Creating a user - Amazon WorkDocs

Creating a user

The following example show to create a user in Amazon WorkDocs.


This is not a valid operation for a Connected AD configuration. To create a user in the Connected AD configuration, the user must already be present in the enterprise directory. Then, you must make a call to the ActivateUser API to activate the user in Amazon WorkDocs.

The following example demonstrates how to create a user with a storage quota of 1 gigabyte.

CreateUserRequest request = new CreateUserRequest(); request.setGivenName("GivenName"); request.setOrganizationId("d-12345678c4"); // Passwords should: // Be between 8 and 64 characters // Contain three of the four below: // A Lowercase Character // An Uppercase Character // A Number // A Special Character request.setPassword("Badpa$$w0rd"); request.setSurname("surname"); request.setUsername("UserName"); StorageRuleType storageRule = new StorageRuleType(); storageRule.setStorageType(StorageType.QUOTA); storageRule.setStorageAllocatedInBytes(new Long(1048576l)); request.setStorageRule(storageRule); CreateUserResult result = workDocsClient.createUser(request);

Follow these steps to obtain a Amazon WorkDocs organization ID from the AWS console:

To get an organization ID
  1. In the AWS Directory Service console navigation pane, choose Directories.

  2. Note the Directory ID value that corresponds to your Amazon WorkDocs site. That is the Organization ID for the site.