaling Across Multiple Instance Types & Purchase Options, which can improve resilience and optimize your compute costs.

AWS CloudFormation Hooks provide developers with a means of keeping key aspects of their application consistent with their organization’s standards. Hooks can be configured to provide a warning or prevent deployment. This feature is best suited to checking key configuration elements in your templates, such as whether an Auto Scaling group is configured to apply customer defined tags to all the Amazon EC2 instances it will launches, or to ensure that all Amazon S3 buckets are created with the required encryption settings. In both cases, evaluation of this compliance is being pushed to the earlier in the deployment process with AWS CloudFormation hooks before deployment.

AWS CloudFormation provides the capability to detect when a resource (see Resources that support drift detection) provisioned from a template has been modified and resources no longer match their expected template configurations. This is known as drift. If you use automation to apply tags to resources managed via IaC, then you are modifying them, introducing drift. When using IaC, it's currently recommended to manage any tagging requirements as part of the IaC templates, implement AWS CloudFormation hooks, and publish AWS CloudFormation Guard rule sets that can be used by automation.

CI/CD pipeline managed resources

As the maturity of a workload increases, it’s likely that techniques such as continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) are adopted. These techniques help to reduce deployment risk by making it easier to deploy small changes more frequently with increased automation of testing. An observability strategy that detects unexpected behavior introduced by a deployment can automatically roll back the deployment with minimal user impact. As you get to the stage of deploying tens of times a day, applying tags retroactively is simply no longer practical. Everything needs to be expressed as code or configuration, version controlled, and, wherever possible, tested and evaluated before deployment into production. In the combined develop and operations (DevOps) model, many of the practices address operational considerations as code and validate them early in the deployment lifecycle.

Ideally, you want to push these checks as early in the process as you can (as shown with AWS CloudFormation hooks), so that you can be confident that your AWS CloudFormation template meets your policies before they leave the developer's machine.

AWS CloudFormation Guard 2.0 provides the means to write preventative compliance rules for anything you can define with CloudFormation. The template is validated against the rules in the development environment. Clearly, this feature has a range of applications, but in this whitepaper, we will just look at some examples that would ensure the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup TagProperty is always being used.

The following is an example of a CloudFormation Guard rule:

let all_asgs = Resources.*[ Type == 'AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup' ] rule tags_asg_automation_EnvironmentId when %all_asgs !empty { let required_tags = %all_asgs.Properties.Tags.*[ Key == 'example-inc:automation:EnvironmentId' ] %required_tags[*] { PropagateAtLaunch == 'true' Value IN ['Prod', 'Dev', 'Test', 'Sandbox'] <<Tag must have a permitted value Tag must have PropagateAtLaunch set to 'true'>> } } rule tags_asg_costAllocation_CostCenter when %all_asgs !empty { let required_tags = %all_asgs.Properties.Tags.*[ Key == 'example-inc:cost-allocation:CostCenter' ] %required_tags[*] { PropagateAtLaunch == 'true' Value == /^123-/ <<Tag must have a permitted value Tag must have PropagateAtLaunch set to 'true'>> } }

In the code example, we filter the template for all resources that are of the type AutoScalingGroup, and then have two rules:

  • tags_asg_automation_EnvironmentId - Checks that a tag with this key exists, has a value within the allowed list of values, and that PropagateAtLaunch is set to true

  • tags_asg_costAllocation_CostCenter - Checks that a tag exists with this key, has a value that begins with the defined prefix value, and that PropagateAtLaunch is set to true


As described previously, Resource Groups & Tag Editor provides the means to identify where your resources fail to meet the tagging requirements defined in the tag policies applied to the OUs of the organization. Accessing the Resource Groups & Tag Editor console tool from within an Organization member account shows you the policies that apply to that account and the resource within the account that fail to meet the tag policy’s requirements. If accessed from the management account (and if Tag policies has Access enabled in services under AWS Organizations), then it is possible to view the tag policy compliance for all the linked accounts in the organization.

Within the Tag Policy itself, you can enable enforcement for specific resource types. In the following policy example, we’ve added enforcement such that all resources of types ec2:instance and ec2:volume are required to be compliant with the policy. There are some known limitations, such as there must be a tag on a resource for it to be evaluated by the tag policy. See Resources that support enforcement with tag policies for a list.


The following is an example of a tag policy that reports and/or enforces Cost Allocation tags:

{ "tags": { "example-inc:cost-allocation:ApplicationId": { "tag_key": { "@@assign": "example-inc:cost-allocation:ApplicationId" }, "tag_value": { "@@assign": [ "DataLakeX", "RetailSiteX" ] }, "enforced_for": { "@@assign": [ "ec2:instance", "ec2:volume" ] } }, "example-inc:cost-allocation:BusinessUnitId": { "tag_key": { "@@assign": "example-inc:cost-allocation:BusinessUnitId" }, "tag_value": { "@@assign": [ "Architecture", "DevOps", "FinanceDataLakeX" ] }, "enforced_for": { "@@assign": [ "ec2:instance", "ec2:volume" ] } }, "example-inc:cost-allocation:CostCenter": { "tag_key": { "@@assign": "example-inc:cost-allocation:CostCenter" }, "tag_value": { "@@assign": [ "123-*" ] }, "enforced_for": { "@@assign": [ "ec2:instance", "ec2:volume" ] } } } }

AWS Config (required_tag)

AWS Config is a service that allows you to assess, audit, and evaluate the configurations of your AWS resources (see Resource types supported by AWS Config). In the case of tagging, we can use it to identify resources that are lacking tags with specific keys, using the required_tags rule (refer to Resource types supported by required_tags). From the earlier example, we might test for the existence of the key on all Amazon EC2 instances. In cases where the key doesn’t exist, the instance will be registered as non-compliant. This AWS CloudFormation template describes an AWS Config Rule to test for the presence of the mandatory keys describe in the table, on Amazon S3 buckets, Amazon EC2 instances, and Amazon EBS volumes.

Resources: MandatoryTags: Type: AWS::Config::ConfigRule Properties: ConfigRuleName: ExampleIncMandatoryTags Description: These tags should be in place InputParameters: tag1Key: example-inc:cost-allocation:ApplicationId tag2Key: example-inc:cost-allocation:BusinessUnitId tag3Key: example-inc:cost-allocation:CostCenter tag4Key: example-inc:automation:EnvironmentId Scope: ComplianceResourceTypes: - "AWS::S3::Bucket" - "AWS::EC2::Instance" - "AWS::EC2::Volume" Source: Owner: AWS SourceIdentifier: REQUIRED_TAGS

For environments where resources are managed manually, an AWS Config rule can be enhanced to automatically add the missing tag key to the resources using an automated remediation via an AWS Lambda function. While this works well for static workloads, it's progressively less effective as you start managing your resources via IaC and deployment pipelines.

AWS Organizations – Service control policies (SCPs) are a type of organization policy that you can use to manage permissions in your organization. SCPs offer central control over the maximum available permissions for all accounts in your organization or organizational unit (OU). SCPs only affect users and roles that are managed by accounts that are part of the organization. Although they do not affect resources directly, they restrict the permissions of users and roles which includes the permissions for tagging actions. With regards to tagging, SCPs can provide additional granularity for tag enforcement in addition to what tag policies can provide.

In the following example, the policy will deny ec2:RunInstances requests where the example-inc:cost-allocation:CostCenter tag is not present.

The following is a deny SCP:

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "DenyRunInstanceWithNoCostCenterTag", "Effect": "Deny", "Action": "ec2:RunInstances", "Resource": [ "arn:aws:ec2:*:*:instance/" ], "Condition": { "Null": { "aws:RequestTag/example-inc:cost-allocation:CostCenter": "true" } } } ] }

It is not possible to retrieve the effective service control policy that applies to a linked account by design. Where you enforce tagging with SCPs, documentation needs to be available to developers so they can ensure their resources meet the policies that have been applied to their accounts. Providing read only access to CloudTrail events within their account can support developers in the task of debugging when their resources fail to comply.