Class | Description |
AacSettings |
Aac Settings
Ac3Settings |
Ac3 Settings
AcceptInputDeviceTransferRequest |
Placeholder documentation for AcceptInputDeviceTransferRequest
AcceptInputDeviceTransferResult |
Placeholder documentation for AcceptInputDeviceTransferResponse
AccountConfiguration |
Placeholder documentation for AccountConfiguration
AncillarySourceSettings |
Ancillary Source Settings
ArchiveCdnSettings |
Archive Cdn Settings
ArchiveContainerSettings |
Archive Container Settings
ArchiveGroupSettings |
Archive Group Settings
ArchiveOutputSettings |
Archive Output Settings
ArchiveS3Settings |
Archive S3 Settings
AribDestinationSettings |
Arib Destination Settings
AribSourceSettings |
Arib Source Settings
AudioChannelMapping |
Audio Channel Mapping
AudioCodecSettings |
Audio Codec Settings
AudioDescription |
Audio Description
AudioDolbyEDecode |
Audio Dolby EDecode
AudioHlsRenditionSelection |
Audio Hls Rendition Selection
AudioLanguageSelection |
Audio Language Selection
AudioNormalizationSettings |
Audio Normalization Settings
AudioOnlyHlsSettings |
Audio Only Hls Settings
AudioPidSelection |
Audio Pid Selection
AudioSelector |
Audio Selector
AudioSelectorSettings |
Audio Selector Settings
AudioSilenceFailoverSettings |
Placeholder documentation for AudioSilenceFailoverSettings
AudioTrack |
Audio Track
AudioTrackSelection |
Audio Track Selection
AudioWatermarkSettings |
Audio Watermark Settings
AutomaticInputFailoverSettings |
The settings for Automatic Input Failover.
AvailBlanking |
Avail Blanking
AvailConfiguration |
Avail Configuration
AvailSettings |
Avail Settings
BatchDeleteRequest |
A request to delete resources
BatchDeleteResult |
Placeholder documentation for BatchDeleteResponse
BatchFailedResultModel |
Details from a failed operation
BatchScheduleActionCreateRequest |
A list of schedule actions to create (in a request) or that have been created (in a response).
BatchScheduleActionCreateResult |
List of actions that have been created in the schedule.
BatchScheduleActionDeleteRequest |
A list of schedule actions to delete.
BatchScheduleActionDeleteResult |
List of actions that have been deleted from the schedule.
BatchStartRequest |
A request to start resources
BatchStartResult |
Placeholder documentation for BatchStartResponse
BatchStopRequest |
A request to stop resources
BatchStopResult |
Placeholder documentation for BatchStopResponse
BatchSuccessfulResultModel |
Details from a successful operation
BatchUpdateScheduleRequest |
List of actions to create and list of actions to delete.
BatchUpdateScheduleResult |
Placeholder documentation for BatchUpdateScheduleResponse
BlackoutSlate |
Blackout Slate
BurnInDestinationSettings |
Burn In Destination Settings
CancelInputDeviceTransferRequest |
Placeholder documentation for CancelInputDeviceTransferRequest
CancelInputDeviceTransferResult |
Placeholder documentation for CancelInputDeviceTransferResponse
CaptionDescription |
Caption Description
CaptionDestinationSettings |
Caption Destination Settings
CaptionLanguageMapping |
Maps a caption channel to an ISO 693-2 language code (, with an optional
CaptionRectangle |
Caption Rectangle
CaptionSelector |
Caption Selector
CaptionSelectorSettings |
Caption Selector Settings
CdiInputSpecification |
Placeholder documentation for CdiInputSpecification
Channel |
Placeholder documentation for Channel
ChannelEgressEndpoint |
Placeholder documentation for ChannelEgressEndpoint
ChannelSummary |
Placeholder documentation for ChannelSummary
ClaimDeviceRequest |
A request to claim an AWS Elemental device that you have purchased from a third-party vendor.
ClaimDeviceResult |
Placeholder documentation for ClaimDeviceResponse
CloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupSummary |
Placeholder documentation for CloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupSummary
CloudWatchAlarmTemplateSummary |
Placeholder documentation for CloudWatchAlarmTemplateSummary
CmafIngestGroupSettings |
Cmaf Ingest Group Settings
CmafIngestOutputSettings |
Cmaf Ingest Output Settings
ColorCorrection |
Property of ColorCorrectionSettings.
ColorCorrectionSettings |
Property of encoderSettings.
ColorSpacePassthroughSettings |
Passthrough applies no color space conversion to the output
CreateChannelRequest |
A request to create a channel
CreateChannelResult |
Placeholder documentation for CreateChannelResponse
CreateCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupRequest |
Placeholder documentation for CreateCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupRequest
CreateCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupResult |
Placeholder documentation for CreateCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupResponse
CreateCloudWatchAlarmTemplateRequest |
Placeholder documentation for CreateCloudWatchAlarmTemplateRequest
CreateCloudWatchAlarmTemplateResult |
Placeholder documentation for CreateCloudWatchAlarmTemplateResponse
CreateEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupRequest |
Placeholder documentation for CreateEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupRequest
CreateEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupResult |
Placeholder documentation for CreateEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupResponse
CreateEventBridgeRuleTemplateRequest |
Placeholder documentation for CreateEventBridgeRuleTemplateRequest
CreateEventBridgeRuleTemplateResult |
Placeholder documentation for CreateEventBridgeRuleTemplateResponse
CreateInputRequest |
The name of the input
CreateInputResult |
Placeholder documentation for CreateInputResponse
CreateInputSecurityGroupRequest |
The IPv4 CIDRs to whitelist for this Input Security Group
CreateInputSecurityGroupResult |
Placeholder documentation for CreateInputSecurityGroupResponse
CreateMultiplexProgramRequest |
A request to create a program in a multiplex.
CreateMultiplexProgramResult |
Placeholder documentation for CreateMultiplexProgramResponse
CreateMultiplexRequest |
A request to create a multiplex.
CreateMultiplexResult |
Placeholder documentation for CreateMultiplexResponse
CreatePartnerInputRequest |
A request to create a partner input
CreatePartnerInputResult |
Placeholder documentation for CreatePartnerInputResponse
CreateSignalMapRequest |
Placeholder documentation for CreateSignalMapRequest
CreateSignalMapResult |
Placeholder documentation for CreateSignalMapResponse
CreateTagsRequest |
Placeholder documentation for CreateTagsRequest
CreateTagsResult | |
DeleteChannelRequest |
Placeholder documentation for DeleteChannelRequest
DeleteChannelResult |
Placeholder documentation for DeleteChannelResponse
DeleteCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupRequest |
Placeholder documentation for DeleteCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupRequest
DeleteCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupResult | |
DeleteCloudWatchAlarmTemplateRequest |
Placeholder documentation for DeleteCloudWatchAlarmTemplateRequest
DeleteCloudWatchAlarmTemplateResult | |
DeleteEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupRequest |
Placeholder documentation for DeleteEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupRequest
DeleteEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupResult | |
DeleteEventBridgeRuleTemplateRequest |
Placeholder documentation for DeleteEventBridgeRuleTemplateRequest
DeleteEventBridgeRuleTemplateResult | |
DeleteInputRequest |
Placeholder documentation for DeleteInputRequest
DeleteInputResult |
Placeholder documentation for DeleteInputResponse
DeleteInputSecurityGroupRequest |
Placeholder documentation for DeleteInputSecurityGroupRequest
DeleteInputSecurityGroupResult |
Placeholder documentation for DeleteInputSecurityGroupResponse
DeleteMultiplexProgramRequest |
Placeholder documentation for DeleteMultiplexProgramRequest
DeleteMultiplexProgramResult |
Placeholder documentation for DeleteMultiplexProgramResponse
DeleteMultiplexRequest |
Placeholder documentation for DeleteMultiplexRequest
DeleteMultiplexResult |
Placeholder documentation for DeleteMultiplexResponse
DeleteReservationRequest |
Placeholder documentation for DeleteReservationRequest
DeleteReservationResult |
Placeholder documentation for DeleteReservationResponse
DeleteScheduleRequest |
Placeholder documentation for DeleteScheduleRequest
DeleteScheduleResult |
Placeholder documentation for DeleteScheduleResponse
DeleteSignalMapRequest |
Placeholder documentation for DeleteSignalMapRequest
DeleteSignalMapResult | |
DeleteTagsRequest |
Placeholder documentation for DeleteTagsRequest
DeleteTagsResult | |
DescribeAccountConfigurationRequest |
Placeholder documentation for DescribeAccountConfigurationRequest
DescribeAccountConfigurationResult |
Placeholder documentation for DescribeAccountConfigurationResponse
DescribeChannelRequest |
Placeholder documentation for DescribeChannelRequest
DescribeChannelResult |
Placeholder documentation for DescribeChannelResponse
DescribeInputDeviceRequest |
Placeholder documentation for DescribeInputDeviceRequest
DescribeInputDeviceResult |
Placeholder documentation for DescribeInputDeviceResponse
DescribeInputDeviceThumbnailRequest |
Placeholder documentation for DescribeInputDeviceThumbnailRequest
DescribeInputDeviceThumbnailResult |
Placeholder documentation for DescribeInputDeviceThumbnailResponse
DescribeInputRequest |
Placeholder documentation for DescribeInputRequest
DescribeInputResult |
Placeholder documentation for DescribeInputResponse
DescribeInputSecurityGroupRequest |
Placeholder documentation for DescribeInputSecurityGroupRequest
DescribeInputSecurityGroupResult |
Placeholder documentation for DescribeInputSecurityGroupResponse
DescribeMultiplexProgramRequest |
Placeholder documentation for DescribeMultiplexProgramRequest
DescribeMultiplexProgramResult |
Placeholder documentation for DescribeMultiplexProgramResponse
DescribeMultiplexRequest |
Placeholder documentation for DescribeMultiplexRequest
DescribeMultiplexResult |
Placeholder documentation for DescribeMultiplexResponse
DescribeOfferingRequest |
Placeholder documentation for DescribeOfferingRequest
DescribeOfferingResult |
Placeholder documentation for DescribeOfferingResponse
DescribeReservationRequest |
Placeholder documentation for DescribeReservationRequest
DescribeReservationResult |
Placeholder documentation for DescribeReservationResponse
DescribeScheduleRequest |
Placeholder documentation for DescribeScheduleRequest
DescribeScheduleResult |
Placeholder documentation for DescribeScheduleResponse
DescribeThumbnailsRequest |
Placeholder documentation for DescribeThumbnailsRequest
DescribeThumbnailsResult |
Placeholder documentation for DescribeThumbnailsResponse
DolbyVision81Settings |
Dolby Vision81 Settings
DvbNitSettings |
DVB Network Information Table (NIT)
DvbSdtSettings |
DVB Service Description Table (SDT)
DvbSubDestinationSettings |
Dvb Sub Destination Settings
DvbSubSourceSettings |
Dvb Sub Source Settings
DvbTdtSettings |
DVB Time and Date Table (SDT)
Eac3AtmosSettings |
Eac3 Atmos Settings
Eac3Settings |
Eac3 Settings
EbuTtDDestinationSettings |
Ebu Tt DDestination Settings
EmbeddedDestinationSettings |
Embedded Destination Settings
EmbeddedPlusScte20DestinationSettings |
Embedded Plus Scte20 Destination Settings
EmbeddedSourceSettings |
Embedded Source Settings
EncoderSettings |
Encoder Settings
EpochLockingSettings |
Epoch Locking Settings
Esam |
EventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupSummary |
Placeholder documentation for EventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupSummary
EventBridgeRuleTemplateSummary |
Placeholder documentation for EventBridgeRuleTemplateSummary
EventBridgeRuleTemplateTarget |
The target to which to send matching events.
FailoverCondition |
Failover Condition settings.
FailoverConditionSettings |
Settings for one failover condition.
FeatureActivations |
Feature Activations
FecOutputSettings |
Fec Output Settings
FixedModeScheduleActionStartSettings |
Start time for the action.
Fmp4HlsSettings |
Fmp4 Hls Settings
FollowModeScheduleActionStartSettings |
Settings to specify if an action follows another.
FrameCaptureCdnSettings |
Frame Capture Cdn Settings
FrameCaptureGroupSettings |
Frame Capture Group Settings
FrameCaptureHlsSettings |
Frame Capture Hls Settings
FrameCaptureOutputSettings |
Frame Capture Output Settings
FrameCaptureS3Settings |
Frame Capture S3 Settings
FrameCaptureSettings |
Frame Capture Settings
GetCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupRequest |
Placeholder documentation for GetCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupRequest
GetCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupResult |
Placeholder documentation for GetCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupResponse
GetCloudWatchAlarmTemplateRequest |
Placeholder documentation for GetCloudWatchAlarmTemplateRequest
GetCloudWatchAlarmTemplateResult |
Placeholder documentation for GetCloudWatchAlarmTemplateResponse
GetEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupRequest |
Placeholder documentation for GetEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupRequest
GetEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupResult |
Placeholder documentation for GetEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupResponse
GetEventBridgeRuleTemplateRequest |
Placeholder documentation for GetEventBridgeRuleTemplateRequest
GetEventBridgeRuleTemplateResult |
Placeholder documentation for GetEventBridgeRuleTemplateResponse
GetSignalMapRequest |
Placeholder documentation for GetSignalMapRequest
GetSignalMapResult |
Placeholder documentation for GetSignalMapResponse
GlobalConfiguration |
Global Configuration
H264ColorSpaceSettings |
H264 Color Space Settings
H264FilterSettings |
H264 Filter Settings
H264Settings |
H264 Settings
H265ColorSpaceSettings |
H265 Color Space Settings
H265FilterSettings |
H265 Filter Settings
H265Settings |
H265 Settings
Hdr10Settings |
Hdr10 Settings
HlsAkamaiSettings |
Hls Akamai Settings
HlsBasicPutSettings |
Hls Basic Put Settings
HlsCdnSettings |
Hls Cdn Settings
HlsGroupSettings |
Hls Group Settings
HlsId3SegmentTaggingScheduleActionSettings |
Settings for the action to insert a user-defined ID3 tag in each HLS segment
HlsInputSettings |
Hls Input Settings
HlsMediaStoreSettings |
Hls Media Store Settings
HlsOutputSettings |
Hls Output Settings
HlsS3Settings |
Hls S3 Settings
HlsSettings |
Hls Settings
HlsTimedMetadataScheduleActionSettings |
Settings for the action to emit HLS metadata
HlsWebdavSettings |
Hls Webdav Settings
HtmlMotionGraphicsSettings |
Html Motion Graphics Settings
ImmediateModeScheduleActionStartSettings |
Settings to configure an action so that it occurs as soon as possible.
Input |
Placeholder documentation for Input
InputAttachment |
Placeholder documentation for InputAttachment
InputChannelLevel |
Input Channel Level
InputClippingSettings |
Settings to let you create a clip of the file input, in order to set up the input to ingest only a portion of the
InputDestination |
The settings for a PUSH type input.
InputDestinationRequest |
Endpoint settings for a PUSH type input.
InputDestinationVpc |
The properties for a VPC type input destination.
InputDeviceConfigurableAudioChannelPairConfig |
One audio configuration that specifies the format for one audio pair that the device produces as output.
InputDeviceConfigurableSettings |
Configurable settings for the input device.
InputDeviceHdSettings |
Settings that describe the active source from the input device, and the video characteristics of that source.
InputDeviceMediaConnectConfigurableSettings |
Parameters required to attach a MediaConnect flow to the device.
InputDeviceMediaConnectSettings |
Information about the MediaConnect flow attached to the device.
InputDeviceNetworkSettings |
The network settings for the input device.
InputDeviceRequest |
Settings for an input device.
InputDeviceSettings |
Settings for an input device.
InputDeviceSummary |
Details of the input device.
InputDeviceUhdAudioChannelPairConfig |
One audio configuration that specifies the format for one audio pair that the device produces as output.
InputDeviceUhdSettings |
Settings that describe the active source from the input device, and the video characteristics of that source.
InputLocation |
Input Location
InputLossBehavior |
Input Loss Behavior
InputLossFailoverSettings |
MediaLive will perform a failover if content is not detected in this input for the specified period.
InputPrepareScheduleActionSettings |
Action to prepare an input for a future immediate input switch.
InputSecurityGroup |
An Input Security Group
InputSettings |
Live Event input parameters.
InputSource |
The settings for a PULL type input.
InputSourceRequest |
Settings for for a PULL type input.
InputSpecification |
Placeholder documentation for InputSpecification
InputSwitchScheduleActionSettings |
Settings for the "switch input" action: to switch from ingesting one input to ingesting another input.
InputVpcRequest |
Settings for a private VPC Input.
InputWhitelistRule |
Whitelist rule
InputWhitelistRuleCidr |
An IPv4 CIDR to whitelist.
KeyProviderSettings |
Key Provider Settings
ListChannelsRequest |
Placeholder documentation for ListChannelsRequest
ListChannelsResult |
Placeholder documentation for ListChannelsResponse
ListCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupsRequest |
Placeholder documentation for ListCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupsRequest
ListCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupsResult |
Placeholder documentation for ListCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupsResponse
ListCloudWatchAlarmTemplatesRequest |
Placeholder documentation for ListCloudWatchAlarmTemplatesRequest
ListCloudWatchAlarmTemplatesResult |
Placeholder documentation for ListCloudWatchAlarmTemplatesResponse
ListEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupsRequest |
Placeholder documentation for ListEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupsRequest
ListEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupsResult |
Placeholder documentation for ListEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupsResponse
ListEventBridgeRuleTemplatesRequest |
Placeholder documentation for ListEventBridgeRuleTemplatesRequest
ListEventBridgeRuleTemplatesResult |
Placeholder documentation for ListEventBridgeRuleTemplatesResponse
ListInputDevicesRequest |
Placeholder documentation for ListInputDevicesRequest
ListInputDevicesResult |
Placeholder documentation for ListInputDevicesResponse
ListInputDeviceTransfersRequest |
Placeholder documentation for ListInputDeviceTransfersRequest
ListInputDeviceTransfersResult |
Placeholder documentation for ListInputDeviceTransfersResponse
ListInputSecurityGroupsRequest |
Placeholder documentation for ListInputSecurityGroupsRequest
ListInputSecurityGroupsResult |
Placeholder documentation for ListInputSecurityGroupsResponse
ListInputsRequest |
Placeholder documentation for ListInputsRequest
ListInputsResult |
Placeholder documentation for ListInputsResponse
ListMultiplexesRequest |
Placeholder documentation for ListMultiplexesRequest
ListMultiplexesResult |
Placeholder documentation for ListMultiplexesResponse
ListMultiplexProgramsRequest |
Placeholder documentation for ListMultiplexProgramsRequest
ListMultiplexProgramsResult |
Placeholder documentation for ListMultiplexProgramsResponse
ListOfferingsRequest |
Placeholder documentation for ListOfferingsRequest
ListOfferingsResult |
Placeholder documentation for ListOfferingsResponse
ListReservationsRequest |
Placeholder documentation for ListReservationsRequest
ListReservationsResult |
Placeholder documentation for ListReservationsResponse
ListSignalMapsRequest |
Placeholder documentation for ListSignalMapsRequest
ListSignalMapsResult |
Placeholder documentation for ListSignalMapsResponse
ListTagsForResourceRequest |
Placeholder documentation for ListTagsForResourceRequest
ListTagsForResourceResult |
Placeholder documentation for ListTagsForResourceResponse
M2tsSettings |
M2ts Settings
M3u8Settings |
Settings information for the .m3u8 container
MaintenanceCreateSettings |
Placeholder documentation for MaintenanceCreateSettings
MaintenanceStatus |
Placeholder documentation for MaintenanceStatus
MaintenanceUpdateSettings |
Placeholder documentation for MaintenanceUpdateSettings
MediaConnectFlow |
The settings for a MediaConnect Flow.
MediaConnectFlowRequest |
The settings for a MediaConnect Flow.
MediaPackageGroupSettings |
Media Package Group Settings
MediaPackageOutputDestinationSettings |
MediaPackage Output Destination Settings
MediaPackageOutputSettings |
Media Package Output Settings
MediaResource |
An AWS resource used in media workflows.
MediaResourceNeighbor |
A direct source or destination neighbor to an AWS media resource.
MonitorDeployment |
Represents the latest monitor deployment of a signal map.
MotionGraphicsActivateScheduleActionSettings |
Settings to specify the rendering of motion graphics into the video stream.
MotionGraphicsConfiguration |
Motion Graphics Configuration
MotionGraphicsDeactivateScheduleActionSettings |
Settings to specify the ending of rendering motion graphics into the video stream.
MotionGraphicsSettings |
Motion Graphics Settings
Mp2Settings |
Mp2 Settings
Mpeg2FilterSettings |
Mpeg2 Filter Settings
Mpeg2Settings |
Mpeg2 Settings
MsSmoothGroupSettings |
Ms Smooth Group Settings
MsSmoothOutputSettings |
Ms Smooth Output Settings
Multiplex |
The multiplex object.
MultiplexGroupSettings |
Multiplex Group Settings
MultiplexMediaConnectOutputDestinationSettings |
Multiplex MediaConnect output destination settings.
MultiplexOutputDestination |
Multiplex output destination settings
MultiplexOutputSettings |
Multiplex Output Settings
MultiplexProgram |
The multiplex program object.
MultiplexProgramChannelDestinationSettings |
Multiplex Program Input Destination Settings for outputting a Channel to a Multiplex
MultiplexProgramPacketIdentifiersMap |
Packet identifiers map for a given Multiplex program.
MultiplexProgramPipelineDetail |
The current source for one of the pipelines in the multiplex.
MultiplexProgramServiceDescriptor |
Transport stream service descriptor configuration for the Multiplex program.
MultiplexProgramSettings |
Multiplex Program settings configuration.
MultiplexProgramSummary |
Placeholder documentation for MultiplexProgramSummary
MultiplexSettings |
Contains configuration for a Multiplex event
MultiplexSettingsSummary |
Contains summary configuration for a Multiplex event.
MultiplexStatmuxVideoSettings |
Statmux rate control settings
MultiplexSummary |
Placeholder documentation for MultiplexSummary
MultiplexVideoSettings |
The video configuration for each program in a multiplex.
NetworkInputSettings |
Network source to transcode.
NielsenCBET |
Nielsen CBET
NielsenConfiguration |
Nielsen Configuration
NielsenNaesIiNw |
Nielsen Naes Ii Nw
NielsenWatermarksSettings |
Nielsen Watermarks Settings
Offering |
Reserved resources available for purchase
Output |
Output settings.
OutputDestination |
Placeholder documentation for OutputDestination
OutputDestinationSettings |
Placeholder documentation for OutputDestinationSettings
OutputGroup |
Output groups for this Live Event.
OutputGroupSettings |
Output Group Settings
OutputLocationRef |
Reference to an OutputDestination ID defined in the channel
OutputLockingSettings |
Output Locking Settings
OutputSettings |
Output Settings
PassThroughSettings |
Pass Through Settings
PauseStateScheduleActionSettings |
Settings for the action to set pause state of a channel.
PipelineDetail |
Runtime details of a pipeline when a channel is running.
PipelineLockingSettings |
Pipeline Locking Settings
PipelinePauseStateSettings |
Settings for pausing a pipeline.
PurchaseOfferingRequest |
Placeholder documentation for PurchaseOfferingRequest
PurchaseOfferingResult |
Placeholder documentation for PurchaseOfferingResponse
RawSettings |
Raw Settings
RebootInputDeviceRequest |
A request to reboot an AWS Elemental device.
RebootInputDeviceResult |
Placeholder documentation for RebootInputDeviceResponse
Rec601Settings |
Rec601 Settings
Rec709Settings |
Rec709 Settings
RejectInputDeviceTransferRequest |
Placeholder documentation for RejectInputDeviceTransferRequest
RejectInputDeviceTransferResult |
Placeholder documentation for RejectInputDeviceTransferResponse
RemixSettings |
Remix Settings
RenewalSettings |
The Renewal settings for Reservations
Reservation |
Reserved resources available to use
ReservationResourceSpecification |
Resource configuration (codec, resolution, bitrate, ...)
RestartChannelPipelinesRequest |
Pipelines to restart.
RestartChannelPipelinesResult |
Placeholder documentation for RestartChannelPipelinesResponse
RtmpCaptionInfoDestinationSettings |
Rtmp Caption Info Destination Settings
RtmpGroupSettings |
Rtmp Group Settings
RtmpOutputSettings |
Rtmp Output Settings
ScheduleAction |
Contains information on a single schedule action.
ScheduleActionSettings |
Holds the settings for a single schedule action.
ScheduleActionStartSettings |
Settings to specify when an action should occur.
Scte20PlusEmbeddedDestinationSettings |
Scte20 Plus Embedded Destination Settings
Scte20SourceSettings |
Scte20 Source Settings
Scte27DestinationSettings |
Scte27 Destination Settings
Scte27SourceSettings |
Scte27 Source Settings
Scte35DeliveryRestrictions |
Corresponds to SCTE-35 delivery_not_restricted_flag parameter.
Scte35Descriptor |
Holds one set of SCTE-35 Descriptor Settings.
Scte35DescriptorSettings |
SCTE-35 Descriptor settings.
Scte35InputScheduleActionSettings |
Scte35Input Schedule Action Settings
Scte35ReturnToNetworkScheduleActionSettings |
Settings for a SCTE-35 return_to_network message.
Scte35SegmentationDescriptor |
Corresponds to SCTE-35 segmentation_descriptor.
Scte35SpliceInsert |
Typical configuration that applies breaks on splice inserts in addition to time signal placement opportunities,
breaks, and advertisements.
Scte35SpliceInsertScheduleActionSettings |
Settings for a SCTE-35 splice_insert message.
Scte35TimeSignalApos |
Atypical configuration that applies segment breaks only on SCTE-35 time signal placement opportunities and breaks.
Scte35TimeSignalScheduleActionSettings |
Settings for a SCTE-35 time_signal.
SignalMapSummary |
Placeholder documentation for SignalMapSummary
SmpteTtDestinationSettings |
Smpte Tt Destination Settings
SrtCallerDecryption |
The decryption settings for the SRT caller source.
SrtCallerDecryptionRequest |
Complete these parameters only if the content is encrypted.
SrtCallerSource |
The configuration for a source that uses SRT as the connection protocol.
SrtCallerSourceRequest |
Configures the connection for a source that uses SRT as the connection protocol.
SrtSettings |
The configured sources for this SRT input.
SrtSettingsRequest |
Configures the sources for this SRT input.
StandardHlsSettings |
Standard Hls Settings
StartChannelRequest |
Placeholder documentation for StartChannelRequest
StartChannelResult |
Placeholder documentation for StartChannelResponse
StartDeleteMonitorDeploymentRequest |
Placeholder documentation for StartDeleteMonitorDeploymentRequest
StartDeleteMonitorDeploymentResult |
Placeholder documentation for StartDeleteMonitorDeploymentResponse
StartInputDeviceMaintenanceWindowRequest |
Placeholder documentation for StartInputDeviceMaintenanceWindowRequest
StartInputDeviceMaintenanceWindowResult |
Placeholder documentation for StartInputDeviceMaintenanceWindowResponse
StartInputDeviceRequest |
Placeholder documentation for StartInputDeviceRequest
StartInputDeviceResult |
Placeholder documentation for StartInputDeviceResponse
StartMonitorDeploymentRequest |
Placeholder documentation for StartMonitorDeploymentRequest
StartMonitorDeploymentResult |
Placeholder documentation for StartMonitorDeploymentResponse
StartMultiplexRequest |
Placeholder documentation for StartMultiplexRequest
StartMultiplexResult |
Placeholder documentation for StartMultiplexResponse
StartTimecode |
Settings to identify the start of the clip.
StartUpdateSignalMapRequest |
Placeholder documentation for StartUpdateSignalMapRequest
StartUpdateSignalMapResult |
Placeholder documentation for StartUpdateSignalMapResponse
StaticImageActivateScheduleActionSettings |
Settings for the action to activate a static image.
StaticImageDeactivateScheduleActionSettings |
Settings for the action to deactivate the image in a specific layer.
StaticImageOutputActivateScheduleActionSettings |
Settings for the action to activate a static image.
StaticImageOutputDeactivateScheduleActionSettings |
Settings for the action to deactivate the image in a specific layer.
StaticKeySettings |
Static Key Settings
StopChannelRequest |
Placeholder documentation for StopChannelRequest
StopChannelResult |
Placeholder documentation for StopChannelResponse
StopInputDeviceRequest |
Placeholder documentation for StopInputDeviceRequest
StopInputDeviceResult |
Placeholder documentation for StopInputDeviceResponse
StopMultiplexRequest |
Placeholder documentation for StopMultiplexRequest
StopMultiplexResult |
Placeholder documentation for StopMultiplexResponse
StopTimecode |
Settings to identify the end of the clip.
SuccessfulMonitorDeployment |
Represents the latest successful monitor deployment of a signal map.
TeletextDestinationSettings |
Teletext Destination Settings
TeletextSourceSettings |
Teletext Source Settings
TemporalFilterSettings |
Temporal Filter Settings
Thumbnail |
Details of a single thumbnail
ThumbnailConfiguration |
Thumbnail Configuration
ThumbnailDetail |
Thumbnail details for one pipeline of a running channel.
TimecodeBurninSettings |
Timecode Burnin Settings
TimecodeConfig |
Timecode Config
TransferInputDeviceRequest |
A request to transfer an input device.
TransferInputDeviceResult |
Placeholder documentation for TransferInputDeviceResponse
TransferringInputDeviceSummary |
Details about the input device that is being transferred.
TtmlDestinationSettings |
Ttml Destination Settings
UdpContainerSettings |
Udp Container Settings
UdpGroupSettings |
Udp Group Settings
UdpOutputSettings |
Udp Output Settings
UpdateAccountConfigurationRequest |
List of account configuration parameters to update.
UpdateAccountConfigurationResult |
Placeholder documentation for UpdateAccountConfigurationResponse
UpdateChannelClassRequest |
Channel class that the channel should be updated to.
UpdateChannelClassResult |
Placeholder documentation for UpdateChannelClassResponse
UpdateChannelRequest |
A request to update a channel.
UpdateChannelResult |
Placeholder documentation for UpdateChannelResponse
UpdateCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupRequest |
Placeholder documentation for UpdateCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupRequest
UpdateCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupResult |
Placeholder documentation for UpdateCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupResponse
UpdateCloudWatchAlarmTemplateRequest |
Placeholder documentation for UpdateCloudWatchAlarmTemplateRequest
UpdateCloudWatchAlarmTemplateResult |
Placeholder documentation for UpdateCloudWatchAlarmTemplateResponse
UpdateEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupRequest |
Placeholder documentation for UpdateEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupRequest
UpdateEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupResult |
Placeholder documentation for UpdateEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupResponse
UpdateEventBridgeRuleTemplateRequest |
Placeholder documentation for UpdateEventBridgeRuleTemplateRequest
UpdateEventBridgeRuleTemplateResult |
Placeholder documentation for UpdateEventBridgeRuleTemplateResponse
UpdateInputDeviceRequest |
A request to update an input device.
UpdateInputDeviceResult |
Placeholder documentation for UpdateInputDeviceResponse
UpdateInputRequest |
A request to update an input.
UpdateInputResult |
Placeholder documentation for UpdateInputResponse
UpdateInputSecurityGroupRequest |
The request to update some combination of the Input Security Group name and the IPv4 CIDRs the Input Security Group
should allow.
UpdateInputSecurityGroupResult |
Placeholder documentation for UpdateInputSecurityGroupResponse
UpdateMultiplexProgramRequest |
A request to update a program in a multiplex.
UpdateMultiplexProgramResult |
Placeholder documentation for UpdateMultiplexProgramResponse
UpdateMultiplexRequest |
A request to update a multiplex.
UpdateMultiplexResult |
Placeholder documentation for UpdateMultiplexResponse
UpdateReservationRequest |
Request to update a reservation
UpdateReservationResult |
Placeholder documentation for UpdateReservationResponse
ValidationError |
Placeholder documentation for ValidationError
VideoBlackFailoverSettings |
Placeholder documentation for VideoBlackFailoverSettings
VideoCodecSettings |
Video Codec Settings
VideoDescription |
Video settings for this stream.
VideoSelector |
Specifies a particular video stream within an input source.
VideoSelectorColorSpaceSettings |
Video Selector Color Space Settings
VideoSelectorPid |
Video Selector Pid
VideoSelectorProgramId |
Video Selector Program Id
VideoSelectorSettings |
Video Selector Settings
VpcOutputSettings |
The properties for a private VPC Output When this property is specified, the output egress addresses will be created
in a user specified VPC
VpcOutputSettingsDescription |
The properties for a private VPC Output
WavSettings |
Wav Settings
WebvttDestinationSettings |
Webvtt Destination Settings
Enum | Description |
AacCodingMode |
Aac Coding Mode
AacInputType |
Aac Input Type
AacProfile |
Aac Profile
AacRateControlMode |
Aac Rate Control Mode
AacRawFormat |
Aac Raw Format
AacSpec |
Aac Spec
AacVbrQuality |
Aac Vbr Quality
Ac3AttenuationControl |
Ac3 Attenuation Control
Ac3BitstreamMode |
Ac3 Bitstream Mode
Ac3CodingMode |
Ac3 Coding Mode
Ac3DrcProfile |
Ac3 Drc Profile
Ac3LfeFilter |
Ac3 Lfe Filter
Ac3MetadataControl |
Ac3 Metadata Control
AcceptHeader |
The HTTP Accept header.
AccessibilityType |
Accessibility Type
AfdSignaling |
Afd Signaling
Algorithm |
Placeholder documentation for Algorithm
AudioDescriptionAudioTypeControl |
Audio Description Audio Type Control
AudioDescriptionLanguageCodeControl |
Audio Description Language Code Control
AudioLanguageSelectionPolicy |
Audio Language Selection Policy
AudioNormalizationAlgorithm |
Audio Normalization Algorithm
AudioNormalizationAlgorithmControl |
Audio Normalization Algorithm Control
AudioOnlyHlsSegmentType |
Audio Only Hls Segment Type
AudioOnlyHlsTrackType |
Audio Only Hls Track Type
AudioType |
Audio Type
AuthenticationScheme |
Authentication Scheme
AvailBlankingState |
Avail Blanking State
BlackoutSlateNetworkEndBlackout |
Blackout Slate Network End Blackout
BlackoutSlateState |
Blackout Slate State
BurnInAlignment |
Burn In Alignment
BurnInBackgroundColor |
Burn In Background Color
BurnInFontColor |
Burn In Font Color
BurnInOutlineColor |
Burn In Outline Color
BurnInShadowColor |
Burn In Shadow Color
BurnInTeletextGridControl |
Burn In Teletext Grid Control
CdiInputResolution |
Maximum CDI input resolution; SD is 480i and 576i up to 30 frames-per-second (fps), HD is 720p up to 60 fps / 1080i
up to 30 fps, FHD is 1080p up to 60 fps, UHD is 2160p up to 60 fps
ChannelClass |
A standard channel has two encoding pipelines and a single pipeline channel only has one.
ChannelPipelineIdToRestart |
Property of RestartChannelPipelinesRequest
ChannelState |
Placeholder documentation for ChannelState
CloudWatchAlarmTemplateComparisonOperator |
The comparison operator used to compare the specified statistic and the threshold.
CloudWatchAlarmTemplateStatistic |
The statistic to apply to the alarm's metric data.
CloudWatchAlarmTemplateTargetResourceType |
The resource type this template should dynamically generate cloudwatch metric alarms for.
CloudWatchAlarmTemplateTreatMissingData |
Specifies how missing data points are treated when evaluating the alarm's condition.
CmafIngestSegmentLengthUnits |
Cmaf Ingest Segment Length Units
CmafNielsenId3Behavior |
Cmaf Nielsen Id3 Behavior
ColorSpace |
Property of colorCorrections.
ContentType |
Specifies the media type of the thumbnail.
DashRoleAudio |
Dash Role Audio
DashRoleCaption |
Dash Role Caption
DeviceSettingsSyncState |
The status of the action to synchronize the device configuration.
DeviceUpdateStatus |
The status of software on the input device.
DolbyEProgramSelection |
Dolby EProgram Selection
DvbDashAccessibility |
Dvb Dash Accessibility
DvbSdtOutputSdt |
Dvb Sdt Output Sdt
DvbSubDestinationAlignment |
Dvb Sub Destination Alignment
DvbSubDestinationBackgroundColor |
Dvb Sub Destination Background Color
DvbSubDestinationFontColor |
Dvb Sub Destination Font Color
DvbSubDestinationOutlineColor |
Dvb Sub Destination Outline Color
DvbSubDestinationShadowColor |
Dvb Sub Destination Shadow Color
DvbSubDestinationTeletextGridControl |
Dvb Sub Destination Teletext Grid Control
DvbSubOcrLanguage |
Dvb Sub Ocr Language
Eac3AtmosCodingMode |
Eac3 Atmos Coding Mode
Eac3AtmosDrcLine |
Eac3 Atmos Drc Line
Eac3AtmosDrcRf |
Eac3 Atmos Drc Rf
Eac3AttenuationControl |
Eac3 Attenuation Control
Eac3BitstreamMode |
Eac3 Bitstream Mode
Eac3CodingMode |
Eac3 Coding Mode
Eac3DcFilter |
Eac3 Dc Filter
Eac3DrcLine |
Eac3 Drc Line
Eac3DrcRf |
Eac3 Drc Rf
Eac3LfeControl |
Eac3 Lfe Control
Eac3LfeFilter |
Eac3 Lfe Filter
Eac3MetadataControl |
Eac3 Metadata Control
Eac3PassthroughControl |
Eac3 Passthrough Control
Eac3PhaseControl |
Eac3 Phase Control
Eac3StereoDownmix |
Eac3 Stereo Downmix
Eac3SurroundExMode |
Eac3 Surround Ex Mode
Eac3SurroundMode |
Eac3 Surround Mode
EbuTtDDestinationStyleControl |
Ebu Tt DDestination Style Control
EbuTtDFillLineGapControl |
Ebu Tt DFill Line Gap Control
EmbeddedConvert608To708 |
Embedded Convert608 To708
EmbeddedScte20Detection |
Embedded Scte20 Detection
EventBridgeRuleTemplateEventType |
The type of event to match with the rule.
FeatureActivationsInputPrepareScheduleActions |
Feature Activations Input Prepare Schedule Actions
FeatureActivationsOutputStaticImageOverlayScheduleActions |
Feature Activations Output Static Image Overlay Schedule Actions
FecOutputIncludeFec |
Fec Output Include Fec
FixedAfd |
Fixed Afd
Fmp4NielsenId3Behavior |
Fmp4 Nielsen Id3 Behavior
Fmp4TimedMetadataBehavior |
Fmp4 Timed Metadata Behavior
FollowPoint |
Follow reference point.
FrameCaptureIntervalUnit |
Frame Capture Interval Unit
GlobalConfigurationInputEndAction |
Global Configuration Input End Action
GlobalConfigurationLowFramerateInputs |
Global Configuration Low Framerate Inputs
GlobalConfigurationOutputLockingMode |
Global Configuration Output Locking Mode
GlobalConfigurationOutputTimingSource |
Global Configuration Output Timing Source
H264AdaptiveQuantization |
H264 Adaptive Quantization
H264ColorMetadata |
H264 Color Metadata
H264EntropyEncoding |
H264 Entropy Encoding
H264FlickerAq |
H264 Flicker Aq
H264ForceFieldPictures |
H264 Force Field Pictures
H264FramerateControl |
H264 Framerate Control
H264GopBReference |
H264 Gop BReference
H264GopSizeUnits |
H264 Gop Size Units
H264Level |
H264 Level
H264LookAheadRateControl |
H264 Look Ahead Rate Control
H264ParControl |
H264 Par Control
H264Profile |
H264 Profile
H264QualityLevel |
H264 Quality Level
H264RateControlMode |
H264 Rate Control Mode
H264ScanType |
H264 Scan Type
H264SceneChangeDetect |
H264 Scene Change Detect
H264SpatialAq |
H264 Spatial Aq
H264SubGopLength |
H264 Sub Gop Length
H264Syntax |
H264 Syntax
H264TemporalAq |
H264 Temporal Aq
H264TimecodeInsertionBehavior |
H264 Timecode Insertion Behavior
H265AdaptiveQuantization |
H265 Adaptive Quantization
H265AlternativeTransferFunction |
H265 Alternative Transfer Function
H265ColorMetadata |
H265 Color Metadata
H265FlickerAq |
H265 Flicker Aq
H265GopSizeUnits |
H265 Gop Size Units
H265Level |
H265 Level
H265LookAheadRateControl |
H265 Look Ahead Rate Control
H265MvOverPictureBoundaries |
H265 Mv Over Picture Boundaries
H265MvTemporalPredictor |
H265 Mv Temporal Predictor
H265Profile |
H265 Profile
H265RateControlMode |
H265 Rate Control Mode
H265ScanType |
H265 Scan Type
H265SceneChangeDetect |
H265 Scene Change Detect
H265Tier |
H265 Tier
H265TilePadding |
H265 Tile Padding
H265TimecodeInsertionBehavior |
H265 Timecode Insertion Behavior
H265TreeblockSize |
H265 Treeblock Size
HlsAdMarkers |
Hls Ad Markers
HlsAkamaiHttpTransferMode |
Hls Akamai Http Transfer Mode
HlsCaptionLanguageSetting |
Hls Caption Language Setting
HlsClientCache |
Hls Client Cache
HlsCodecSpecification |
Hls Codec Specification
HlsDirectoryStructure |
Hls Directory Structure
HlsDiscontinuityTags |
Hls Discontinuity Tags
HlsEncryptionType |
Hls Encryption Type
HlsH265PackagingType |
Hls H265 Packaging Type
HlsId3SegmentTaggingState |
State of HLS ID3 Segment Tagging
HlsIncompleteSegmentBehavior |
Hls Incomplete Segment Behavior
HlsIvInManifest |
Hls Iv In Manifest
HlsIvSource |
Hls Iv Source
HlsManifestCompression |
Hls Manifest Compression
HlsManifestDurationFormat |
Hls Manifest Duration Format
HlsMediaStoreStorageClass |
Hls Media Store Storage Class
HlsMode |
Hls Mode
HlsOutputSelection |
Hls Output Selection
HlsProgramDateTime |
Hls Program Date Time
HlsProgramDateTimeClock |
Hls Program Date Time Clock
HlsRedundantManifest |
Hls Redundant Manifest
HlsScte35SourceType |
Hls Scte35 Source Type
HlsSegmentationMode |
Hls Segmentation Mode
HlsStreamInfResolution |
Hls Stream Inf Resolution
HlsTimedMetadataId3Frame |
Hls Timed Metadata Id3 Frame
HlsTsFileMode |
Hls Ts File Mode
HlsWebdavHttpTransferMode |
Hls Webdav Http Transfer Mode
IFrameOnlyPlaylistType |
When set to "standard", an I-Frame only playlist will be written out for each video output in the output group.
IncludeFillerNalUnits |
Include Filler Nal Units
InputClass |
A standard input has two sources and a single pipeline input only has one.
InputCodec |
codec in increasing order of complexity
InputDeblockFilter |
Input Deblock Filter
InputDenoiseFilter |
Input Denoise Filter
InputDeviceActiveInput |
The source at the input device that is currently active.
InputDeviceCodec |
The codec to use on the video that the device produces.
InputDeviceConfigurableAudioChannelPairProfile |
Property of InputDeviceConfigurableAudioChannelPairConfig, which configures one audio channel that the device
InputDeviceConfiguredInput |
The source to activate (use) from the input device.
InputDeviceConnectionState |
The state of the connection between the input device and AWS.
InputDeviceIpScheme |
Specifies whether the input device has been configured (outside of MediaLive) to use a dynamic IP address assignment
(DHCP) or a static IP address.
InputDeviceOutputType |
The output attachment type of the input device.
InputDeviceScanType |
The scan type of the video source.
InputDeviceState |
The state of the input device.
InputDeviceTransferType |
The type of device transfer.
InputDeviceType |
The type of the input device.
InputDeviceUhdAudioChannelPairProfile |
Property of InputDeviceUhdAudioChannelPairConfig, which describes one audio channel that the device is configured to
InputFilter |
Input Filter
InputLossActionForHlsOut |
Input Loss Action For Hls Out
InputLossActionForMsSmoothOut |
Input Loss Action For Ms Smooth Out
InputLossActionForRtmpOut |
Input Loss Action For Rtmp Out
InputLossActionForUdpOut |
Input Loss Action For Udp Out
InputLossImageType |
Input Loss Image Type
InputMaximumBitrate |
Maximum input bitrate in megabits per second.
InputPreference |
Input preference when deciding which input to make active when a previously failed input has recovered.
InputResolution |
Input resolution based on lines of vertical resolution in the input; SD is less than 720 lines, HD is 720 to 1080
lines, UHD is greater than 1080 lines
InputSecurityGroupState |
Placeholder documentation for InputSecurityGroupState
InputSourceEndBehavior |
Input Source End Behavior
InputSourceType |
There are two types of input sources, static and dynamic.
InputState |
Placeholder documentation for InputState
InputTimecodeSource |
Documentation update needed
InputType |
The different types of inputs that AWS Elemental MediaLive supports.
LastFrameClippingBehavior |
If you specify a StopTimecode in an input (in order to clip the file), you can specify if you want the clip to
exclude (the default) or include the frame specified by the timecode.
LogLevel |
The log level the user wants for their channel.
M2tsAbsentInputAudioBehavior |
M2ts Absent Input Audio Behavior
M2tsArib |
M2ts Arib
M2tsAribCaptionsPidControl |
M2ts Arib Captions Pid Control
M2tsAudioBufferModel |
M2ts Audio Buffer Model
M2tsAudioInterval |
M2ts Audio Interval
M2tsAudioStreamType |
M2ts Audio Stream Type
M2tsBufferModel |
M2ts Buffer Model
M2tsCcDescriptor |
M2ts Cc Descriptor
M2tsEbifControl |
M2ts Ebif Control
M2tsEbpPlacement |
M2ts Ebp Placement
M2tsEsRateInPes |
M2ts Es Rate In Pes
M2tsKlv |
M2ts Klv
M2tsNielsenId3Behavior |
M2ts Nielsen Id3 Behavior
M2tsPcrControl |
M2ts Pcr Control
M2tsRateMode |
M2ts Rate Mode
M2tsScte35Control |
M2ts Scte35 Control
M2tsSegmentationMarkers |
M2ts Segmentation Markers
M2tsSegmentationStyle |
M2ts Segmentation Style
M2tsTimedMetadataBehavior |
M2ts Timed Metadata Behavior
M3u8KlvBehavior |
M3u8 Klv Behavior
M3u8NielsenId3Behavior |
M3u8 Nielsen Id3 Behavior
M3u8PcrControl |
M3u8 Pcr Control
M3u8Scte35Behavior |
M3u8 Scte35 Behavior
M3u8TimedMetadataBehavior |
M3u8 Timed Metadata Behavior
MaintenanceDay |
The currently selected maintenance day.
MotionGraphicsInsertion |
Motion Graphics Insertion
Mp2CodingMode |
Mp2 Coding Mode
Mpeg2AdaptiveQuantization |
Mpeg2 Adaptive Quantization
Mpeg2ColorMetadata |
Mpeg2 Color Metadata
Mpeg2ColorSpace |
Mpeg2 Color Space
Mpeg2DisplayRatio |
Mpeg2 Display Ratio
Mpeg2GopSizeUnits |
Mpeg2 Gop Size Units
Mpeg2ScanType |
Mpeg2 Scan Type
Mpeg2SubGopLength |
Mpeg2 Sub Gop Length
Mpeg2TimecodeInsertionBehavior |
Mpeg2 Timecode Insertion Behavior
MsSmoothH265PackagingType |
Ms Smooth H265 Packaging Type
MultiplexState |
The current state of the multiplex.
NetworkInputServerValidation |
Network Input Server Validation
NielsenPcmToId3TaggingState |
State of Nielsen PCM to ID3 tagging
NielsenWatermarksCbetStepaside |
Nielsen Watermarks Cbet Stepaside
NielsenWatermarksDistributionTypes |
Nielsen Watermarks Distribution Types
NielsenWatermarkTimezones |
Nielsen Watermark Timezones
OfferingDurationUnits |
Units for duration, e.g.
OfferingType |
Offering type, e.g.
PipelineId |
Pipeline ID
PreferredChannelPipeline |
Indicates which pipeline is preferred by the multiplex for program ingest.
RebootInputDeviceForce |
Whether or not to force reboot the input device.
ReservationAutomaticRenewal |
Automatic Renewal Status for Reservation
ReservationCodec |
Codec, 'MPEG2', 'AVC', 'HEVC', or 'AUDIO'
ReservationMaximumBitrate |
Maximum bitrate in megabits per second
ReservationMaximumFramerate |
Maximum framerate in frames per second (Outputs only)
ReservationResolution |
Resolution based on lines of vertical resolution; SD is less than 720 lines, HD is 720 to 1080 lines, FHD is 1080
lines, UHD is greater than 1080 lines
ReservationResourceType |
Resource type, 'INPUT', 'OUTPUT', 'MULTIPLEX', or 'CHANNEL'
ReservationSpecialFeature |
ReservationState |
Current reservation state
ReservationVideoQuality |
Video quality, e.g.
RtmpAdMarkers |
Rtmp Ad Markers
RtmpCacheFullBehavior |
Rtmp Cache Full Behavior
RtmpCaptionData |
Rtmp Caption Data
RtmpOutputCertificateMode |
Rtmp Output Certificate Mode
S3CannedAcl |
S3 Canned Acl
Scte20Convert608To708 |
Scte20 Convert608 To708
Scte27OcrLanguage |
Scte27 Ocr Language
Scte35AposNoRegionalBlackoutBehavior |
Scte35 Apos No Regional Blackout Behavior
Scte35AposWebDeliveryAllowedBehavior |
Scte35 Apos Web Delivery Allowed Behavior
Scte35ArchiveAllowedFlag |
Corresponds to the archive_allowed parameter.
Scte35DeviceRestrictions |
Corresponds to the device_restrictions parameter in a segmentation_descriptor.
Scte35InputMode |
Whether the SCTE-35 input should be the active input or a fixed input.
Scte35NoRegionalBlackoutFlag |
Corresponds to the no_regional_blackout_flag parameter.
Scte35SegmentationCancelIndicator |
Corresponds to SCTE-35 segmentation_event_cancel_indicator.
Scte35SegmentationScope |
Scte35 Segmentation Scope
Scte35SpliceInsertNoRegionalBlackoutBehavior |
Scte35 Splice Insert No Regional Blackout Behavior
Scte35SpliceInsertWebDeliveryAllowedBehavior |
Scte35 Splice Insert Web Delivery Allowed Behavior
Scte35Type |
Scte35 Type
Scte35WebDeliveryAllowedFlag |
Corresponds to the web_delivery_allowed_flag parameter.
SignalMapMonitorDeploymentStatus |
A signal map's monitor deployment status.
SignalMapStatus |
A signal map's current status which is dependent on its lifecycle actions or associated jobs.
SmoothGroupAudioOnlyTimecodeControl |
Smooth Group Audio Only Timecode Control
SmoothGroupCertificateMode |
Smooth Group Certificate Mode
SmoothGroupEventIdMode |
Smooth Group Event Id Mode
SmoothGroupEventStopBehavior |
Smooth Group Event Stop Behavior
SmoothGroupSegmentationMode |
Smooth Group Segmentation Mode
SmoothGroupSparseTrackType |
Smooth Group Sparse Track Type
SmoothGroupStreamManifestBehavior |
Smooth Group Stream Manifest Behavior
SmoothGroupTimestampOffsetMode |
Smooth Group Timestamp Offset Mode
Smpte2038DataPreference |
Smpte2038 Data Preference
TemporalFilterPostFilterSharpening |
Temporal Filter Post Filter Sharpening
TemporalFilterStrength |
Temporal Filter Strength
ThumbnailState |
Thumbnail State
ThumbnailType |
Thumbnail type.
TimecodeBurninFontSize |
Timecode Burnin Font Size
TimecodeBurninPosition |
Timecode Burnin Position
TimecodeConfigSource |
Timecode Config Source
TtmlDestinationStyleControl |
Ttml Destination Style Control
UdpTimedMetadataId3Frame |
Udp Timed Metadata Id3 Frame
VideoDescriptionRespondToAfd |
Video Description Respond To Afd
VideoDescriptionScalingBehavior |
Video Description Scaling Behavior
VideoSelectorColorSpace |
Video Selector Color Space
VideoSelectorColorSpaceUsage |
Video Selector Color Space Usage
WavCodingMode |
Wav Coding Mode
WebvttDestinationStyleControl |
Webvtt Destination Style Control
Exception | Description |
AWSMediaLiveException |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by AWS Elemental MediaLive
BadGatewayException |
Placeholder documentation for BadGatewayException
BadRequestException |
Placeholder documentation for BadRequestException
ConflictException |
Placeholder documentation for ConflictException
ForbiddenException |
Placeholder documentation for ForbiddenException
GatewayTimeoutException |
Placeholder documentation for GatewayTimeoutException
InternalServerErrorException |
Placeholder documentation for InternalServerErrorException
NotFoundException |
Placeholder documentation for NotFoundException
TooManyRequestsException |
Placeholder documentation for TooManyRequestsException
UnprocessableEntityException |
Placeholder documentation for UnprocessableEntityException