- Navigation GuideYou are on a Client landing page. Commands (operations) are listed on this page. The Client constructor type is linked at the bottom.
AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery Service.
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pnpm add @aws-sdk/client-drs
DrsClient Operations
Command | Summary |
Command | Summary |
AssociateSourceNetworkStackCommand | Associate a Source Network to an existing CloudFormation Stack and modify launch templates to use this network. Can be used for reverting to previously deployed CloudFormation stacks. |
CreateExtendedSourceServerCommand | Create an extended source server in the target Account based on the source server in staging account. |
CreateLaunchConfigurationTemplateCommand | Creates a new Launch Configuration Template. |
CreateReplicationConfigurationTemplateCommand | Creates a new ReplicationConfigurationTemplate. |
CreateSourceNetworkCommand | Create a new Source Network resource for a provided VPC ID. |
DeleteJobCommand | Deletes a single Job by ID. |
DeleteLaunchActionCommand | Deletes a resource launch action. |
DeleteLaunchConfigurationTemplateCommand | Deletes a single Launch Configuration Template by ID. |
DeleteRecoveryInstanceCommand | Deletes a single Recovery Instance by ID. This deletes the Recovery Instance resource from Elastic Disaster Recovery. The Recovery Instance must be disconnected first in order to delete it. |
DeleteReplicationConfigurationTemplateCommand | Deletes a single Replication Configuration Template by ID |
DeleteSourceNetworkCommand | Delete Source Network resource. |
DeleteSourceServerCommand | Deletes a single Source Server by ID. The Source Server must be disconnected first. |
DescribeJobLogItemsCommand | Retrieves a detailed Job log with pagination. |
DescribeJobsCommand | Returns a list of Jobs. Use the JobsID and fromDate and toDate filters to limit which jobs are returned. The response is sorted by creationDataTime - latest date first. Jobs are created by the StartRecovery, TerminateRecoveryInstances and StartFailbackLaunch APIs. Jobs are also created by DiagnosticLaunch and TerminateDiagnosticInstances, which are APIs available only to *Support* and only used in response to relevant support tickets. |
DescribeLaunchConfigurationTemplatesCommand | Lists all Launch Configuration Templates, filtered by Launch Configuration Template IDs |
DescribeRecoveryInstancesCommand | Lists all Recovery Instances or multiple Recovery Instances by ID. |
DescribeRecoverySnapshotsCommand | Lists all Recovery Snapshots for a single Source Server. |
DescribeReplicationConfigurationTemplatesCommand | Lists all ReplicationConfigurationTemplates, filtered by Source Server IDs. |
DescribeSourceNetworksCommand | Lists all Source Networks or multiple Source Networks filtered by ID. |
DescribeSourceServersCommand | Lists all Source Servers or multiple Source Servers filtered by ID. |
DisconnectRecoveryInstanceCommand | Disconnect a Recovery Instance from Elastic Disaster Recovery. Data replication is stopped immediately. All AWS resources created by Elastic Disaster Recovery for enabling the replication of the Recovery Instance will be terminated / deleted within 90 minutes. If the agent on the Recovery Instance has not been prevented from communicating with the Elastic Disaster Recovery service, then it will receive a command to uninstall itself (within approximately 10 minutes). The following properties of the Recovery Instance will be changed immediately: dataReplicationInfo.dataReplicationState will be set to DISCONNECTED; The totalStorageBytes property for each of dataReplicationInfo.replicatedDisks will be set to zero; dataReplicationInfo.lagDuration and dataReplicationInfo.lagDuration will be nullified. |
DisconnectSourceServerCommand | Disconnects a specific Source Server from Elastic Disaster Recovery. Data replication is stopped immediately. All AWS resources created by Elastic Disaster Recovery for enabling the replication of the Source Server will be terminated / deleted within 90 minutes. You cannot disconnect a Source Server if it has a Recovery Instance. If the agent on the Source Server has not been prevented from communicating with the Elastic Disaster Recovery service, then it will receive a command to uninstall itself (within approximately 10 minutes). The following properties of the SourceServer will be changed immediately: dataReplicationInfo.dataReplicationState will be set to DISCONNECTED; The totalStorageBytes property for each of dataReplicationInfo.replicatedDisks will be set to zero; dataReplicationInfo.lagDuration and dataReplicationInfo.lagDuration will be nullified. |
ExportSourceNetworkCfnTemplateCommand | Export the Source Network CloudFormation template to an S3 bucket. |
GetFailbackReplicationConfigurationCommand | Lists all Failback ReplicationConfigurations, filtered by Recovery Instance ID. |
GetLaunchConfigurationCommand | Gets a LaunchConfiguration, filtered by Source Server IDs. |
GetReplicationConfigurationCommand | Gets a ReplicationConfiguration, filtered by Source Server ID. |
InitializeServiceCommand | Initialize Elastic Disaster Recovery. |
ListExtensibleSourceServersCommand | Returns a list of source servers on a staging account that are extensible, which means that: a. The source server is not already extended into this Account. b. The source server on the Account we’re reading from is not an extension of another source server. |
ListLaunchActionsCommand | Lists resource launch actions. |
ListStagingAccountsCommand | Returns an array of staging accounts for existing extended source servers. |
ListTagsForResourceCommand | List all tags for your Elastic Disaster Recovery resources. |
PutLaunchActionCommand | Puts a resource launch action. |
RetryDataReplicationCommand | WARNING: RetryDataReplication is deprecated. Causes the data replication initiation sequence to begin immediately upon next Handshake for the specified Source Server ID, regardless of when the previous initiation started. This command will work only if the Source Server is stalled or is in a DISCONNECTED or STOPPED state. |
ReverseReplicationCommand | Start replication to origin / target region - applies only to protected instances that originated in EC2. For recovery instances on target region - starts replication back to origin region. For failback instances on origin region - starts replication to target region to re-protect them. |
StartFailbackLaunchCommand | Initiates a Job for launching the machine that is being failed back to from the specified Recovery Instance. This will run conversion on the failback client and will reboot your machine, thus completing the failback process. |
StartRecoveryCommand | Launches Recovery Instances for the specified Source Servers. For each Source Server you may choose a point in time snapshot to launch from, or use an on demand snapshot. |
StartReplicationCommand | Starts replication for a stopped Source Server. This action would make the Source Server protected again and restart billing for it. |
StartSourceNetworkRecoveryCommand | Deploy VPC for the specified Source Network and modify launch templates to use this network. The VPC will be deployed using a dedicated CloudFormation stack. |
StartSourceNetworkReplicationCommand | Starts replication for a Source Network. This action would make the Source Network protected. |
StopFailbackCommand | Stops the failback process for a specified Recovery Instance. This changes the Failback State of the Recovery Instance back to FAILBACK_NOT_STARTED. |
StopReplicationCommand | Stops replication for a Source Server. This action would make the Source Server unprotected, delete its existing snapshots and stop billing for it. |
StopSourceNetworkReplicationCommand | Stops replication for a Source Network. This action would make the Source Network unprotected. |
TagResourceCommand | Adds or overwrites only the specified tags for the specified Elastic Disaster Recovery resource or resources. When you specify an existing tag key, the value is overwritten with the new value. Each resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. Each tag consists of a key and optional value. |
TerminateRecoveryInstancesCommand | Initiates a Job for terminating the EC2 resources associated with the specified Recovery Instances, and then will delete the Recovery Instances from the Elastic Disaster Recovery service. |
UntagResourceCommand | Deletes the specified set of tags from the specified set of Elastic Disaster Recovery resources. |
UpdateFailbackReplicationConfigurationCommand | Allows you to update the failback replication configuration of a Recovery Instance by ID. |
UpdateLaunchConfigurationCommand | Updates a LaunchConfiguration by Source Server ID. |
UpdateLaunchConfigurationTemplateCommand | Updates an existing Launch Configuration Template by ID. |
UpdateReplicationConfigurationCommand | Allows you to update a ReplicationConfiguration by Source Server ID. |
UpdateReplicationConfigurationTemplateCommand | Updates a ReplicationConfigurationTemplate by ID. |
DrsClient Configuration
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
defaultsMode Optional | DefaultsMode | Provider<DefaultsMode> | The @smithy/smithy-client#DefaultsMode that will be used to determine how certain default configuration options are resolved in the SDK. |
disableHostPrefix Optional | boolean | Disable dynamically changing the endpoint of the client based on the hostPrefix trait of an operation. |
extensions Optional | RuntimeExtension[] | Optional extensions |
logger Optional | Logger | Optional logger for logging debug/info/warn/error. |
maxAttempts Optional | number | Provider<number> | Value for how many times a request will be made at most in case of retry. |
profile Optional | string | Setting a client profile is similar to setting a value for the AWS_PROFILE environment variable. Setting a profile on a client in code only affects the single client instance, unlike AWS_PROFILE.When set, and only for environments where an AWS configuration file exists, fields configurable by this file will be retrieved from the specified profile within that file. Conflicting code configuration and environment variables will still have higher priority.For client credential resolution that involves checking the AWS configuration file, the client's profile (this value) will be used unless a different profile is set in the credential provider options. |
region Optional | string | Provider<string> | The AWS region to which this client will send requests |
requestHandler Optional | __HttpHandlerUserInput | The HTTP handler to use or its constructor options. Fetch in browser and Https in Nodejs. |
retryMode Optional | string | Provider<string> | Specifies which retry algorithm to use. |
useDualstackEndpoint Optional | boolean | Provider<boolean> | Enables IPv6/IPv4 dualstack endpoint. |
useFipsEndpoint Optional | boolean | Provider<boolean> | Enables FIPS compatible endpoints. |
Additional config fields are described in the full configuration type: DrsClientConfig