Using Batch Operations to enable S3 Bucket Keys for SSE-KMS - Amazon Simple Storage Service

Using Batch Operations to enable S3 Bucket Keys for SSE-KMS

S3 Bucket Keys reduce the cost of server-side encryption with AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) (SSE-KMS) by decreasing request traffic from Amazon S3 to AWS KMS. For more information, see Reducing the cost of SSE-KMS with Amazon S3 Bucket Keys and Configuring your bucket to use an S3 Bucket Key with SSE-KMS for new objects. When you perform a CopyObject operation by using the REST API, AWS SDKs, or AWS CLI, you can enable or disable an S3 Bucket Key at the object level by adding the x-amz-server-side-encryption-bucket-key-enabled request header with a true or false value.

When you configure an S3 Bucket Key for an object by using a CopyObject operation, Amazon S3 updates only the settings for that object. The S3 Bucket Key settings for the destination bucket don't change. If you submit a CopyObject request for an AWS KMS encrypted object to a bucket that has S3 Bucket Keys enabled, your object level operation will automatically use S3 Bucket Keys unless you disable the keys in the request header. If you don't specify an S3 Bucket Key for your object, Amazon S3 applies the S3 Bucket Key settings for the destination bucket to the object.

To encrypt your existing Amazon S3 objects, you can use S3 Batch Operations. You can use the Batch Operations Copy operation to copy existing unencrypted objects and write them back to the same bucket as encrypted objects. For more information, see Encrypting objects with Amazon S3 Batch Operations on the AWS Storage Blog.

In the following example, you use the Batch Operations Copy operation to enable S3 Bucket Keys on existing objects. For more information, see Configuring an S3 Bucket Key at the object level .

Considerations for using S3 Batch Operations to encrypt objects with S3 Bucket Keys enabled

Consider the following issues when you use S3 Batch Operations to encrypt objects with S3 Bucket Keys enabled:

  • You will be charged for S3 Batch Operations jobs, objects, and requests in addition to any charges associated with the operation that S3 Batch Operations performs on your behalf, including data transfers, requests, and other charges. For more information, see Amazon S3 pricing.

  • If you use a versioned bucket, each S3 Batch Operations job performed creates new encrypted versions of your objects. It also maintains the previous versions without an S3 Bucket Key configured. To delete the old versions, set up an S3 Lifecycle expiration policy for noncurrent versions as described in Lifecycle configuration elements.

  • The copy operation creates new objects with new creation dates, which can affect lifecycle actions like archiving. If you copy all objects in your bucket, all the new copies have identical or similar creation dates. To further identify these objects and create different lifecycle rules for various data subsets, consider using object tags.


Before you configure your objects to use an S3 Bucket Key, review Changes to note before enabling an S3 Bucket Key.

To use this example, you must have an AWS account and at least one S3 bucket to hold your working files and encrypted results. You might also find much of the existing S3 Batch Operations documentation useful, including the following topics:

Step 1: Get your list of objects using Amazon S3 Inventory

To get started, identify the S3 bucket that contains the objects to encrypt, and get a list of its contents. An Amazon S3 Inventory report is the most convenient and affordable way to do this. The report provides the list of the objects in a bucket along with their associated metadata. In this step, the source bucket is the inventoried bucket, and the destination bucket is the bucket where you store the inventory report file. For more information about Amazon S3 Inventory source and destination buckets, see Cataloging and analyzing your data with S3 Inventory.

The easiest way to set up an inventory is by using the AWS Management Console. But you can also use the REST API, AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or AWS SDKs. Before following these steps, be sure to sign in to the console and open the Amazon S3 console at If you encounter permission denied errors, add a bucket policy to your destination bucket. For more information, see Grant permissions for S3 Inventory and S3 analytics.

To get a list of objects using S3 Inventory
  1. Open the Amazon S3 console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Buckets, and choose a bucket that contains objects to encrypt.

  3. On the Management tab, navigate to the Inventory configurations section, and choose Create inventory configuration.

  4. Give your new inventory a name, enter the name of the destination S3 bucket, and optionally create a destination prefix for Amazon S3 to assign objects in that bucket.

  5. For Output format, choose CSV.

  6. (Optional) In the Additional fields – optional section, choose Encryption and any other report fields that interest you. Set the frequency for report deliveries to Daily so that the first report is delivered to your bucket sooner.

  7. Choose Create to save your configuration.

Amazon S3 can take up to 48 hours to deliver the first report, so check back when the first report arrives. After you receive your first report, proceed to the next step to filter your S3 Inventory report's contents. If you no longer want to receive inventory reports for this bucket, delete your S3 Inventory configuration. Otherwise, Amazon S3 continues to deliver reports on a daily or weekly schedule.

An inventory list isn't a single point-in-time view of all objects. Inventory lists are a rolling snapshot of bucket items, which are eventually consistent (for example, the list might not include recently added or deleted objects). Combining S3 Inventory and S3 Batch Operations works best when you work with static objects, or with an object set that you created two or more days ago. To work with more recent data, use the ListObjectsV2 (GET bucket) API operation to build your list of objects manually. If needed, repeat the process for the next few days or until your inventory report shows the desired status for all objects.

Step 2: Filter your object list with S3 Select

After you receive your S3 Inventory report, you can filter the report’s contents to list only the objects that aren't encrypted with S3 Bucket Keys enabled. If you want all your bucket’s objects encrypted with S3 Bucket Keys enabled, you can ignore this step. However, filtering your S3 Inventory report at this stage saves you the time and expense of re-encrypting objects that you previously encrypted with S3 Bucket Keys enabled.

Although the following steps show how to filter by using Amazon S3 Select, you can also use Amazon Athena. To decide which tool to use, look at your S3 Inventory report’s manifest.json file. This file lists the number of data files that are associated with that report. If the number is large, use Amazon Athena because it runs across multiple S3 objects, whereas S3 Select works on one object at a time. For more information about using Amazon S3 and Athena together, see Querying Amazon S3 Inventory with Amazon Athena and "Using Athena" in the AWS Storage Blog post Encrypting objects with Amazon S3 Batch Operations.

To filter your S3 Inventory report by using S3 Select
  1. Open the manifest.json file from your inventory report and look at the fileSchema section of the JSON. This informs the query that you run on the data.

    The following JSON is an example manifest.json file for a CSV-formatted inventory on a bucket with versioning enabled. Depending on how you configured your inventory report, your manifest might look different.

    { "sourceBucket": "batchoperationsdemo", "destinationBucket": "arn:aws:s3:::amzn-s3-demo-destination-bucket", "version": "2021-05-22", "creationTimestamp": "1558656000000", "fileFormat": "CSV", "fileSchema": "Bucket, Key, VersionId, IsLatest, IsDeleteMarker, BucketKeyStatus", "files": [ { "key": "demoinv/batchoperationsdemo/DemoInventory/data/009a40e4-f053-4c16-8c75-6100f8892202.csv.gz", "size": 72691, "MD5checksum": "c24c831717a099f0ebe4a9d1c5d3935c" } ] }

    If versioning isn't activated on the bucket, or if you choose to run the report for the latest versions, the fileSchema is Bucket, Key, and BucketKeyStatus.

    If versioning is activated, depending on how you set up the inventory report, the fileSchema might include the following: Bucket, Key, VersionId, IsLatest, IsDeleteMarker, BucketKeyStatus. So pay attention to columns 1, 2, 3, and 6 when you run your query.

    S3 Batch Operations needs the bucket, key, and version ID as inputs to perform the job, in addition to the field to search by, which is BucketKeyStatus. You don't need the VersionID field, but it helps to specify the VersionID field when you operate on a versioned bucket. For more information, see Working with objects in a versioning-enabled bucket.

  2. Locate the data files for the inventory report. The manifest.json object lists the data files under files.

  3. After you locate and select the data file in the S3 console, choose Actions, and then choose Query with S3 Select.

  4. Keep the preset CSV, Comma, and GZIP fields selected, and choose Next.

  5. To review your inventory report’s format before proceeding, choose Show file preview.

  6. Enter the columns to reference in the SQL expression field, and choose Run SQL. The following expression returns columns 1–3 for all objects without an S3 Bucket Key configured.

    select s._1, s._2, s._3 from s3object s where s._6 = 'DISABLED'

    The following are example results.

    batchoperationsdemo,0100059%7Ethumb.jpg,lsrtIxksLu0R0ZkYPL.LhgD5caTYn6vu batchoperationsdemo,0100074%7Ethumb.jpg,sd2M60g6Fdazoi6D5kNARIE7KzUibmHR batchoperationsdemo,0100075%7Ethumb.jpg,TLYESLnl1mXD5c4BwiOIinqFrktddkoL batchoperationsdemo,0200147%7Ethumb.jpg,amufzfMi_fEw0Rs99rxR_HrDFlE.l3Y0 batchoperationsdemo,0301420%7Ethumb.jpg,9qGU2SEscL.C.c_sK89trmXYIwooABSh batchoperationsdemo,0401524%7Ethumb.jpg,ORnEWNuB1QhHrrYAGFsZhbyvEYJ3DUor batchoperationsdemo,200907200065HQ%7Ethumb.jpg,d8LgvIVjbDR5mUVwW6pu9ahTfReyn5V4 batchoperationsdemo,200907200076HQ%7Ethumb.jpg,XUT25d7.gK40u_GmnupdaZg3BVx2jN40 batchoperationsdemo,201103190002HQ%7Ethumb.jpg,z.2sVRh0myqVi0BuIrngWlsRPQdb7qOS
  7. Download the results, save them into a CSV format, and upload them to Amazon S3 as your list of objects for the S3 Batch Operations job.

  8. If you have multiple manifest files, run Query with S3 Select on those also. Depending on the size of the results, you could combine the lists and run a single S3 Batch Operations job or run each list as a separate job. To decide number of jobs to run, consider the price of running each S3 Batch Operations job.

Step 3: Set up and run your S3 Batch Operations job

Now that you have your filtered CSV lists of S3 objects, you can begin the S3 Batch Operations job to encrypt the objects with S3 Bucket Keys enabled.

A job refers collectively to the list (manifest) of objects provided, the operation performed, and the specified parameters. The easiest way to encrypt this set of objects with S3 Bucket Keys enabled is by using the Copy operation and specifying the same destination prefix as the objects listed in the manifest. In an unversioned bucket, this operation overwrites the existing objects. In a bucket with versioning turned on, this operation creates a newer, encrypted version of the objects.

As part of copying the objects, specify that Amazon S3 should encrypt the objects with SSE-KMS encryption. This job copies the objects, so all of your objects will show an updated creation date upon completion, regardless of when you originally added them to Amazon S3. Also specify the other properties for your set of objects as part of the S3 Batch Operations job, including object tags and storage class.

Set up your IAM policy

  1. Open the IAM console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Policy, and then choose Create policy.

  3. Choose the JSON tab. Choose Edit policy and add the example IAM policy that appears in the following code block.

    After copying the policy example into your IAM Console, replace the following:

    1. Replace amzn-s3-demo-source-bucket with the name of your source bucket to copy objects from.

    2. Replace amzn-s3-demo-destination-bucket with the name of your destination bucket to copy objects to.

    3. Replace amzn-s3-demo-manifest-bucket/manifest-key with the name of your manifest object.

    4. Replace amzn-s3-demo-completion-report-bucket with the name of the bucket where you want to save your completion reports.

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "CopyObjectsToEncrypt", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:PutObject", "s3:PutObjectTagging", "s3:PutObjectAcl", "s3:PutObjectVersionTagging", "s3:PutObjectVersionAcl", "s3:GetObject", "s3:GetObjectAcl", "s3:GetObjectTagging", "s3:GetObjectVersion", "s3:GetObjectVersionAcl", "s3:GetObjectVersionTagging" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::amzn-s3-demo-source-bucket/*", "arn:aws:s3:::amzn-s3-demo-destination-bucket/*" ] }, { "Sid": "ReadManifest", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:GetObject", "s3:GetObjectVersion" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::amzn-s3-demo-manifest-bucket/manifest-key" }, { "Sid": "WriteReport", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:PutObject" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::amzn-s3-demo-completion-report-bucket/*" } ] }
  4. Choose Next: Tags.

  5. Add any tags that you want (optional), and choose Next: Review.

  6. Add a policy name, optionally add a description, and choose Create policy.

  7. Choose Review policy and Save changes.

  8. With your S3 Batch Operations policy now complete, the console returns you to the IAM Policies page. Filter on the policy name, choose the button to the left of the policy name, choose Policy actions, and choose Attach.

    To attach the newly created policy to an IAM role, select the appropriate users, groups, or roles in your account and choose Attach policy. This takes you back to the IAM console.

Set up your Batch Operations IAM role

  1. On the IAM Console, in the navigation pane, choose Roles, and then choose Create role.

  2. Choose AWS service, S3, and S3 Batch Operations. Then choose Next: Permissions.

  3. Start entering the name of the IAM policy that you just created. Select the check box by the policy name when it appears, and choose Next: Tags.

  4. (Optional) Add tags or keep the key and value fields blank for this exercise. Choose Next: Review.

  5. Enter a role name, and accept the default description or add your own. Choose Create role.

  6. Ensure that the user creating the job has the permissions in the following example.

    Replace account-id with your AWS account ID and IAM-role-name with the name that you plan to apply to the IAM role that you will create in the Batch Operations job creation step later. For more information, see Granting permissions for Batch Operations.

    { "Sid": "AddIamPermissions", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "iam:GetRole", "iam:PassRole" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/IAM-role-name" }

Enable S3 Bucket Keys for an existing bucket

  1. Open the Amazon S3 console at

  2. In the Buckets list, choose the bucket that you want to turn on an S3 Bucket Key for.

  3. Choose Properties.

  4. Under Default encryption, choose Edit.

  5. Under Encryption type, you can choose between Amazon S3 managed keys (SSE-S3) and AWS Key Management Service key (SSE-KMS).

  6. If you chose AWS Key Management Service key (SSE-KMS), under AWS KMS key, you can specify the AWS KMS key through one of the following options.

    • To choose from a list of available KMS keys, choose Choose from your AWS KMS keys. From the list of available keys, choose a symmetric encryption KMS key in the same Region as your bucket. Both the AWS managed key (aws/s3) and your customer managed keys appear in the list.

    • To enter the KMS key ARN, choose Enter AWS KMS key ARN, and then enter your KMS key ARN in the field that appears.

    • To create a new customer managed key in the AWS KMS console, choose Create a KMS key.

  7. Under Bucket Key, choose Enable, and then choose Save changes.

Now that an S3 Bucket Key is enabled at the bucket level, objects that are uploaded, modified, or copied into this bucket will inherit this encryption configuration by default. This includes objects that are copied by using Amazon S3 Batch Operations.

Create your Batch Operations job

  1. Open the Amazon S3 console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Batch Operations, and then choose Create Job.

  3. Choose the Region where you store your objects, and choose CSV as the manifest type.

  4. Enter the path or navigate to the CSV manifest file that you created earlier from S3 Select (or Athena) results. If your manifest contains version IDs, select that box. Choose Next.

  5. Choose the Copy operation, and choose the copy destination bucket. You can keep server-side encryption disabled. As long as the bucket destination has S3 Bucket Keys enabled, the copy operation applies S3 Bucket Keys at the destination bucket.

  6. (Optional) Choose a storage class and the other parameters as desired. The parameters that you specify in this step apply to all operations performed on the objects that are listed in the manifest. Choose Next.

  7. To configure server-side encryption, follow these steps:

    1. Under Server-side encryption, choose one of the following:

      • To keep the bucket settings for default server-side encryption of objects when storing them in Amazon S3, choose Do not specify an encryption key. As long as the bucket destination has S3 Bucket Keys enabled, the copy operation applies an S3 Bucket Key at the destination bucket.


        If the bucket policy for the specified destination requires objects to be encrypted before storing them in Amazon S3, you must specify an encryption key. Otherwise, copying objects to the destination will fail.

      • To encrypt objects before storing them in Amazon S3, choose Specify an encryption key.

    2. Under Encryption settings, if you choose Specify an encryption key, you must choose either Use destination bucket settings for default encryption or Override destination bucket settings for default encryption.

    3. If you choose Override destination bucket settings for default encryption, you must configure the following encryption settings.

      1. Under Encryption type, you must choose either Amazon S3 managed keys (SSE-S3) or AWS Key Management Service key (SSE-KMS). SSE-S3 uses one of the strongest block ciphers—256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-256) to encrypt each object. SSE-KMS provides you with more control over your key. For more information, see Using server-side encryption with Amazon S3 managed keys (SSE-S3) and Using server-side encryption with AWS KMS keys (SSE-KMS).

      2. If you choose AWS Key Management Service key (SSE-KMS), under AWS KMS key, you can specify your AWS KMS key through one of the following options.

        • To choose from a list of available KMS keys, choose Choose from your AWS KMS keys, and then choose a symmetric encryption KMS key in the same Region as your bucket. Both the AWS managed key (aws/s3) and your customer managed keys appear in the list.

        • To enter the KMS key ARN, choose Enter AWS KMS key ARN, and enter your KMS key ARN in the field that appears.

        • To create a new customer managed key in the AWS KMS console, choose Create a KMS key.

      3. Under Bucket Key, choose Enable. The copy operation applies an S3 Bucket Key at the destination bucket.

  8. Give your job a description (or keep the default), set its priority level, choose a report type, and specify the Path to completion report destination.

  9. In the Permissions section, be sure to choose the Batch Operations IAM role that you defined earlier. Choose Next.

  10. Under Review, verify the settings. If you want to make changes, choose Previous. After confirming the Batch Operations settings, choose Create job.

    For more information, see Creating an S3 Batch Operations job.

Run your Batch Operations job

The setup wizard automatically returns you to the S3 Batch Operations section of the Amazon S3 console. Your new job transitions from the New state to the Preparing state as S3 begins the process. During the Preparing state, S3 reads the job’s manifest, checks it for errors, and calculates the number of objects.

  1. Choose the refresh button in the Amazon S3 console to check progress. Depending on the size of the manifest, reading can take minutes or hours.

  2. After S3 finishes reading the job’s manifest, the job moves to the Awaiting your confirmation state. Choose the option button to the left of the Job ID, and choose Run job.

  3. Check the settings for the job, and choose Run job in the bottom-right corner.

    After the job begins running, you can choose the refresh button to check progress through the console dashboard view or by selecting the specific job.

  4. When the job is complete, you can view the Successful and Failed object counts to confirm that everything performed as expected. If you enabled job reports, check your job report for the exact cause of any failed operations.

    You can also perform these steps by using the AWS CLI, AWS SDKs, or Amazon S3 REST API. For more information about tracking job status and completion reports, see Tracking job status and completion reports.