Parameters - AWS CloudFormation


Use the optional Parameters section to customize your templates. Parameters enable you to input custom values to your template each time you create or update a stack.

Defining a parameter in a template

The following example declares a parameter named InstanceTypeParameter. This parameter lets you specify the Amazon EC2 instance type for the stack to use when you create or update the stack.

Note that InstanceTypeParameter has a default value of t2.micro. This is the value that CloudFormation uses to provision the stack unless another value is provided.


"Parameters" : { "InstanceTypeParameter" : { "Type" : "String", "Default" : "t2.micro", "AllowedValues" : ["t2.micro", "m1.small", "m1.large"], "Description" : "Enter t2.micro, m1.small, or m1.large. Default is t2.micro." } }


Parameters: InstanceTypeParameter: Type: String Default: t2.micro AllowedValues: - t2.micro - m1.small - m1.large Description: Enter t2.micro, m1.small, or m1.large. Default is t2.micro.

Referencing a parameter within a template

You use the Ref intrinsic function to reference a parameter, and CloudFormation uses the parameter's value to provision the stack. You can reference parameters from the Resources and Outputs sections of the same template.

In the following example, the InstanceType property of the EC2 instance resource references the InstanceTypeParameter parameter value:


"Ec2Instance" : { "Type" : "AWS::EC2::Instance", "Properties" : { "InstanceType" : { "Ref" : "InstanceTypeParameter" }, "ImageId" : "ami-0ff8a91507f77f867" } }


Ec2Instance: Type: AWS::EC2::Instance Properties: InstanceType: Ref: InstanceTypeParameter ImageId: ami-0ff8a91507f77f867

General requirements for parameters

The following requirements apply when using parameters:

  • You can have a maximum of 200 parameters in a CloudFormation template.

  • Each parameter must be given a logical name (also called logical ID), which must be alphanumeric and unique among all logical names within the template.

  • Each parameter must be assigned a parameter type that is supported by CloudFormation. For more information, see Type.

  • Each parameter must be assigned a value at runtime for CloudFormation to successfully provision the stack. You can optionally specify a default value for CloudFormation to use unless another value is provided.

  • Parameters must be declared and referenced from within the same template. You can reference parameters from the Resources and Outputs sections of the template.


"Parameters" : { "ParameterLogicalID" : { "Type" : "DataType", "ParameterProperty" : "value" } }


Parameters: ParameterLogicalID: Type: DataType ParameterProperty: value



A regular expression that represents the patterns to allow for String or CommaDelimitedList types. When applied on a parameter of type String, the pattern must match the entire parameter value provided. When applied to a parameter of type CommaDelimitedList, the pattern must match each value in the list.

Required: No


An array containing the list of values allowed for the parameter. When applied to a parameter of type String, the parameter value must be one of the allowed values. When applied to a parameter of type CommaDelimitedList, each value in the list must be one of the specified allowed values.

Required: No


If you're using YAML and you want to use Yes and No strings for AllowedValues, use single-quotes to prevent the YAML parser from considering these boolean values.


A string that explains a constraint when the constraint is violated. For example, without a constraint description, a parameter that has an allowed pattern of [A-Za-z0-9]+ displays the following error message when the user specifies an invalid value:

Malformed input-Parameter MyParameter must match pattern [A-Za-z0-9]+

By adding a constraint description, such as must only contain letters (uppercase and lowercase) and numbers, you can display the following customized error message:

Malformed input-Parameter MyParameter must only contain uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers

Required: No


A value of the appropriate type for the template to use if no value is specified when a stack is created. If you define constraints for the parameter, you must specify a value that adheres to those constraints.

Required: No


A string of up to 4000 characters that describes the parameter.

Required: No


An integer value that determines the largest number of characters you want to allow for String types.

Required: No


A numeric value that determines the largest numeric value you want to allow for Number types.

Required: No


An integer value that determines the smallest number of characters you want to allow for String types.

Required: No


A numeric value that determines the smallest numeric value you want to allow for Number types.

Required: No


Whether to mask the parameter value to prevent it from being displayed in the console, command line tools, or API. If you set the NoEcho attribute to true, CloudFormation returns the parameter value masked as asterisks (*****) for any calls that describe the stack or stack events, except for information stored in the locations specified below.

Required: No


Using the NoEcho attribute does not mask any information stored in the following:

  • The Metadata template section. CloudFormation does not transform, modify, or redact any information you include in the Metadata section. For more information, see Metadata.

  • The Outputs template section. For more information, see Outputs.

  • The Metadata attribute of a resource definition. For more information, see Metadata attribute.

We strongly recommend you do not use these mechanisms to include sensitive information, such as passwords or secrets.


Rather than embedding sensitive information directly in your CloudFormation templates, we recommend you use dynamic parameters in the stack template to reference sensitive information that is stored and managed outside of CloudFormation, such as in the AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store or AWS Secrets Manager.

For more information, see the Do not embed credentials in your templates best practice.


We strongly recommend against including NoEcho parameters, or any sensitive data, in resource properties that are part of a resource's primary identifier.

When a NoEcho parameter is included in a property that forms a primary resource identifier, CloudFormation may use the actual plaintext value in the primary resource identifier. This resource ID may appear in any derived outputs or destinations.

To determine which resource properties comprise a resource type's primary identifier, refer to the resource reference documentation for that resource. In the Return values section, the Ref function return value represents the resource properties that comprise the resource type's primary identifier.


The data type for the parameter (DataType).

Required: Yes

CloudFormation supports the following parameter types:


A literal string.

For example, users could specify "MyUserName".


An integer or float. CloudFormation validates the parameter value as a number; however, when you use the parameter elsewhere in your template (for example, by using the Ref intrinsic function), the parameter value becomes a string.

For example, users could specify "8888".


An array of integers or floats that are separated by commas. CloudFormation validates the parameter value as numbers; however, when you use the parameter elsewhere in your template (for example, by using the Ref intrinsic function), the parameter value becomes a list of strings.

For example, users could specify "80,20", and a Ref would result in ["80","20"].


An array of literal strings that are separated by commas. The total number of strings should be one more than the total number of commas. Also, each member string is space trimmed.

For example, users could specify "test,dev,prod", and a Ref would result in ["test","dev","prod"].

AWS-Specific Parameter Types

AWS values such as Amazon EC2 key pair names and VPC IDs. For more information, see AWS-specific parameter types.

SSM Parameter Types

Parameters that correspond to existing parameters in Systems Manager Parameter Store. You specify a Systems Manager parameter key as the value of the SSM parameter, and CloudFormation fetches the latest value from Parameter Store to use for the stack. For more information, see SSM parameter types.

AWS-specific parameter types

AWS-specific parameter types are helpful in catching invalid values at the start of creating or updating a stack. To specify parameters with AWS-specific types, a template user must enter existing AWS values that are in their AWS account. CloudFormation validates these input values against existing values in the account. For example, with the AWS::EC2::VPC::Id parameter type, a user must enter an existing VPC ID that is in the account and region in which they are creating the stack.

If you want to allow template users to enter input values from different AWS accounts, don't define parameters with AWS-specific types; instead, define parameters of type String or CommaDelimitedList.

Supported AWS-specific parameter types

CloudFormation supports the following AWS-specific types:


An Availability Zone, such as us-west-2a.


An Amazon EC2 image ID, such as ami-0ff8a91507f77f867. Note that the CloudFormation console doesn't show a drop-down list of values for this parameter type.


An Amazon EC2 instance ID, such as i-1e731a32.


An Amazon EC2 key pair name.


An EC2-Classic or default VPC security group name, such as my-sg-abc.


A security group ID, such as sg-a123fd85.


A subnet ID, such as subnet-123a351e.


An Amazon EBS volume ID, such as vol-3cdd3f56.


A VPC ID, such as vpc-a123baa3.


An Amazon Route 53 hosted zone ID, such as Z23YXV4OVPL04A.


An array of Availability Zones for a region, such as us-west-2a, us-west-2b.


An array of Amazon EC2 image IDs, such as ami-0ff8a91507f77f867, ami-0a584ac55a7631c0c. Note that the CloudFormation console doesn't show a drop-down list of values for this parameter type.


An array of Amazon EC2 instance IDs, such as i-1e731a32, i-1e731a34.


An array of EC2-Classic or default VPC security group names, such as my-sg-abc, my-sg-def.


An array of security group IDs, such as sg-a123fd85, sg-b456fd85.


An array of subnet IDs, such as subnet-123a351e, subnet-456b351e.


An array of Amazon EBS volume IDs, such as vol-3cdd3f56, vol-4cdd3f56.


An array of VPC IDs, such as vpc-a123baa3, vpc-b456baa3.


An array of Amazon Route 53 hosted zone IDs, such as Z23YXV4OVPL04A, Z23YXV4OVPL04B.

SSM parameter types

SSM parameter types correspond to existing parameters in Systems Manager Parameter Store. You specify a Systems Manager parameter key as the value of the SSM parameter, and CloudFormation fetches the latest value from Parameter Store to use for the stack. For SSM parameters stored in the same AWS account, enter the parameter name. For SSM parameters shared by another AWS account, enter the full parameter ARN. For more information about Systems Manager parameters, see Systems Manager Parameter Store and Working with shared parameters in the AWS Systems Manager User Guide.

You can also use the ssm or ssm-secure dynamic parameter pattern to specify parameter values in your template. For more information, see Using dynamic references to specify template values.

When you create or update stacks and create change sets, CloudFormation uses whatever values exist in Parameter Store at the time the operation is run. If a specified parameter doesn't exist in Parameter Store under the caller's AWS account, CloudFormation returns a validation error.

When you execute a change set, CloudFormation uses the values that are specified in the change set. You should review these values before executing the change set because they might change in Parameter Store between the time that you create the change set and run it.


You can see the resolved values for SSM parameters on the stack's Parameters tab in the console, or by running describe-stacks or describe-change-set. These are the values that are currently used in the stack definition for the corresponding Systems Manager parameter keys. Note that these values are set when the stack is created or updated, so they might differ from the latest values in Parameter Store.

If you specify Secure Strings as parameter values using the ssm-secure pattern, CloudFormation does not store the Secure String value or display it in the console or in the results of API calls.

Because the value of an SSM parameter is a Systems Manager parameter key, you should be aware of the following behavior:

  • For stack updates, the Use existing value option in the console and the UsePreviousValue attribute for update-stack tell CloudFormation to use the existing Systems Manager parameter key—not its value. CloudFormation always fetches the latest values from Parameter Store when it updates stacks.

    However, if you use the ssm or ssm-secure dynamic parameter pattern to specify parameter values, you must specify a version of the Systems Manager parameter for CloudFormation to use.

  • CloudFormation can perform validation on Systems Manager parameter keys, but not on their corresponding values. For validation purposes, you can treat parameter keys as strings. You should do any validation for Systems Manager parameter values in Parameter Store.

For examples that use SSM parameter types, see SSM Parameter Types.

Supported SSM parameter types

CloudFormation supports the following SSM parameter types:


The name of a Systems Manager parameter key.

Use this parameter when you want to pass the parameter key. For example, you can use this type to validate that the parameter exists.


A Systems Manager parameter whose value is a string. This corresponds to the String parameter type in Parameter Store.

AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<List<String>> or AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<CommaDelimitedList>

A Systems Manager parameter whose value is a list of strings. This corresponds to the StringList parameter type in Parameter Store.

AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<AWS-specific parameter type>

A Systems Manager parameter whose value is an AWS-specific parameter type. For example, the following specifies the AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName type:


AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<List<AWS-specific parameter type>>

A Systems Manager parameter whose value is a list of AWS-specific parameter types. For example, the following specifies a list of AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName types:


Unsupported SSM parameter types

CloudFormation doesn't support the following SSM parameter type:

  • Lists of SSM parameter types—for example: List<AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<String>>

In addition, CloudFormation does not support defining template parameters as SecureString Systems Manager parameter types. However, you can specify Secure Strings as parameter values for certain resources by using dynamic parameter patterns. For more information, see Using dynamic references to specify template values.

Grouping and sorting parameters in the CloudFormation console

When you use the CloudFormation console to create or update a stack, the console alphabetically lists input parameters by their logical ID. To override the default ordering, you can use the AWS::CloudFormation::Interface metadata key. By grouping and ordering parameters, you make it easier for users to specify parameter values. For example, you could group all VPC-related parameters so that they aren't scattered throughout an alphabetical list.

In the metadata key, you can specify the groups to create, the parameters to include in each group, and the order in which the console shows each parameter within its group. You can also define friendly parameter names so that the console shows descriptive names instead of logical IDs. All parameters that you reference in the metadata key must be declared in the Parameters section of the template.

For more information and an example of the AWS::CloudFormation::Interface metadata key, see AWS::CloudFormation::Interface.


Basic input parameters

The following example Parameters section declares two parameters. The DBPort parameter is of type Number with a default of 3306. The minimum value that can be specified is 1150, and the maximum value that can be specified is 65535. The DBPwd parameter is of type String with no default value. The NoEcho property is set to true to prevent describe stack calls, such as the describe-stacks AWS CLI command, from returning the parameter value. The minimum length that can be specified is 1, and the maximum length that can be specified is 41. The pattern allows lowercase and uppercase alphabetical characters and numerals.


"Parameters" : { "DBPort" : { "Default" : "3306", "Description" : "TCP/IP port for the database", "Type" : "Number", "MinValue" : "1150", "MaxValue" : "65535" }, "DBPwd" : { "NoEcho" : "true", "Description" : "The database admin account password", "Type" : "String", "MinLength" : "1", "MaxLength" : "41", "AllowedPattern" : "^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$" } }


Parameters: DBPort: Default: 3306 Description: TCP/IP port for the database Type: Number MinValue: 1150 MaxValue: 65535 DBPwd: NoEcho: true Description: The database admin account password Type: String MinLength: 1 MaxLength: 41 AllowedPattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$

AWS-specific parameter types

When you use AWS-specific parameter types, a user who uses your template to create or update a stack must specify existing AWS values that are in the user's account and in the region for the current stack. AWS-specific parameter types help ensure that input values for these types exist and are correct before CloudFormation creates or updates any resources. For example, if you use the AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName parameter type, CloudFormation validates the input value against users' existing key pair names before it creates any resources, such as Amazon EC2 instances.

If a user uses the AWS Management Console, CloudFormation prepopulates AWS-specific parameter types with valid values. That way the user doesn't have to remember and correctly enter a specific name or ID. They would just select one or more values from a drop-down list. Also, depending on the parameter type, users can search for values by ID, name, or Name tag value. For more information, see Specifying stack name and parameters.

The following example declares two parameters with the types AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName and AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id. These types limit valid values to existing key pair names and subnet IDs. Because the mySubnetIDs parameter is specified as a list, a user can specify one or more subnet IDs.


"Parameters" : { "myKeyPair" : { "Description" : "Amazon EC2 Key Pair", "Type" : "AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName" }, "mySubnetIDs" : { "Description" : "Subnet IDs", "Type" : "List<AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id>" } }


Parameters: myKeyPair: Description: Amazon EC2 Key Pair Type: "AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName" mySubnetIDs: Description: Subnet IDs Type: "List<AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id>"

AWS CLI and API support

Currently, users can't use the AWS CLI or CloudFormation API to view a list of valid values for AWS-specific parameters. However, they can view information about each parameter, such as the parameter type, by using the get-template-summary command or GetTemplateSummary API.

Comma-delimited list parameter type

You can use the CommaDelimitedList parameter type to specify multiple string values in a single parameter. That way, you can use a single parameter instead of many different parameters to specify multiple values. For example, if you create three different subnets with their own CIDR blocks, you could use three different parameters to specify three different CIDR blocks. But it's simpler just to use a single parameter that takes a list of three CIDR blocks, as shown in the following snippet:


"Parameters" : { "DbSubnetIpBlocks": { "Description": "Comma-delimited list of three CIDR blocks", "Type": "CommaDelimitedList", "Default": ",," } }


Parameters: DbSubnetIpBlocks: Description: "Comma-delimited list of three CIDR blocks" Type: CommaDelimitedList Default: ",,"

Return a value from a comma-delimited list parameter

To refer to a specific value in a list, use the Fn::Select intrinsic function in the Resources section of your template. You pass the index value of the object that you want and a list of objects, as shown in the following snippet:

{ "Parameters": { "VPC": { "Type": "String", "Default": "vpc-123456" }, "VpcAzs": { "Type": "CommaDelimitedList", "Default": "a, b, c" }, "DbSubnetIpBlocks": { "Type": "CommaDelimitedList", "Default": ",," } }, "Resources": { "DbSubnet1": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::Subnet", "Properties": { "AvailabilityZone": { "Fn::Sub": [ "${AWS::Region}${AZ}", { "AZ": { "Fn::Select": [ 0, { "Ref": "VpcAzs" } ] } } ] }, "VpcId": { "Ref": "VPC" }, "CidrBlock": { "Fn::Select": [ 0, { "Ref": "DbSubnetIpBlocks" } ] } } }, "DbSubnet2": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::Subnet", "Properties": { "AvailabilityZone": { "Fn::Sub": [ "${AWS::Region}${AZ}", { "AZ": { "Fn::Select": [ 1, { "Ref": "VpcAzs" } ] } } ] }, "VpcId": { "Ref": "VPC" }, "CidrBlock": { "Fn::Select": [ 1, { "Ref": "DbSubnetIpBlocks" } ] } } }, "DbSubnet3": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::Subnet", "Properties": { "AvailabilityZone": { "Fn::Sub": [ "${AWS::Region}${AZ}", { "AZ": { "Fn::Select": [ 2, { "Ref": "VpcAzs" } ] } } ] }, "VpcId": { "Ref": "VPC" }, "CidrBlock": { "Fn::Select": [ 2, { "Ref": "DbSubnetIpBlocks" } ] } } } } }
Parameters: VPC: Type: String Default: vpc-123456 VpcAzs: Type: CommaDelimitedList Default: a, b, c DbSubnetIpBlocks: Type: CommaDelimitedList Default:,, Resources: DbSubnet1: Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet Properties: AvailabilityZone: !Sub - ${AWS::Region}${AZ} - AZ: !Select - 0 - !Ref VpcAzs VpcId: !Ref VPC CidrBlock: !Select - 0 - !Ref DbSubnetIpBlocks DbSubnet2: Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet Properties: AvailabilityZone: !Sub - ${AWS::Region}${AZ} - AZ: !Select - 1 - !Ref VpcAzs VpcId: !Ref VPC CidrBlock: !Select - 1 - !Ref DbSubnetIpBlocks DbSubnet3: Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet Properties: AvailabilityZone: !Sub - ${AWS::Region}${AZ} - AZ: !Select - 2 - !Ref VpcAzs VpcId: !Ref VPC CidrBlock: !Select - 2 - !Ref DbSubnetIpBlocks

SSM parameter types

AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<String> type

The following template declares an AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<String> parameter type.

{ "Parameters": { "InstanceType": { "Type": "AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<String>" } }, "Resources": { "Instance": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::Instance", "Properties": { "InstanceType": { "Ref": "InstanceType" } } } } }
Parameters: InstanceType: Type: 'AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<String>' Resources: Instance: Type: 'AWS::EC2::Instance' Properties: InstanceType: !Ref InstanceType

The following command creates a stack based on the example template. It provides the Systems Manager parameter key (myInstanceType) as the value for the InstanceType template parameter. This assumes that the myInstanceType parameter exists in Parameter Store under the caller's AWS account.

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name S1 --template-body example template --parameters ParameterKey=InstanceType,ParameterValue=myInstanceType

AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<AWS::EC2::Image::Id> type

The following template declares an AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<AWS::EC2::Image::Id> parameter type.

{ "Parameters": { "ImageId": { "Type": "AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<AWS::EC2::Image::Id>" } }, "Resources": { "Instance": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::Instance", "Properties": { "ImageId": { "Ref": "ImageId" } } } } }
Parameters: ImageId: Type: 'AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<AWS::EC2::Image::Id>' Resources: Instance: Type: 'AWS::EC2::Instance' Properties: ImageId: !Ref ImageId

The following command creates a stack based on the example template. It provides the Systems Manager parameter key (myLatestAMI) as the value for the ImageId template parameter. This assumes that the myLatestAMI parameter exists in Parameter Store under the caller's AWS account.

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name S2 --template-body example template --parameters ParameterKey=ImageId,ParameterValue=myLatestAMI

AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<AWS::EC2::Image::Id> type (public parameter)

The following template declares an AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<AWS::EC2::Image::Id> parameter type. By default, the ImageId property of the EC2 instance references /aws/service/ami-amazon-linux-latest/amzn2-ami-hvm-x86_64-gp2. This public parameter is an alias for the regional AMI ID value for the latest Amazon Linux 2 AMI. For more information, see Finding public parameters in the AWS Systems Manager User Guide.

{ "Parameters": { "LatestAmiId": { "Description": "Region specific image from the Parameter Store", "Type": "AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<AWS::EC2::Image::Id>", "Default": "/aws/service/ami-amazon-linux-latest/amzn2-ami-hvm-x86_64-gp2" } }, "Resources": { "Instance": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::Instance", "Properties": { "ImageId": { "Ref": "LatestAmiId" } } } } }
Parameters: LatestAmiId: Description: Region specific image from the Parameter Store Type: 'AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<AWS::EC2::Image::Id>' Default: '/aws/service/ami-amazon-linux-latest/amzn2-ami-hvm-x86_64-gp2' Resources: Instance: Type: 'AWS::EC2::Instance' Properties: ImageId: !Ref LatestAmiId