AcceptChoice |
Specifies the prediction (aka, the automatically generated piece of metadata) and the target (for example, a column
name) that can be accepted.
AcceptPredictionsRequest |
AcceptPredictionsResult |
AcceptRule |
Specifies the rule and the threshold under which a prediction can be accepted.
AcceptSubscriptionRequestRequest |
AcceptSubscriptionRequestResult |
ActionParameters |
The parameters of the environment action.
AssetFilterConfiguration |
The configuration details of the asset filter.
AssetFilterSummary |
The summary of the asset filter.
AssetItem |
A Amazon DataZone inventory asset.
AssetItemAdditionalAttributes |
The additional attributes of an inventory asset.
AssetListing |
An asset published in an Amazon DataZone catalog.
AssetListingDetails |
The details of an asset published in an Amazon DataZone catalog.
AssetListingItem |
The details of an asset published in an Amazon DataZone catalog.
AssetListingItemAdditionalAttributes |
Additional attributes of an inventory asset.
AssetRevision |
The revision of an inventory asset.
AssetTargetNameMap |
The name map for assets.
AssetTypeItem |
The details of the asset type.
AssociateEnvironmentRoleRequest |
AssociateEnvironmentRoleResult |
AwsConsoleLinkParameters |
The parameters of the console link specified as part of the environment action.
BusinessNameGenerationConfiguration |
The configuration of the business name generation.
CancelMetadataGenerationRunRequest |
CancelMetadataGenerationRunResult |
CancelSubscriptionRequest |
CancelSubscriptionResult |
CloudFormationProperties |
Part of the provisioning properties of the environment blueprint.
ColumnFilterConfiguration |
The column configuration of the asset filter.
ConfigurableActionParameter |
The details of the parameters for the configurable environment action.
ConfigurableEnvironmentAction |
The configurable action of a Amazon DataZone environment.
CreateAssetFilterRequest |
CreateAssetFilterResult |
CreateAssetRequest |
CreateAssetResult |
CreateAssetRevisionRequest |
CreateAssetRevisionResult |
CreateAssetTypeRequest |
CreateAssetTypeResult |
CreateDataSourceRequest |
CreateDataSourceResult |
CreateDomainRequest |
CreateDomainResult |
CreateEnvironmentActionRequest |
CreateEnvironmentActionResult |
CreateEnvironmentProfileRequest |
CreateEnvironmentProfileResult |
CreateEnvironmentRequest |
CreateEnvironmentResult |
CreateFormTypeRequest |
CreateFormTypeResult |
CreateGlossaryRequest |
CreateGlossaryResult |
CreateGlossaryTermRequest |
CreateGlossaryTermResult |
CreateGroupProfileRequest |
CreateGroupProfileResult |
CreateListingChangeSetRequest |
CreateListingChangeSetResult |
CreateProjectMembershipRequest |
CreateProjectMembershipResult |
CreateProjectRequest |
CreateProjectResult |
CreateSubscriptionGrantRequest |
CreateSubscriptionGrantResult |
CreateSubscriptionRequestRequest |
CreateSubscriptionRequestResult |
CreateSubscriptionTargetRequest |
CreateSubscriptionTargetResult |
CreateUserProfileRequest |
CreateUserProfileResult |
CustomParameter |
The details of user parameters of an environment blueprint.
DataSourceConfigurationInput |
The configuration of the data source.
DataSourceConfigurationOutput |
The configuration of the data source.
DataSourceErrorMessage |
The details of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
DataSourceRunActivity |
The activity details of the data source run.
DataSourceRunSummary |
The details of a data source run.
DataSourceSummary |
The details of the data source.
DeleteAssetFilterRequest |
DeleteAssetFilterResult |
DeleteAssetRequest |
DeleteAssetResult |
DeleteAssetTypeRequest |
DeleteAssetTypeResult |
DeleteDataSourceRequest |
DeleteDataSourceResult |
DeleteDomainRequest |
DeleteDomainResult |
DeleteEnvironmentActionRequest |
DeleteEnvironmentActionResult |
DeleteEnvironmentBlueprintConfigurationRequest |
DeleteEnvironmentBlueprintConfigurationResult |
DeleteEnvironmentProfileRequest |
DeleteEnvironmentProfileResult |
DeleteEnvironmentRequest |
DeleteEnvironmentResult |
DeleteFormTypeRequest |
DeleteFormTypeResult |
DeleteGlossaryRequest |
DeleteGlossaryResult |
DeleteGlossaryTermRequest |
DeleteGlossaryTermResult |
DeleteListingRequest |
DeleteListingResult |
DeleteProjectMembershipRequest |
DeleteProjectMembershipResult |
DeleteProjectRequest |
DeleteProjectResult |
DeleteSubscriptionGrantRequest |
DeleteSubscriptionGrantResult |
DeleteSubscriptionRequestRequest |
DeleteSubscriptionRequestResult |
DeleteSubscriptionTargetRequest |
DeleteSubscriptionTargetResult |
DeleteTimeSeriesDataPointsRequest |
DeleteTimeSeriesDataPointsResult |
Deployment |
The details of the last deployment of the environment.
DeploymentProperties |
The deployment properties of the Amazon DataZone blueprint.
DetailedGlossaryTerm |
Details of a glossary term attached to the inventory asset.
DisassociateEnvironmentRoleRequest |
DisassociateEnvironmentRoleResult |
DomainSummary |
A summary of a Amazon DataZone domain.
EnvironmentActionSummary |
The details about the specified action configured for an environment.
EnvironmentBlueprintConfigurationItem |
The configuration details of an environment blueprint.
EnvironmentBlueprintSummary |
The details of an environment blueprint summary.
EnvironmentError |
The failure reasons for the environment deployment.
EnvironmentParameter |
The parameter details of an evironment profile.
EnvironmentProfileSummary |
The details of an environment profile.
EnvironmentSummary |
The details of an environment.
EqualToExpression |
Specifies whether the value is equal to an expression.
FailureCause |
Specifies the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
Filter |
A search filter in Amazon DataZone.
FilterClause |
A search filter clause in Amazon DataZone.
FilterExpression |
A filter expression in Amazon DataZone.
FormEntryInput |
The details of the form entry.
FormEntryOutput |
The details of the form entry.
FormInput |
The details of a metadata form.
FormOutput |
The details of a metadata form.
FormTypeData |
The details of the metadata form type.
GetAssetFilterRequest |
GetAssetFilterResult |
GetAssetRequest |
GetAssetResult |
GetAssetTypeRequest |
GetAssetTypeResult |
GetDataSourceRequest |
GetDataSourceResult |
GetDataSourceRunRequest |
GetDataSourceRunResult |
GetDomainRequest |
GetDomainResult |
GetEnvironmentActionRequest |
GetEnvironmentActionResult |
GetEnvironmentBlueprintConfigurationRequest |
GetEnvironmentBlueprintConfigurationResult |
GetEnvironmentBlueprintRequest |
GetEnvironmentBlueprintResult |
GetEnvironmentCredentialsRequest |
GetEnvironmentCredentialsResult |
GetEnvironmentProfileRequest |
GetEnvironmentProfileResult |
GetEnvironmentRequest |
GetEnvironmentResult |
GetFormTypeRequest |
GetFormTypeResult |
GetGlossaryRequest |
GetGlossaryResult |
GetGlossaryTermRequest |
GetGlossaryTermResult |
GetGroupProfileRequest |
GetGroupProfileResult |
GetIamPortalLoginUrlRequest |
GetIamPortalLoginUrlResult |
GetLineageNodeRequest |
GetLineageNodeResult |
GetListingRequest |
GetListingResult |
GetMetadataGenerationRunRequest |
GetMetadataGenerationRunResult |
GetProjectRequest |
GetProjectResult |
GetSubscriptionGrantRequest |
GetSubscriptionGrantResult |
GetSubscriptionRequest |
GetSubscriptionRequestDetailsRequest |
GetSubscriptionRequestDetailsResult |
GetSubscriptionResult |
GetSubscriptionTargetRequest |
GetSubscriptionTargetResult |
GetTimeSeriesDataPointRequest |
GetTimeSeriesDataPointResult |
GetUserProfileRequest |
GetUserProfileResult |
GlossaryItem |
The details of a business glossary.
GlossaryTermItem |
The details of a business glossary term.
GlueRunConfigurationInput |
The configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
GlueRunConfigurationOutput |
The configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
GlueSelfGrantStatusOutput |
The details of the self granting status.
GrantedEntity |
The details of a listing for which a subscription is granted.
GrantedEntityInput |
The details of a listing for which a subscription is to be granted.
GreaterThanExpression |
Specifies whether the value is greater than an expression.
GreaterThanOrEqualToExpression |
Specifies whether the value is greater than or equal to an expression.
GroupDetails |
The details of a group in Amazon DataZone.
GroupProfileSummary |
The details of a group profile.
IamUserProfileDetails |
The details of an IAM user profile in Amazon DataZone.
Import |
The details of the import of the metadata form type.
InExpression |
Specifies whether values are in the expression.
IsNotNullExpression |
Specifies that the expression is not null.
IsNullExpression |
Specifies that the expression is null.
LakeFormationConfiguration |
The Lake Formation configuration of the Data Lake blueprint.
LessThanExpression |
Specifies that a value is less than an expression.
LessThanOrEqualToExpression |
Specifies that a value is less than or equal to an expression.
LikeExpression |
Specifies that a value is like the expression.
LineageNodeReference |
The reference details for the data lineage node.
LineageNodeSummary |
The summary of the data lineage node.
LineageNodeTypeItem |
The details of a data lineage node type.
ListAssetFiltersRequest |
ListAssetFiltersResult |
ListAssetRevisionsRequest |
ListAssetRevisionsResult |
ListDataSourceRunActivitiesRequest |
ListDataSourceRunActivitiesResult |
ListDataSourceRunsRequest |
ListDataSourceRunsResult |
ListDataSourcesRequest |
ListDataSourcesResult |
ListDomainsRequest |
ListDomainsResult |
ListEnvironmentActionsRequest |
ListEnvironmentActionsResult |
ListEnvironmentBlueprintConfigurationsRequest |
ListEnvironmentBlueprintConfigurationsResult |
ListEnvironmentBlueprintsRequest |
ListEnvironmentBlueprintsResult |
ListEnvironmentProfilesRequest |
ListEnvironmentProfilesResult |
ListEnvironmentsRequest |
ListEnvironmentsResult |
ListingItem |
The details of a listing (aka asset published in a Amazon DataZone catalog).
ListingRevision |
A revision of an asset published in a Amazon DataZone catalog.
ListingRevisionInput |
A revision to be made to an asset published in a Amazon DataZone catalog.
ListLineageNodeHistoryRequest |
ListLineageNodeHistoryResult |
ListMetadataGenerationRunsRequest |
ListMetadataGenerationRunsResult |
ListNotificationsRequest |
ListNotificationsResult |
ListProjectMembershipsRequest |
ListProjectMembershipsResult |
ListProjectsRequest |
ListProjectsResult |
ListSubscriptionGrantsRequest |
ListSubscriptionGrantsResult |
ListSubscriptionRequestsRequest |
ListSubscriptionRequestsResult |
ListSubscriptionsRequest |
ListSubscriptionsResult |
ListSubscriptionTargetsRequest |
ListSubscriptionTargetsResult |
ListTagsForResourceRequest |
ListTagsForResourceResult |
ListTimeSeriesDataPointsRequest |
ListTimeSeriesDataPointsResult |
Member |
The details about a project member.
MemberDetails |
The details about a project member.
MetadataGenerationRunItem |
The metadata generation run.
MetadataGenerationRunTarget |
The asset for which metadata was generated.
Model |
The model of the API.
NotEqualToExpression |
Specifies that a value is not equal to the expression.
NotificationOutput |
The details of a notification generated in Amazon DataZone.
NotificationResource |
The details of the resource mentioned in a notification.
NotInExpression |
Specifies that a value is not in the expression.
NotLikeExpression |
Specifies that a value might be not like the expression.
PostLineageEventRequest |
PostLineageEventResult |
PostTimeSeriesDataPointsRequest |
PostTimeSeriesDataPointsResult |
PredictionConfiguration |
The configuration of the prediction.
ProjectDeletionError |
Specifies the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
ProjectMember |
The details of a project member.
ProjectSummary |
The details of a Amazon DataZone project.
ProvisioningConfiguration |
The provisioning configuration of the blueprint.
ProvisioningProperties |
The provisioning properties of an environment blueprint.
PutEnvironmentBlueprintConfigurationRequest |
PutEnvironmentBlueprintConfigurationResult |
RecommendationConfiguration |
The recommendation to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
RedshiftClusterStorage |
The details of the Amazon Redshift cluster storage.
RedshiftCredentialConfiguration |
The details of the credentials required to access an Amazon Redshift cluster.
RedshiftRunConfigurationInput |
The configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
RedshiftRunConfigurationOutput |
The configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
RedshiftSelfGrantStatusOutput |
The details for the self granting status for an Amazon Redshift data source.
RedshiftServerlessStorage |
The details of the Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup storage.
RedshiftStorage |
The details of the Amazon Redshift storage as part of the configuration of an Amazon Redshift data source run.
RejectChoice |
The details of the automatically generated business metadata that is rejected.
RejectPredictionsRequest |
RejectPredictionsResult |
RejectRule |
Specifies the rule and the threshold under which a prediction can be rejected.
RejectSubscriptionRequestRequest |
RejectSubscriptionRequestResult |
RelationalFilterConfiguration |
The relational filter configuration for the data source.
Resource |
The details of a provisioned resource of this Amazon DataZone environment.
RevokeSubscriptionRequest |
RevokeSubscriptionResult |
RowFilter |
The row filter.
RowFilterConfiguration |
The row filter configuration details.
RowFilterExpression |
The row filter expression.
RunStatisticsForAssets |
The asset statistics from the data source run.
ScheduleConfiguration |
The details of the schedule of the data source runs.
SearchGroupProfilesRequest |
SearchGroupProfilesResult |
SearchInItem |
The details of the search.
SearchInventoryResultItem |
The details of the search results.
SearchListingsRequest |
SearchListingsResult |
SearchRequest |
SearchResult |
SearchResultItem |
The details of the results of the SearchListings action.
SearchSort |
The details of the way to sort search results.
SearchTypesRequest |
SearchTypesResult |
SearchTypesResultItem |
The details of the results of the SearchTypes action.
SearchUserProfilesRequest |
SearchUserProfilesResult |
SelfGrantStatusDetail |
The details for the self granting status.
SelfGrantStatusOutput |
The details for the self granting status for a data source.
SingleSignOn |
The single sign-on details in Amazon DataZone.
SsoUserProfileDetails |
The single sign-on details of the user profile.
StartDataSourceRunRequest |
StartDataSourceRunResult |
StartMetadataGenerationRunRequest |
StartMetadataGenerationRunResult |
SubscribedAsset |
The details of the asset for which the subscription grant is created.
SubscribedAssetListing |
The details of the published asset for which the subscription grant is created.
SubscribedListing |
The details of the published asset for which the subscription grant is created.
SubscribedListingInput |
The published asset for which the subscription grant is to be created.
SubscribedListingItem |
The published asset for which the subscription grant is created.
SubscribedPrincipal |
The principal that has the subscription grant for the asset.
SubscribedPrincipalInput |
The principal that is to be given a subscriptiong grant.
SubscribedProject |
The project that has the subscription grant.
SubscribedProjectInput |
The project that is to be given a subscription grant.
SubscriptionGrantSummary |
The details of the subscription grant.
SubscriptionRequestSummary |
The details of the subscription request.
SubscriptionSummary |
The details of the subscription.
SubscriptionTargetForm |
The details of the subscription target configuration.
SubscriptionTargetSummary |
The details of the subscription target.
TagResourceRequest |
TagResourceResult |
TermRelations |
The details of the term relations.
TimeSeriesDataPointFormInput |
The time series data points form.
TimeSeriesDataPointFormOutput |
The time series data points form.
TimeSeriesDataPointSummaryFormOutput |
The summary of the time series data points form.
Topic |
The topic of the notification.
UntagResourceRequest |
UntagResourceResult |
UpdateAssetFilterRequest |
UpdateAssetFilterResult |
UpdateDataSourceRequest |
UpdateDataSourceResult |
UpdateDomainRequest |
UpdateDomainResult |
UpdateEnvironmentActionRequest |
UpdateEnvironmentActionResult |
UpdateEnvironmentProfileRequest |
UpdateEnvironmentProfileResult |
UpdateEnvironmentRequest |
UpdateEnvironmentResult |
UpdateGlossaryRequest |
UpdateGlossaryResult |
UpdateGlossaryTermRequest |
UpdateGlossaryTermResult |
UpdateGroupProfileRequest |
UpdateGroupProfileResult |
UpdateProjectRequest |
UpdateProjectResult |
UpdateSubscriptionGrantStatusRequest |
UpdateSubscriptionGrantStatusResult |
UpdateSubscriptionRequestRequest |
UpdateSubscriptionRequestResult |
UpdateSubscriptionTargetRequest |
UpdateSubscriptionTargetResult |
UpdateUserProfileRequest |
UpdateUserProfileResult |
UserDetails |
The user details of a project member.
UserProfileDetails |
The details of the user profile in Amazon DataZone.
UserProfileSummary |
The details of the user profile.