

npm install @aws-sdk/xhr-http-handler
yarn add @aws-sdk/xhr-http-handler
pnpm add @aws-sdk/xhr-http-handler

This HttpHandler is based on XMLHttpRequest and can be substituted if requiring a specific use case not covered by fetch.

Warning :warning:

The recommended HttpHandler for browser-like environments is @smithy/fetch-http-handler, which is the default. This alternative has only been tested against S3 in browsers.


The following global-scope implementations are accessed by this package:

  • XMLHttpRequest
  • TextEncoder
  • TransformStream
  • Blob

You will have to supply polyfills, for example for TextEncoder and TransformStream, for environments that do not implement them natively.

Use case: XMLHttpRequest upload progress events

Use the Upload class from the @aws-sdk/lib-storage package as normal, except supplying a different HttpHandler when creating the S3Client or S3 object(s).

See also: lib-storage/README.md .

import { XhrHttpHandler } from "@aws-sdk/xhr-http-handler";
import { S3Client } from "@aws-sdk/client-s3";
import { Upload } from "@aws-sdk/lib-storage";

const client = new S3Client({
  requestHandler: new XhrHttpHandler({}), // overrides default FetchHttpHandler in browsers.

const upload = new Upload({
  params: {
    /* ... */

upload.on("httpUploadProgress", (progress) => {
  // Note, this event will be emitted much more frequently when using the XhrHttpHandler.
  // Your application should be ready to throttle the event listener if it is
  // computationally expensive.

  // The default FetchHttpHandler only emits this event upon the completion of each
  // part, a minimum of 5 MB. Using XHR will emit this event continuously, including
  // for files smaller than the chunk size, which use single-part upload.

    progress.loaded, // Bytes uploaded so far.
    progress.total // Total bytes. Divide these two for progress percentage.

const completeMultiPartUpload = await upload.done();

Use case: XMLHttpRequest download progress and other events

XhrHttpHandler extends EventEmitter.

Download progress
import { XhrHttpHandler } from "@aws-sdk/xhr-http-handler";
import { S3Client, GetObjectCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-s3";

const handler = new XhrHttpHandler({});

handler.on(XhrHttpHandler.EVENTS.PROGRESS, (progress, request) => {
  if (progress.lengthComputable) {
      progress.loaded, // bytes
      progress.total // bytes
      request // contains the request information to differentiate
      // requests from the same handler.

const client = new S3Client({
  requestHandler: handler,

await client.send(new GetObjectCommand(/*...*/));
Accessing the XMLHttpRequest object.

You can access the XMLHttpRequest object to inspect it or to attach addiional event listeners.

import { XhrHttpHandler } from "@aws-sdk/xhr-http-handler";
import { S3Client, GetObjectCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-s3";

const handler = new XhrHttpHandler({});

handler.on(XhrHttpHandler.EVENTS.XHR_INSTANTIATED, (xhr) => {
  // a new XMLHttpRequest is created for each command sent.
  // this is immediately after instantiation.

handler.on(XhrHttpHandler.EVENTS.BEFORE_XHR_SEND, (xhr) => {
  // a new XMLHttpRequest is created for each command sent.
  // this is immediately before calling `xhr.send(body)`.

const client = new S3Client({
  requestHandler: handler,

await client.send(new GetObjectCommand(/*...*/));

You can check the source .ts file or published .d.ts file for the full list of events, or inspect the XhrHttpHandler.EVENTS object at runtime.
