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使用 CloudFront API 和第 3 AWS SDK for PHP 版管理 Amazon CloudFront 分發 - AWS SDK for PHP



使用 CloudFront API 和第 3 AWS SDK for PHP 版管理 Amazon CloudFront 分發

Amazon 會在全球節點 CloudFront 快取內容,以加快您存放在自己的伺服器或 Amazon S3 和 Amazon EC2 等 Amazon 服務上的靜態和動態檔案的分發速度。當使用者從您的網站要求內容時,如果檔案已快取,請從最近的邊緣位置 CloudFront 提供內容。否則, CloudFront 檢索文件的副本,提供它,然後緩存它的下一個請求。在節點上快取內容會降低在該區域類似使用者請求的延遲。

對於您建立的每個發 CloudFront 佈,您可以指定內容的位置,以及在使用者提出要求時如何散佈內容。這個主題著重於靜態和動態檔案 (例如 HTML、CSS、JSON 和映像檔案) 的分佈。F 或有關隨選視訊 CloudFront 搭配使用的資訊,請參閱隨選和即時串流視訊 CloudFront。


所有的範例程式碼都可以AWS SDK for PHP在這裡取得 GitHub。


在執行範例程式碼之前,請依照中的說明設定您的AWS認證登入資料。然後匯入AWS SDK for PHP,如中所述基本使用

如需使用 Amazon 的詳細資訊 CloudFront,請參閱 Amazon 開 CloudFront 發人員指南

創建一個 CloudFront 分佈

從 Amazon S3 儲存貯體建立分發。在以下範例中,已將可選參數標示為註解,但會顯示預設值。若要將自訂新增到分佈,請同時取消 $distribution 中值和參數的註解。

若要建立 CloudFront 發佈,請使用此CreateDistribution作業。


require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Aws\Exception\AwsException;


function createS3Distribution($cloudFrontClient, $distribution) { try { $result = $cloudFrontClient->createDistribution([ 'DistributionConfig' => $distribution ]); $message = ''; if (isset($result['Distribution']['Id'])) { $message = 'Distribution created with the ID of ' . $result['Distribution']['Id']; } $message .= ' and an effective URI of ' . $result['@metadata']['effectiveUri'] . '.'; return $message; } catch (AwsException $e) { return 'Error: ' . $e['message']; } } function createsTheS3Distribution() { $originName = 'my-unique-origin-name'; $s3BucketURL = 'my-bucket-name.s3.amazonaws.com'; $callerReference = 'my-unique-caller-reference'; $comment = 'my-comment-about-this-distribution'; $defaultCacheBehavior = [ 'AllowedMethods' => [ 'CachedMethods' => [ 'Items' => ['HEAD', 'GET'], 'Quantity' => 2 ], 'Items' => ['HEAD', 'GET'], 'Quantity' => 2 ], 'Compress' => false, 'DefaultTTL' => 0, 'FieldLevelEncryptionId' => '', 'ForwardedValues' => [ 'Cookies' => [ 'Forward' => 'none' ], 'Headers' => [ 'Quantity' => 0 ], 'QueryString' => false, 'QueryStringCacheKeys' => [ 'Quantity' => 0 ] ], 'LambdaFunctionAssociations' => ['Quantity' => 0], 'MaxTTL' => 0, 'MinTTL' => 0, 'SmoothStreaming' => false, 'TargetOriginId' => $originName, 'TrustedSigners' => [ 'Enabled' => false, 'Quantity' => 0 ], 'ViewerProtocolPolicy' => 'allow-all' ]; $enabled = false; $origin = [ 'Items' => [ [ 'DomainName' => $s3BucketURL, 'Id' => $originName, 'OriginPath' => '', 'CustomHeaders' => ['Quantity' => 0], 'S3OriginConfig' => ['OriginAccessIdentity' => ''] ] ], 'Quantity' => 1 ]; $distribution = [ 'CallerReference' => $callerReference, 'Comment' => $comment, 'DefaultCacheBehavior' => $defaultCacheBehavior, 'Enabled' => $enabled, 'Origins' => $origin ]; $cloudFrontClient = new Aws\CloudFront\CloudFrontClient([ 'profile' => 'default', 'version' => '2018-06-18', 'region' => 'us-east-1' ]); echo createS3Distribution($cloudFrontClient, $distribution); } // Uncomment the following line to run this code in an AWS account. // createsTheS3Distribution();

擷取分 CloudFront 發

若要擷取指定 CloudFront 發行版的狀態和詳細資訊,請使用GetDistribution作業。


require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Aws\Exception\AwsException;


function getDistribution($cloudFrontClient, $distributionId) { try { $result = $cloudFrontClient->getDistribution([ 'Id' => $distributionId ]); $message = ''; if (isset($result['Distribution']['Status'])) { $message = 'The status of the distribution with the ID of ' . $result['Distribution']['Id'] . ' is currently ' . $result['Distribution']['Status']; } if (isset($result['@metadata']['effectiveUri'])) { $message .= ', and the effective URI is ' . $result['@metadata']['effectiveUri'] . '.'; } else { $message = 'Error: Could not get the specified distribution. ' . 'The distribution\'s status is not available.'; } return $message; } catch (AwsException $e) { return 'Error: ' . $e->getAwsErrorMessage(); } } function getsADistribution() { $distributionId = 'E1BTGP2EXAMPLE'; $cloudFrontClient = new Aws\CloudFront\CloudFrontClient([ 'profile' => 'default', 'version' => '2018-06-18', 'region' => 'us-east-1' ]); echo getDistribution($cloudFrontClient, $distributionId); } // Uncomment the following line to run this code in an AWS account. // getsADistribution();

列出 CloudFront 分佈

使用ListDistributions操作從您的當前帳戶獲取指定AWS區域中的現有 CloudFront 分配列表。


require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Aws\Exception\AwsException;


function listDistributions($cloudFrontClient) { try { $result = $cloudFrontClient->listDistributions([]); return $result; } catch (AwsException $e) { exit('Error: ' . $e->getAwsErrorMessage()); } } function listTheDistributions() { $cloudFrontClient = new Aws\CloudFront\CloudFrontClient([ 'profile' => 'default', 'version' => '2018-06-18', 'region' => 'us-east-2' ]); $distributions = listDistributions($cloudFrontClient); if (count($distributions) == 0) { echo 'Could not find any distributions.'; } else { foreach ($distributions['DistributionList']['Items'] as $distribution) { echo 'The distribution with the ID of ' . $distribution['Id'] . ' has the status of ' . $distribution['Status'] . '.' . "\n"; } } } // Uncomment the following line to run this code in an AWS account. // listTheDistributions();

更新發 CloudFront 行版

更新 CloudFront 發行版與建立發行版類似。不過,當您更新分佈時,必須填寫多個欄位且必須包含所有值。若要對現有分佈進行變更,建議您先擷取現有的分佈,並在 $distribution 陣列中更新您要變更的值。

若要更新指定的 CloudFront 發行版,請使用此UpdateDistribution作業。


require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Aws\CloudFront\CloudFrontClient; use Aws\Exception\AwsException;


function updateDistribution( $cloudFrontClient, $distributionId, $distributionConfig, $eTag ) { try { $result = $cloudFrontClient->updateDistribution([ 'DistributionConfig' => $distributionConfig, 'Id' => $distributionId, 'IfMatch' => $eTag ]); return 'The distribution with the following effective URI has ' . 'been updated: ' . $result['@metadata']['effectiveUri']; } catch (AwsException $e) { return 'Error: ' . $e->getAwsErrorMessage(); } } function getDistributionConfig($cloudFrontClient, $distributionId) { try { $result = $cloudFrontClient->getDistribution([ 'Id' => $distributionId, ]); if (isset($result['Distribution']['DistributionConfig'])) { return [ 'DistributionConfig' => $result['Distribution']['DistributionConfig'], 'effectiveUri' => $result['@metadata']['effectiveUri'] ]; } else { return [ 'Error' => 'Error: Cannot find distribution configuration details.', 'effectiveUri' => $result['@metadata']['effectiveUri'] ]; } } catch (AwsException $e) { return [ 'Error' => 'Error: ' . $e->getAwsErrorMessage() ]; } } function getDistributionETag($cloudFrontClient, $distributionId) { try { $result = $cloudFrontClient->getDistribution([ 'Id' => $distributionId, ]); if (isset($result['ETag'])) { return [ 'ETag' => $result['ETag'], 'effectiveUri' => $result['@metadata']['effectiveUri'] ]; } else { return [ 'Error' => 'Error: Cannot find distribution ETag header value.', 'effectiveUri' => $result['@metadata']['effectiveUri'] ]; } } catch (AwsException $e) { return [ 'Error' => 'Error: ' . $e->getAwsErrorMessage() ]; } } function updateADistribution() { // $distributionId = 'E1BTGP2EXAMPLE'; $distributionId = 'E1X3BKQ569KEMH'; $cloudFrontClient = new CloudFrontClient([ 'profile' => 'default', 'version' => '2018-06-18', 'region' => 'us-east-1' ]); // To change a distribution, you must first get the distribution's // ETag header value. $eTag = getDistributionETag($cloudFrontClient, $distributionId); if (array_key_exists('Error', $eTag)) { exit($eTag['Error']); } // To change a distribution, you must also first get information about // the distribution's current configuration. Then you must use that // information to build a new configuration. $currentConfig = getDistributionConfig($cloudFrontClient, $distributionId); if (array_key_exists('Error', $currentConfig)) { exit($currentConfig['Error']); } // To change a distribution's configuration, you can set the // distribution's related configuration value as part of a change request, // for example: // 'Enabled' => true // Some configuration values are required to be specified as part of a change // request, even if you don't plan to change their values. For ones you // don't want to change but are required to be specified, you can just reuse // their current values, as follows. $distributionConfig = [ 'CallerReference' => $currentConfig['DistributionConfig']["CallerReference"], 'Comment' => $currentConfig['DistributionConfig']["Comment"], 'DefaultCacheBehavior' => $currentConfig['DistributionConfig']["DefaultCacheBehavior"], 'DefaultRootObject' => $currentConfig['DistributionConfig']["DefaultRootObject"], 'Enabled' => $currentConfig['DistributionConfig']["Enabled"], 'Origins' => $currentConfig['DistributionConfig']["Origins"], 'Aliases' => $currentConfig['DistributionConfig']["Aliases"], 'CustomErrorResponses' => $currentConfig['DistributionConfig']["CustomErrorResponses"], 'HttpVersion' => $currentConfig['DistributionConfig']["HttpVersion"], 'CacheBehaviors' => $currentConfig['DistributionConfig']["CacheBehaviors"], 'Logging' => $currentConfig['DistributionConfig']["Logging"], 'PriceClass' => $currentConfig['DistributionConfig']["PriceClass"], 'Restrictions' => $currentConfig['DistributionConfig']["Restrictions"], 'ViewerCertificate' => $currentConfig['DistributionConfig']["ViewerCertificate"], 'WebACLId' => $currentConfig['DistributionConfig']["WebACLId"] ]; echo updateDistribution( $cloudFrontClient, $distributionId, $distributionConfig, $eTag['ETag'] ); } // Uncomment the following line to run this code in an AWS account. // updateADistribution();

停用分 CloudFront 發


若要停用指定的 CloudFront 散佈,請使用DisableDistribution作業。


require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Aws\Exception\AwsException;


function disableDistribution( $cloudFrontClient, $distributionId, $distributionConfig, $eTag ) { try { $result = $cloudFrontClient->updateDistribution([ 'DistributionConfig' => $distributionConfig, 'Id' => $distributionId, 'IfMatch' => $eTag ]); return 'The distribution with the following effective URI has ' . 'been disabled: ' . $result['@metadata']['effectiveUri']; } catch (AwsException $e) { return 'Error: ' . $e->getAwsErrorMessage(); } } function getDistributionConfig($cloudFrontClient, $distributionId) { try { $result = $cloudFrontClient->getDistribution([ 'Id' => $distributionId, ]); if (isset($result['Distribution']['DistributionConfig'])) { return [ 'DistributionConfig' => $result['Distribution']['DistributionConfig'], 'effectiveUri' => $result['@metadata']['effectiveUri'] ]; } else { return [ 'Error' => 'Error: Cannot find distribution configuration details.', 'effectiveUri' => $result['@metadata']['effectiveUri'] ]; } } catch (AwsException $e) { return [ 'Error' => 'Error: ' . $e->getAwsErrorMessage() ]; } } function getDistributionETag($cloudFrontClient, $distributionId) { try { $result = $cloudFrontClient->getDistribution([ 'Id' => $distributionId, ]); if (isset($result['ETag'])) { return [ 'ETag' => $result['ETag'], 'effectiveUri' => $result['@metadata']['effectiveUri'] ]; } else { return [ 'Error' => 'Error: Cannot find distribution ETag header value.', 'effectiveUri' => $result['@metadata']['effectiveUri'] ]; } } catch (AwsException $e) { return [ 'Error' => 'Error: ' . $e->getAwsErrorMessage() ]; } } function disableADistribution() { $distributionId = 'E1BTGP2EXAMPLE'; $cloudFrontClient = new Aws\CloudFront\CloudFrontClient([ 'profile' => 'default', 'version' => '2018-06-18', 'region' => 'us-east-1' ]); // To disable a distribution, you must first get the distribution's // ETag header value. $eTag = getDistributionETag($cloudFrontClient, $distributionId); if (array_key_exists('Error', $eTag)) { exit($eTag['Error']); } // To delete a distribution, you must also first get information about // the distribution's current configuration. Then you must use that // information to build a new configuration, including setting the new // configuration to "disabled". $currentConfig = getDistributionConfig($cloudFrontClient, $distributionId); if (array_key_exists('Error', $currentConfig)) { exit($currentConfig['Error']); } $distributionConfig = [ 'CacheBehaviors' => $currentConfig['DistributionConfig']["CacheBehaviors"], 'CallerReference' => $currentConfig['DistributionConfig']["CallerReference"], 'Comment' => $currentConfig['DistributionConfig']["Comment"], 'DefaultCacheBehavior' => $currentConfig['DistributionConfig']["DefaultCacheBehavior"], 'DefaultRootObject' => $currentConfig['DistributionConfig']["DefaultRootObject"], 'Enabled' => false, 'Origins' => $currentConfig['DistributionConfig']["Origins"], 'Aliases' => $currentConfig['DistributionConfig']["Aliases"], 'CustomErrorResponses' => $currentConfig['DistributionConfig']["CustomErrorResponses"], 'HttpVersion' => $currentConfig['DistributionConfig']["HttpVersion"], 'Logging' => $currentConfig['DistributionConfig']["Logging"], 'PriceClass' => $currentConfig['DistributionConfig']["PriceClass"], 'Restrictions' => $currentConfig['DistributionConfig']["Restrictions"], 'ViewerCertificate' => $currentConfig['DistributionConfig']["ViewerCertificate"], 'WebACLId' => $currentConfig['DistributionConfig']["WebACLId"] ]; echo disableDistribution( $cloudFrontClient, $distributionId, $distributionConfig, $eTag['ETag'] ); } // Uncomment the following line to run this code in an AWS account. // disableADistribution();

刪除分 CloudFront 發


若要移除指定的 CloudFront 發行版,請使用此DeleteDistribution作業。


require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Aws\Exception\AwsException;


function deleteDistribution($cloudFrontClient, $distributionId, $eTag) { try { $result = $cloudFrontClient->deleteDistribution([ 'Id' => $distributionId, 'IfMatch' => $eTag ]); return 'The distribution at the following effective URI has ' . 'been deleted: ' . $result['@metadata']['effectiveUri']; } catch (AwsException $e) { return 'Error: ' . $e->getAwsErrorMessage(); } } function getDistributionETag($cloudFrontClient, $distributionId) { try { $result = $cloudFrontClient->getDistribution([ 'Id' => $distributionId, ]); if (isset($result['ETag'])) { return [ 'ETag' => $result['ETag'], 'effectiveUri' => $result['@metadata']['effectiveUri'] ]; } else { return [ 'Error' => 'Error: Cannot find distribution ETag header value.', 'effectiveUri' => $result['@metadata']['effectiveUri'] ]; } } catch (AwsException $e) { return [ 'Error' => 'Error: ' . $e->getAwsErrorMessage() ]; } } function deleteADistribution() { $distributionId = 'E17G7YNEXAMPLE'; $cloudFrontClient = new Aws\CloudFront\CloudFrontClient([ 'profile' => 'default', 'version' => '2018-06-18', 'region' => 'us-east-1' ]); // To delete a distribution, you must first get the distribution's // ETag header value. $eTag = getDistributionETag($cloudFrontClient, $distributionId); if (array_key_exists('Error', $eTag)) { exit($eTag['Error']); } else { echo deleteDistribution( $cloudFrontClient, $distributionId, $eTag['ETag'] ); } } // Uncomment the following line to run this code in an AWS account. // deleteADistribution();
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