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CreateHostedZoneCommandInput Interface
Name | Type | Details |
CallerReference Required | string | undefined | A unique string that identifies the request and that allows failed |
Name Required | string | undefined | The name of the domain. Specify a fully qualified domain name, for example, www.example.com. The trailing dot is optional; Amazon Route 53 assumes that the domain name is fully qualified. This means that Route 53 treats www.example.com (without a trailing dot) and www.example.com. (with a trailing dot) as identical. If you're creating a public hosted zone, this is the name you have registered with your DNS registrar. If your domain name is registered with a registrar other than Route 53, change the name servers for your domain to the set of |
DelegationSetId | string | undefined | If you want to associate a reusable delegation set with this hosted zone, the ID that Amazon Route 53 assigned to the reusable delegation set when you created it. For more information about reusable delegation sets, see CreateReusableDelegationSet . If you are using a reusable delegation set to create a public hosted zone for a subdomain, make sure that the parent hosted zone doesn't use one or more of the same name servers. If you have overlapping nameservers, the operation will cause a |
HostedZoneConfig | HostedZoneConfig | undefined | (Optional) A complex type that contains the following optional values:
If you don't specify a comment or the |
VPC | VPC | undefined | (Private hosted zones only) A complex type that contains information about the Amazon VPC that you're associating with this hosted zone. You can specify only one Amazon VPC when you create a private hosted zone. If you are associating a VPC with a hosted zone with this request, the paramaters To associate additional Amazon VPCs with the hosted zone, use AssociateVPCWithHostedZone after you create a hosted zone. |
Full Signature
export interface CreateHostedZoneCommandInput extends CreateHostedZoneRequest