Using Amazon VPC with Amazon Q Business connectors - Amazon Q Business

Using Amazon VPC with Amazon Q Business connectors

Amazon Q Business can connect to a virtual private cloud (VPC) that you created with Amazon Virtual Private Cloud to index content stored in data sources running in your private cloud. When you create a data source connector, you can provide security group and subnet identifiers for the subnet that contains your data source. With this information, Amazon Q Business creates an elastic network interface that it uses to securely communicate with your data source within your VPC.

To set up an Amazon Q Business data source connector with Amazon VPC, you can use either the AWS Management Console or the CreateDataSource API operation. If you use the console, you connect a VPC during the connector configuration process.


The Amazon VPC feature is optional when setting up an Amazon Q Business data source connector. If your data source is accessible from the public internet, you don't need to enable the Amazon VPC feature. Not all Amazon Q Business data source connectors support Amazon VPC.

If your data source isn't running on Amazon VPC and isn't accessible from the public internet, you first connect your data source to your VPC using a virtual private network (VPN). Then, you can connect your data source to Amazon Q Business by using a combination of Amazon VPC and AWS Virtual Private Network. For information about setting up a VPN, see the AWS VPN documentation.