
GetApplicationCommandOutput Interface

The output of GetApplicationCommand.


Publications Publication[] | undefined

The events that the application publishes.

Subscriptions Subscription[] | undefined

The events that the application subscribes.

$metadata RequiredResponseMetadata
Metadata pertaining to this request.
ApplicationSourceConfig ApplicationSourceConfig | undefined

The configuration for where the application should be loaded from.

Arn string | undefined

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Application.

CreatedTime Date | undefined

The created time of the Application.

Description string | undefined

The description of the application.

Id string | undefined

A unique identifier for the Application.

LastModifiedTime Date | undefined

The last modified time of the Application.

Name string | undefined

The name of the application.

Namespace string | undefined

The namespace of the application.

Permissions string[] | undefined

The configuration of events or requests that the application has access to.

Tags Record<string, string> | undefined

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { "tags": {"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2"} }.

Full Signature

export interface GetApplicationCommandOutput extends GetApplicationResponse, MetadataBearer