Alerts from baseline monitoring in AMS - AMS Accelerate User Guide

Alerts from baseline monitoring in AMS

Learn about AMS Accelerate monitoring defaults. For more information, see Monitoring and event management in AMS Accelerate.

The following table shows what is monitored and the default alerting thresholds. You can change the alerting thresholds with a custom configuration document, or submit a service request. For instructions on changing your custom alarm configuration, see Changing the Accelerate alarm configuration. To receive notifications when alarms cross their threshold, in addition to AMS's standard alerting process, you can overwrite alarm configurations. For instructions, see Alarm Manager.

Amazon CloudWatch provides extended retention of metrics. For more information, see CloudWatch Limits.


AMS Accelerate calibrates its baseline monitoring on a periodic basis. New accounts are always onboarded with the latest baseline monitoring and the table describes the baseline monitoring for an account that is newly onboarded. AMS Accelerate updates the baseline monitoring in existing accounts on a periodic basis and you may experience a delay before the updates are in place.

Alerts from baseline monitoring


Alert name and trigger condition


For starred (*) alerts, AMS proactively assesses impact and remediates when possible; if remediation is not possible, AMS creates an incident. Where automation fails to correct the issue, AMS informs you of the incident case and an AMS engineer is engaged. In addition, if you opt in to the Direct-Customer-Alerts SNS topic, then these alerts are sent directly to your email.

ALB instance



sum > 15% for 1 min, 5 consecutive times.

CloudWatch alarm on excess number of HTTP 5XX response codes generated by the Loadbalancer.


sum > 0% for 1 min, 5 consecutive times.

CloudWatch alarm if the number of connections that were rejected because the load balancer reached its maximum

ALB target



sum > 15% for 1 min, 5 consecutive times.

CloudWatch alarm on excess number of HTTP 5XX response codes generated by a target.


sum > 0% for 1 min, 5 consecutive times.

CloudWatch alarm if number of connections were unsuccessfully established between the load balancer and the registered instances.


Average CPU utilization

> 90% for 20 mins, 5 consecutive times.

CloudWatch Alarm.

AWS Backup


An unexpected IAM role principal or IAM user principal has deleted an AWS Backup recovery point.

CloudWatch event. Emitted when a backup recovery point is deleted.

EC2 instance - all OSs


> 95% for 5 mins, 6 consecutive times.

CloudWatch alarm. High CPU utilization is an indicator of a change in application state such as deadlocks, infinite loops, malicious attacks, and other anomalies.

This is a Direct-Customer-Alerts alarm.


> 0% for 5 minute , 3 consecutive times.

EC2 instance - Linux

Minimum mem_used_percent

>= 95% for 5 minutes, 6 consecutive times.

Average swap_used_percent

>= 95% for 5 minutes, 6 consecutive times.

Maximum disk_used_percent

>= 95% for 5 minutes, 6 consecutive times.

EC2 instance - Windows

Minimum Memory % Committed Bytes in Use

>= 95% for 5 minutes, 6 consecutive times.

Maximum LogicalDisk % Free Space

<= 5% for 5 minutes, 6 consecutive times.



BurstCreditBalance less than 1000 for fifteen minutes.

CloudWatch alarm on the BurstCreditBalance of the EFS file system.


ClientConnections > 24,000 for fifteen minutes.

CloudWatch alarm on the ClientConnections of the EFS file system.


EFS Throughput Utilization > 80% for one hour.

CloudWatch alarm on the Throughput Utilization of the EFS file system.


PercentIOLimit > 95 for seventy five minutes.

CloudWatch alarm on the PercentIOLimit of the EFS file system.


See EKS Baseline alerts in Monitoring and Incident Management for Amazon EKS.

ELB instance


> 1 for 1 minute , 15 consecutive times.

CloudWatch alarm if an excess number of requests that were rejected because the surge queue is full.


sum > 0 for 5 min, 3 consecutive times.

CloudWatch alarm on excess number of HTTP 5XX response codes that originate from the load balancer.


> 100 for 1 minute, 15 consecutive times.

CloudWatch alarm if an excess number of requests are pending routing.

Amazon FSx ONTAP


FSX:ONTAP IOPS Utilization > 80% for two hours.

CloudWatch alarm on the IOPS utilization limit of the FSX:ONTAP instance.


FSX:ONTAP Throughput Utilization > 80% for two hours.

CloudWatch alarm on the volume capacity utilization limit of the FSX:ONTAP volume.


FSX:ONTAP Inode Utilization > 80% for two hours.

CloudWatch alarm on the file capacity utilization limit of the FSX:ONTAP volume.

Amazon FSx Windows


FSX:Windows Throughput Utilization > 80% for two hours.

CloudWatch alarm on the IOPS utilization limit of the FSX:Windows instance.


FSX:Windows IOPS Utilization > 80% for two hours.

CloudWatch alarm on the IOPS utilization limit of the FSX:Windows instance.

GuardDuty Service

Not applicable; all findings (threat purposes) are monitored. Each finding corresponds to an alert.

Changes in the GuardDuty findings. These changes include newly generated findings or subsequent occurrences of existing findings.

List of supported GuardDuty finding types are on GuardDuty Active Finding Types.


AWS Personal Health Dashboard

Notifications are sent when there are changes in the status of AWS Personal Health Dashboard (AWS Health) events.

Service event example: Scheduled EC2 instance store retirement.

These Health events are not monitored:







EC2 IAM Instance Profile does not exist.

The instance profile is missing.

For instructions on replacing an EC2 IAM instance profile, see the IAM documentation at Replace IAM role.

EC2 IAM Instance Profile has too many policies.

The IAM instance profile has 10 policies and additional policies cannot be added.

  • Modify the AWS Service Quota for IAM to increase number of managed policies per role to 20. For information about service quotas, see Viewing service quotas.

  • Lower the managed policy count below the current IAM quota by removing unnecessary managed policies for the IAM Role associated with these instances. Be sure to keep AMS required policies.

  • Lower the managed policy count below the current IAM quota by consolidating policies for the IAM Role associated with these instances. Be sure to keep AMS required policies.

For AMS required policies, see the AMS Accelerate User Guide: IAM permissions change details.


Newly generated alerts and updates to existing alerts.

Macie finds any changes in the findings. These changes include newly generated findings or subsequent occurrences of existing findings.

Amazon Macie alert. For a list of supported Amazon Macie alert types, see Analyzing Amazon Macie findings. Note that Macie is not enabled for all accounts.


PacketsDropCount : Alarm if packetsdropcount is > 0 over 15 minutes period

A value greater than zero may indicate an ongoing transient issue with the NAT gateway.

ErrorPortAllocation : Alarm if NAT Gateways could not allocate port for over 15 minutes evaluation period

The number of times the NAT gateway could not allocate a source port. A value greater than Zero indicates that too many concurrent connecations are open..

OpenSearch cluster


red maximum is >= 1 for 1 minute, 1 consecutive time.

CloudWatch alarm. The KMS encryption key that is used to encrypt data at rest in your domain is disabled. Re-enable it to restore normal operations. To learn more, see Red Cluster Status.

OpenSearch domain


>= 1 for 1 minute, 1 consecutive time.

CloudWatch alarm. At least one primary shard and its replicas are not allocated to a node. To learn more, see Encryption of Data at Rest for Amazon OpenSearch Service.


>= 1 for 1 minute, 1 consecutive time.


yellow maximum is >= 1 for 1 minute, 1 consecutive time.

At least one replica shard is not allocated to a node. To learn more, see Yellow Cluster Status.


minimum is <= 20480 for 1 minute, 1 consecutive time.

A node in your cluster is down to 20 GiB of free storage space. To learn more, see Lack of Available Storage Space.


>= 1 for 5 minutes, 1 consecutive time.

The cluster is blocking write requests. To learn more, see ClusterBlockException.


minimum < x for 1 day, 1 consecutive time.

x is the number of nodes in your cluster. This alarm indicates that at least one node in your cluster has been unreachable for one day. To learn more, see Failed Cluster Nodes.


average >= 80% for 15 minutes, 3 consecutive times.

100% CPU utilization isn't uncommon, but sustained high averages are problematic. Consider right-sizing an existing instance types or adding instances.


maximum >= 80% for 5 minutes, 3 consecutive times.

The cluster could encounter out of memory errors if usage increases. Consider scaling vertically. Amazon ES uses half of an instance's RAM for the Java heap, up to a heap size of 32 GiB. You can scale instances vertically up to 64 GiB of RAM, at which point you can scale horizontally by adding instances.


average >= 50% for 15 minutes, 3 consecutive times.

Consider using larger instance types for your dedicated master nodes. Because of their role in cluster stability and blue/green deployments, dedicated master nodes should have lower average CPU usage than data nodes.


maximum >= 80% for 15 minutes, 1 consecutive time.

OpenSearch instance


maximum is >= 1 for 1 minute, 1 consecutive time.

CloudWatch alarm. An automated snapshot failed. This failure is often the result of a red cluster health status. To learn more, see Red Cluster Status.


Average CPU utilization

> 75% for 15 mins, 2 consecutive times.

CloudWatch alarms.

Sum of DiskQueueDepth

> 75% for 1 mins, 15 consecutive times.

Average FreeStorageSpace

< 1,073,741,824 bytes for 5 mins, 2 consecutive times.

Low Storage alert

Triggers when the allocated storage for the DB instance has been exhausted.

RDS-EVENT-0007, see details at Using Amazon RDS event notification.

DB instance fail

The DB instance has failed due to an incompatible configuration or an underlying storage issue. Begin a point-in-time-restore for the DB instance.

RDS-EVENT-0031, see details at Amazon RDS Event Categories and Event Messages.

RDS -0034 failover not attempted.

RDS is not attempting a requested failover because a failover recently occurred on the DB instance.

RDS-EVENT-0034, see details at Amazon RDS Event Categories and Event Messages.

RDS - 0035 DB instance invalid parameters

For example, MySQL could not start because a memory-related parameter is set too high for this instance class, so your action would be to modify the memory parameter and reboot the DB instance.

RDS-EVENT-0035, see details at Amazon RDS Event Categories and Event Messages.

Invalid subnet IDs DB instance

The DB instance is in an incompatible network. Some of the specified subnet IDs are invalid or do not exist.

Service event. RDS-EVENT-0036, see details at Amazon RDS Event Categories and Event Messages.

RDS-0045 DB instance read replica error

An error has occurred in the read replication process. For more information, see the event message. For information on troubleshooting Read Replica errors, see Troubleshooting a MySQL Read Replica Problem.

RDS-EVENT-0045, see details at Amazon RDS Event Categories and Event Messages.

RDS-0057 Error create statspack user account

Replication on the Read Replica was ended.

Service event. RDS-EVENT-0057, see details at Amazon RDS Event Categories and Event Messages.

RDS-0058 DB instance read replication ended

Error while creating Statspack user account PERFSTAT. Drop the account before adding the Statspack option.

Service event. RDS-EVENT-0058, see details at Amazon RDS Event Categories and Event Messages.

DB instance recovery start

The SQL Server DB instance is re-establishing its mirror. Performance will be degraded until the mirror is reestablished. A database was found with non-FULL recovery model. The recovery model was changed back to FULL and mirroring recovery was started. (<dbname>: <recovery model found>[,…])

Service event. RDS-EVENT-0066 see details at Amazon RDS Event Categories and Event Messages.

A failover for the DB cluster has failed.

RDS-EVENT-0069, see details at Amazon RDS Event Categories and Event Messages.

Invalid permissions recovery S3 bucket

The IAM role that you use to access your Amazon S3 bucket for SQL Server native backup and restore is configured incorrectly. For more information, see Setting Up for Native Backup and Restore.

Service event. RDS-EVENT-0081 see details at Amazon RDS Event Categories and Event Messages.

Aurora was unable to copy backup data from an Amazon S3 bucket.

RDS-EVENT-0082, see details at Amazon RDS Event Categories and Event Messages.

Low storage alert when the DB instance has consumed more than 90% of its allocated storage.

Service event. RDS-EVENT-0089 see details at Amazon RDS Event Categories and Event Messages.

Notification service when scaling failed for the Aurora Serverless DB cluster.

Service event. RDS-EVENT-0143 see details at Amazon RDS Event Categories and Event Messages.

The DB instance is in an invalid state. No actions are necessary. Autoscaling will retry later.

RDS-EVENT-0219, see details at Amazon RDS Event Categories and Event Messages.

The DB instance has reached the storage-full threshold, and the database has been shut down.

RDS-EVENT-0221, see details at Amazon RDS Event Categories and Event Messages.

This event indicates the RDS instance storage autoscaling is unable to scale, there could be multiple reasons for why the autoscaling failed.

RDS-EVENT-0223, see details at Amazon RDS Event Categories and Event Messages.

Storage autoscaling has triggered a pending scale storage task that would reach the maximum storage threshold.

RDS-EVENT-0224, see details at Amazon RDS Event Categories and Event Messages.

The DB instance has a storage type that's currently unavailable in the Availability Zone. Autoscaling will retry later.

RDS-EVENT-0237, see details at Amazon RDS Event Categories and Event Messages.

RDS couldn't provision capacity for the proxy because there aren't enough IP addresses available in your subnets.

RDS-EVENT-0243, see details at Amazon RDS Event Categories and Event Messages.

The storage for your AWS account has exceeded the allowed storage quota.

RDS-EVENT-0254, see details at Amazon RDS Event Categories and Event Messages.

RedShift cluster

The health of the cluster when not in maintenance mode

< 1 for 5 min

For more information, see Monitoring Amazon Redshift using CloudWatch metrics.

Site-to-Site VPN


TunnelState <= 0 for 1 min, 20 consecutive times.

TunnelState is 0 when both tunnels are down, .5 when one tunnel is up, and 1.0 when both tunnels are up.

Systems Manager Agent

EC2 Instances Not Managed by Systems Manager

SSM agent is not installed. SSM agent is installed on the instance, but the agent service is not running. SSM agent has no network route to the AWS Systems Manager service.

There are additional conditions that cause disruption the Systems Manager Agent; for more information, see Troubleshooting managed node availability.

For information on remediation efforts, see AMS automatic remediation of alerts.