User roles overview - Amazon WorkDocs

Notice: New customer sign-ups and account upgrades are no longer available for Amazon WorkDocs. Learn about migration steps here: How to migrate data from Amazon WorkDocs.

User roles overview

Amazon WorkDocs defines the following user roles. You can change users' roles by editing their user profiles. For more information, see Editing users.

  • Admin: A paid user who has administrative permissions for the entire site, including user management and site setting configuration. For more information about how to promote a user to an administrator, see Promoting a user to administrator.

  • Power user: A paid user who has a special set of permissions from the administrator. For more information about how to set permissions for a power user, see Security – Simple ActiveDirectory sites and Security – ActiveDirectory connector sites.

  • User: A paid user who can save files and collaborate with others in an Amazon WorkDocs site.

  • Guest user: An unpaid user who can only view files. You can upgrade Guest users to the User, Power user, or Administrator roles.


    When you change a guest user's role, you perform a one-time action that you cannot reverse.

Amazon WorkDocs also defines these additional user types.

WS user

A user with an assigned WorkSpaces WorkSpace.

  • Access to all Amazon WorkDocs features

  • Default storage of 50 GB (can pay to upgrade to 1 TB)

  • No monthly charges

Upgraded WS user

A user with an assigned WorkSpaces WorkSpace and upgraded storage.

  • Access to all Amazon WorkDocs features

  • Default storage of 1 TB (additional storage available on a pay-as-you-go basis)

  • Monthly charges apply

Amazon WorkDocs user

An active Amazon WorkDocs user without an assigned WorkSpaces WorkSpace.

  • Access to all Amazon WorkDocs features

  • Default storage of 1 TB (additional storage available on a pay-as-you-go basis)

  • Monthly charges apply