Class | Description |
CategoricalValues |
Entity that comprises information on categorical values in data.
CountPercent |
Entity that comprises information of count and percentage.
CreateDatasetRequest | |
CreateDatasetResult | |
CreateInferenceSchedulerRequest | |
CreateInferenceSchedulerResult | |
CreateLabelGroupRequest | |
CreateLabelGroupResult | |
CreateLabelRequest | |
CreateLabelResult | |
CreateModelRequest | |
CreateModelResult | |
CreateRetrainingSchedulerRequest | |
CreateRetrainingSchedulerResult | |
DataIngestionJobSummary |
Provides information about a specified data ingestion job, including dataset information, data ingestion
configuration, and status.
DataPreProcessingConfiguration |
The configuration is the
TargetSamplingRate , which is the sampling rate of the data after post
processing by Amazon Lookout for Equipment. |
DataQualitySummary |
DataQualitySummary gives aggregated statistics over all the sensors about a completed ingestion job.
DatasetSchema |
Provides information about the data schema used with the given dataset.
DatasetSummary |
Contains information about the specific data set, including name, ARN, and status.
DeleteDatasetRequest | |
DeleteDatasetResult | |
DeleteInferenceSchedulerRequest | |
DeleteInferenceSchedulerResult | |
DeleteLabelGroupRequest | |
DeleteLabelGroupResult | |
DeleteLabelRequest | |
DeleteLabelResult | |
DeleteModelRequest | |
DeleteModelResult | |
DeleteResourcePolicyRequest | |
DeleteResourcePolicyResult | |
DeleteRetrainingSchedulerRequest | |
DeleteRetrainingSchedulerResult | |
DescribeDataIngestionJobRequest | |
DescribeDataIngestionJobResult | |
DescribeDatasetRequest | |
DescribeDatasetResult | |
DescribeInferenceSchedulerRequest | |
DescribeInferenceSchedulerResult | |
DescribeLabelGroupRequest | |
DescribeLabelGroupResult | |
DescribeLabelRequest | |
DescribeLabelResult | |
DescribeModelRequest | |
DescribeModelResult | |
DescribeModelVersionRequest | |
DescribeModelVersionResult | |
DescribeResourcePolicyRequest | |
DescribeResourcePolicyResult | |
DescribeRetrainingSchedulerRequest | |
DescribeRetrainingSchedulerResult | |
DuplicateTimestamps |
Entity that comprises information abount duplicate timestamps in the dataset.
ImportDatasetRequest | |
ImportDatasetResult | |
ImportModelVersionRequest | |
ImportModelVersionResult | |
InferenceEventSummary |
Contains information about the specific inference event, including start and end time, diagnostics information, event
duration and so on.
InferenceExecutionSummary |
Contains information about the specific inference execution, including input and output data configuration, inference
scheduling information, status, and so on.
InferenceInputConfiguration |
Specifies configuration information for the input data for the inference, including Amazon S3 location of input
InferenceInputNameConfiguration |
Specifies configuration information for the input data for the inference, including timestamp format and delimiter.
InferenceOutputConfiguration |
Specifies configuration information for the output results from for the inference, including KMS key ID and output S3
InferenceS3InputConfiguration |
Specifies configuration information for the input data for the inference, including input data S3 location.
InferenceS3OutputConfiguration |
Specifies configuration information for the output results from the inference, including output S3 location.
InferenceSchedulerSummary |
Contains information about the specific inference scheduler, including data delay offset, model name and ARN, status,
and so on.
IngestedFilesSummary |
Gives statistics about how many files have been ingested, and which files have not been ingested, for a particular
ingestion job.
IngestionInputConfiguration |
Specifies configuration information for the input data for the data ingestion job, including input data S3 location.
IngestionS3InputConfiguration |
Specifies S3 configuration information for the input data for the data ingestion job.
InsufficientSensorData |
Entity that comprises aggregated information on sensors having insufficient data.
InvalidSensorData |
Entity that comprises aggregated information on sensors having insufficient data.
LabelGroupSummary |
Contains information about the label group.
LabelsInputConfiguration |
Contains the configuration information for the S3 location being used to hold label data.
LabelsS3InputConfiguration |
The location information (prefix and bucket name) for the s3 location being used for label data.
LabelSummary |
Information about the label.
LargeTimestampGaps |
Entity that comprises information on large gaps between consecutive timestamps in data.
ListDataIngestionJobsRequest | |
ListDataIngestionJobsResult | |
ListDatasetsRequest | |
ListDatasetsResult | |
ListInferenceEventsRequest | |
ListInferenceEventsResult | |
ListInferenceExecutionsRequest | |
ListInferenceExecutionsResult | |
ListInferenceSchedulersRequest | |
ListInferenceSchedulersResult | |
ListLabelGroupsRequest | |
ListLabelGroupsResult | |
ListLabelsRequest | |
ListLabelsResult | |
ListModelsRequest | |
ListModelsResult | |
ListModelVersionsRequest | |
ListModelVersionsResult | |
ListRetrainingSchedulersRequest | |
ListRetrainingSchedulersResult | |
ListSensorStatisticsRequest | |
ListSensorStatisticsResult | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResult | |
MissingCompleteSensorData |
Entity that comprises information on sensors that have sensor data completely missing.
MissingSensorData |
Entity that comprises aggregated information on sensors having missing data.
ModelDiagnosticsOutputConfiguration |
Output configuration information for the pointwise model diagnostics for an Amazon Lookout for Equipment model.
ModelDiagnosticsS3OutputConfiguration |
The Amazon S3 location for the pointwise model diagnostics for an Amazon Lookout for Equipment model.
ModelSummary |
Provides information about the specified machine learning model, including dataset and model names and ARNs, as well
as status.
ModelVersionSummary |
Contains information about the specific model version.
MonotonicValues |
Entity that comprises information on monotonic values in the data.
MultipleOperatingModes |
Entity that comprises information on operating modes in data.
PutResourcePolicyRequest | |
PutResourcePolicyResult | |
RetrainingSchedulerSummary |
Provides information about the specified retraining scheduler, including model name, status, start date, frequency,
and lookback window.
S3Object |
Contains information about an S3 bucket.
SensorStatisticsSummary |
Summary of ingestion statistics like whether data exists, number of missing values, number of invalid values and so
on related to the particular sensor.
SensorsWithShortDateRange |
Entity that comprises information on sensors that have shorter date range.
StartDataIngestionJobRequest | |
StartDataIngestionJobResult | |
StartInferenceSchedulerRequest | |
StartInferenceSchedulerResult | |
StartRetrainingSchedulerRequest | |
StartRetrainingSchedulerResult | |
StopInferenceSchedulerRequest | |
StopInferenceSchedulerResult | |
StopRetrainingSchedulerRequest | |
StopRetrainingSchedulerResult | |
Tag |
A tag is a key-value pair that can be added to a resource as metadata.
TagResourceRequest | |
TagResourceResult | |
UnsupportedTimestamps |
Entity that comprises information abount unsupported timestamps in the dataset.
UntagResourceRequest | |
UntagResourceResult | |
UpdateActiveModelVersionRequest | |
UpdateActiveModelVersionResult | |
UpdateInferenceSchedulerRequest | |
UpdateInferenceSchedulerResult | |
UpdateLabelGroupRequest | |
UpdateLabelGroupResult | |
UpdateModelRequest | |
UpdateModelResult | |
UpdateRetrainingSchedulerRequest | |
UpdateRetrainingSchedulerResult |
Exception | Description |
AccessDeniedException |
The request could not be completed because you do not have access to the resource.
AmazonLookoutEquipmentException |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by Amazon Lookout for Equipment
ConflictException |
The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the target resource.
InternalServerException |
Processing of the request has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure.
ResourceNotFoundException |
The resource requested could not be found.
ServiceQuotaExceededException |
Resource limitations have been exceeded.
ThrottlingException |
The request was denied due to request throttling.
ValidationException |
The input fails to satisfy constraints specified by Amazon Lookout for Equipment or a related Amazon Web Services
service that's being utilized.